Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The Center can not hold

Upon the Stoa this day I feel the need to chat with the students for a moment. No particular reason only that a thought needs to be allowed out to germinate.

This country has been blessed in times past in our moments of need. At those times, a leader was always there to step forward and assume responsibility for guiding this country through its dark moments.

Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Lincoln, Coolidge, Harding, Nixon, Reagan, and "W" Bush. Some were unsung heroes that I hope will get their recognition, others had their heads carved on a mountain.

Today, we have a President who actively hates this country. We have a majority leader in the Senate that only seeks to enrich himself and his cronies, and we have a Speaker of the House that has a hard time staying Conservative. The Judicial has been packed by Liberals, and the Supreme Court has been compromised. We have an electorate that is both polarized and blasé.

We have a swelling underclass that is more and more dependent on handouts from the Government and the DNC. That never ends well. Remember "Breads and Circuses" in Rome?

Dark times with little to hope for. The Tea Party is being snapped in line with the "Moderate" wing of the RINO-GOP Party.

What is there to hope for?

You can't begin climbing until you hit bottom.

I hate to think that we have to have this happen, but until we live through the misery that 100 years of Progressive irresponsibility has wrought upon our beloved Republic can we truly appreciate what an uninformed, un-spiritual population does to a Republic can we learn the lesson.

We can either learn and grow, or take a new path and become something fundamentally different. Good or bad don't really enter into it. We will simply be different.

If we take the easy way out, then the great American experiment will really be dead. You can carve 1205-2012 on the tombstone, though I feel that future historians will have a better grasp on when the Republic really died. Remember that for a century or so after Caesar the population of Rome didn't really notice that their Republic was gone and replaced with the Empire.

Is Mitt our man? No. Is Ron Paul? Not hardly. Does anyone in the GOP field stand out? Santorum? Possibly. I'm not feeling it, though.

It will be interesting to see how things play out. Progressivism has a lot of momentum. That momentum has been building since Teddy Roosevelt and with only a few exceptions in the last 110 years has it been on cruise control. It will be difficult to slow that beast down and halt its damage.

Live well.


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