Monday, January 2, 2012

WWII, the Bar Room Brawl

Upon the Stoa this night, it is New Year's Eve. According to the Western calendar, at least. 2011 has been a year of transition and change. The world is beginning to get itself into position for reordering.

The years 2008 through 2011 will be looked at just as the years 1929-1933 were looked at. Years just prior to the last great reordering of our world. It would take longer than I have patience to describe what is coming. It would also be too complex to tell easily. However, my daughter and I have developed a pictorial way of describing history.

Particularly amusing is rendering WWII by describing them as individuals in a bar. I'll do my best to replicate the story here as my daughter and I do these discussions as thought experiments to better break down history to make more understandable and fun for others.

Anyhow, here is WWII as described as if it were a barroom brawl.

This bar is a big bar. All the countries if the world are represented here. Well, the countries as they were constituted in 1938.

In the center of the bar we see Germany, counting out fat wads of bills and stacks of coin. France and Great Britain sit across from him, waving the money back in their direction. Germany gets more and more irritated as they pay off the war debt from WWI.

The Soviet Union, battered and bandaged from transforming itself from Russia into its current shape, sits alone in the corner of the bar, keeping everyone out with snarls and mean stares.

The Spanish brothers are in another corner, kicking the crap out of each other. Every so often, Germany slips empty bottles and a shivs to one of the brothers.

Sometimes, when France and Great Britain aren't looking Germany sneaks over to Russia to talk about new weapons and industries.

Germany continued milling about the bar, telling Austria that they need to join up with him. He got pushy with Czechoslovakia as well, telling them that Germany needed repayment for losses suffered by them in the last war.

The Czechoslovaks, with a wink and a nod from France and Great Britain, tell Germany to get stuffed. Before long, Germany has the Czechs in a headlock and glares at his little brother, Slovakia, showing what he will do to him if he is screwed with.

Before long, Hungary, Finland, and Japan, line up with the Germans, thinking that they can have the run of the bar if they teamed up. Italy, its finger caught in the teeth of a small African country named Ethiopia, begged Germany for some assistance, which was promptly granted.

With Germany's backing, Japan began to line up the folks in their corner of the bar. China was quietly dragged screaming into the bathroom and mugged repeatedly.

The United States was sitting quietly in its own corner of the bar, doing its best not to notice what was going on in Europe and Asia.

Eventually, Germany began to push Poland around. A proud man, Poland looked over Germany's shoulder at Great Britain and France for help. Again, a wink and a nod made Poland feel better, though the bloodied and tooth-gapped Czech gently swung his head from side to side, ever so slightly. Poland looked over at the Soviet Union, never a friend of Poland, who surprisingly gave them a wink and a nod of support.

So, Poland spits water in Germany's face and tells him to buzz off.

Germany slowly wiped off the water and in very short order leapt spread Eagled upon the screaming Pole. Great Britain and France stood to the side going, "Hey!" Which was about all they did when the Soviet Union suddenly joined in on the Mother of all Ass-Beatings.

In short order, Poland, now de-panted, coatless and shoeless lied at the foot of Germany's bar stool while the Soviets counted the money left in the wallet.

France and Great Britain were outraged, yet did very little, other than prepare to defend themselves from a clearly psychopathic Germany, who had recently flipped France the bird when asked for another debt payment.

Instead Germany puffed out its chest, glaring at the rest of the world telling them that their asses would be alphabetical order.

The United States finally took an interest, though it was definitely of two minds on the situation. Finishing its beer, the US moved to a table closer to Great Britain to keep a closer eye on things.

For quite a while, Germany strutted up and down the bar, snarling and threatening, pointing and cursing. However, it did not seem like he had the stomach to take on the entire bar. Every so often, a high pitched cry for help came from the men's room as China continued to get mugged.

Even as Germany looked to be all hot air and no teeth, the US was slipping money and a set of brass knuckles over to the Brits. The US looked at the situation with growing concern, though he still had no real interest in getting involved.

