Wednesday, January 11, 2012

You Dare, Newt!

From high atop the Stoa this day, I take umbrage with many of the GOP candidates.

First, is Mr. Newt Gingrich. I heard Mr. Gingrich say one of the MOST idiotic things to come from a "conservative" in a very long time. He described Mr. Romney's actions while working a firm 18 years ago as "Looting". In the 1980's they were called "Corporate Raiders" and they performed and still DO perform a vital service in a Free Market economy.

Now, people tell me over and over that Newt is sooooo smart and all, but to say that Mitt "looted" businesses in the name of profit tells me that he is either grandstanding for a Populist stump or he is ignorant of Free Market practices.

Let me be very simple here for everyone, in case you forgot what has made this country great, well from 1787 to about the 1980's.

Mitt was a businessman and not a politician. Therefore the only people he had to please were his Board of Directors and his Shareholders. You know, Shareholders. They are the ones that put their money into a company in the hopes that they will make AS MUCH PROFIT as possible on that money. The money they invest in a company provide needed capital to purchase equipment and hire labor. If Mitts job was to "acquire" other companies for their portfolio then I'd expect him to acquire them for one of several reasons: a) that company provides a service for cheaper than it could cost the parent company to develop...and make a profit. b) that company is a competitor and it would be cheaper to acquire then to compete. c) that company possesses patents and intellectual property that the parent company needs to develop new products or services. OR d) the company is all of the above and is "excess" capacity in the market place. Purchasing the assets and then breaking up the company, i.e. LOOTING, will bring in revenue, eliminate competition, and bring in valuable talent and patents.

It is the most efficient use of the national labor pool by ensuring that talent has the ability to go where it will be put to best use. Material resources will be put to the most efficient use as well. This is Economics 101 here folks.

There is nothing at all wrong with what Mitt did there. The strong survive and the weak perish. Period. Those employees who have lost their jobs may find new work in the parent company, they may find new work in other entities within their field, or they may retire. It is also possible that they will retrain into a more useful job field. Heck, they may even take this as a sign to become their own BOSS and perhaps get bought out by someone else and make a ton of money.

It is all good in the end. Life is not easy and life does not come with guarantees. Get used to it.

Newt, for as smart as you are I can not condone the idea that government, in ANY WAY can set the profit goals for any Private Industry. Period. The government has other things to worry about then how much money someone makes or how much profit a company makes. For the love of all that is Holy, can you see that, Newt!

Be at least a little conservative will ya? Step away from Mr. Obama...I want to see some daylight between your position and his, got it?

I'm certainly not a Romney fan. He has MANY flaws that make him rotten fruit for me. However, in this case, Newt needs to get a clue and remember what made this country great. It certainly was not measured by some pinhead in D.C.

Live well.


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