Monday, January 16, 2012

Knock it off, Newt!

From the Stoa this morning I feel the need to vent somewhat. Though the air temperature is cool I am feeling quite warm at the base of my Stoa.

You would think that those of the GOP or the DNC would share similar philosophies. I mean, that is why, in our language, when you hear the terms GOP or RNC, you think several things: limited government, lower taxes, minimal regulation of industry, free market economy, and a strong defense; just to name a few. This is so that we can have shorter conversations. Instead of describing someone in those terms, you simply say, "He/she is part of the GOP." "Ahhhh", the other person would say.

You see how that works?

Now, when you hear DNC, or worse, Obama, one thinks: expansive and expanding government, higher taxes, less freedom, class warfare, centralized vs. free economy, distrusted and weak national defense; just to name a few.

So, Newt. Let's talk.

When a Republican says that someone else profited unfairly in the market place, what party will I think of?

When a Republican calls someone a "vulture capitalist", what party does one think of?

When a Republican plays at class warfare and belittles the very essence of a free market economy, what party do I think of?

Just how smart are you? That was rhetorical, please don't try to answer that.

Romney is chocked FULL of problems, but Bains is not one of them. OH, let's see...RomneyCare is a huge elephant in the room. Let's beat up on him for that. I do!

Obama has electability issues. Oh, lets think up a few here: millions unemployed because of his protectionist trade policies, millions unemployed due to his tax policy, his unclear strategy going forward, crony capitalism, race relations, foreign policy, religious questions, where he was really born, his spendthrift wife, and on and on.

So let's do a little comparison here, Newt.

You think that what Obama has done is not worth attacking, the National Debt and such, with its millions of unemployed Americans; and Mitt from 18 years ago, making business acquisitions to strengthen the company that he worked for.

What a conundrum.

What you are doing, Newt, is helping the other side with this discussion. You are like an angry family member that would rather burn the house down than see it go to someone else. Your attacks on Mitt only strengthen Obama. If you weaken other members of the GOP, then you are giving aid to the opposition. Knock it off.

Then again, since words mean things, lets think about the meaning of another an acronym. RINO. You know, Republican In Name Only? These are people who wear the GOP jacket and overcoat, but sound a lot like a Democrat.

Don't play their game. They have done it far longer and are much better at it than you. Plus, they are the genuine article. If you want Socialism, you will pull the lever for a Democrat. If you want Conservatism, then we need a clean handle for the voters to pull. Don't muck it up, Newt.

Live well.


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