When Germany struck, they struck quickly, just as he did with Poland. France, certain that Germany was full of manure, sat down to a leisurely meal of cheese and wine.

While France tipped back a glass of Chardonnay, a hand struck out and grabbed France by their greasy locks of hair, and yanked them straight to the floor. Nazi jack-boots immediately began to stamp down repeatedly. The fight with the Polish lasted longer. It was not long at all before France gave up the fight.

Great Britain was shocked and turned to speak to the US, who suddenly got interested in the stew they were eating and acted like they couldn't hear them.

Italy, eager to show how good a partner to Germany they were, kicked over the North African table and began to throw wild punches. Germany quickly dispatched Greece and the Scandinavian brothers.

The Spanish brothers were too engrossed in their own fights to pay much attention.

The Soviet Union simply remained in their corner, counting out the money taken from the Polish wallet.

Great Britain began to jab at Germany while Germany began to knock out English teeth.

As Germany continued to kick the crap out of Europe, Japan now began to assault Southeast Asia, Korea, and the other nations in the Pacific.

Before long, the Soviets, deep in their own schemes, took a beer stein to the side of the head. Still not seemingly aware of the attack, he spits out a tooth and takes a pool cue to the gut. In a blink, a flurry of boots and fists rained down on the dumbfounded Soviets.

After a lot of blood had been shed by Great Britain and the Soviet Union,the US had had enough of it and began to walk over in England's general direction.

Italy, the hapless sibling, was going down under a pile of African opponents and forced Germany to come over and help him out.

The US walked over with his arms out asking for calm and peace. Germany threw down a beaten and battered Morocco and spit on the floor in front of the US. Seemly composed of limitless energy and psychosis, Germany panted, spread his arms and legs and bellowed, "Kompt!"

The US, trying to strike a conciliatory tone, attempted to discuss the situation with Germany.

Before the US could get all the way over towards the rabid Teuton, Japan rabbit punched him in the back of the head. Finally furious, the US shot an arm behind them and throttled Japan by the neck. Germany shot out and began to pummel the US even as the US swung a squirming and windmilling Japan around and began to batter his head repeatedly upon the bar.

Great Britain, newly energized, piled onto Germany's back. The US slammed into Germany even with a screeching Japan in tow.

For several long minutes, Britain, the US, and a newly energized and supported Soviet Union traded punches, blood, and teeth with Germany and Italy.

Italy, taking a punch to the nose, fell on its behind and asked the US if they could join their team. Before the sentence was out, Germany began stamping on Italy.

With enemies all around, Germany was finally pummeled to the floor. The Soviets, Great Britain, and France were beaten badly by Germany, but remained on their feet.

The US finally turned his full attention upon Japan and ordered him to surrender, even as a raw squid was flung in his face.

A mighty blow to the face knocked them through the wall and out onto the pavement. The US stepped up to him, glass crunching underfoot, and demanded that he give up the fight. Again, Japan refused, kicking at the US's kneecaps.

Another crash and Japan landed back in the bar, feet and back up against a wall, head on the floor. Finally a white flag began to come out of a pocket.

The Soviet Union, anxious for more money and land, riffled Japan's pockets and stole a chain of northern Islands; telling the US that they were in the fight against Japan the whole time, in spirit if not in deeds.

You would think that the bar would quiet down after this massive fight, but even as the US was picking up its partners and dusting them off, the Soviets began to drag others over to their side of the bar, snarling and daring the US to deny it the compensation due for all the blood and teeth left on the floor.

And so began the Cold War.

The parts of the bar that sided with the US are nice and busy, while the side that was claimed through the military might of the Soviet Union never really recovered completely.

But that is, of course, another story for another day.

2012 is now underway. Let's look to the future with optimism. Even the worst events can have a happy outcome once all the pieces settle into their new orders.

Live well.


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