Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Who are the 99%?

Atop the Stoa this sunny day I will perform one of my many duties. Reality Checks and Historical parallels.

Who are the 99%? They are really a fiction. As usual, there are lies, damnable lies, and then statistics.

The claim is that 1% of the people hold 99% of the wealth, and that it is people's civic duty to "occupy" the property and wealth engines of the evil 1%.

Ok, here is the reality check. Most of those 99'ers pay no taxes. Many of them do not even work. Most of them are on some kind of public dole. In other words, other people, namely those who WORK are supporting your parasitic ass.

So, now that we've discussed the general intelligence of these people, lets look at what passes for a strategy among them.

Occupying the places of wealth creation and the property of the wealthy. Is it wise to put out the businesses that pay the taxes that support you? Forget that, it was a Rhetorical question.

How come you avoided Mayor Bloomberg's estate in New York. He is rather wealthy the last time I checked. How about Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco? Nope, neither of them have had to disinfect their front lawns. Is this anti-establishment, anti-money, or is are you just a political tool to be used by puppet masters?

Since the Occupy people have the open and vocal support of Obama and Biden, then I'll have to assume that they have the support of the DNC and the various community organizations that Obama controls indirectly.

The Occupy people are also supported by the American Nazi Party, the American Communist Party, and the American Socialist Party, just to name a very few. That is interesting also. All left wing.

What I find funny is when someone bites the hand that feeds them, or when someone does not stay "bought".

I'm thinking of the recent move by the Occupy folks to shut down the port in Oakland, California. These sissy little anarchists had better not mess with the Longshoreman. Those folks don't play.

You see, historically, all of these left of center rebellions, or proto-rebellions in our case, start out with Anarchists and Communists teaming up against a common foe. Then, when it looks like they have the upper hand, they will turn on each other to see who gets to run the new game in town. The Anarchists always lose because they are not organized by their very nature.

The Occupy people seem to be run more and more by the Anarchists, or at least, in Oakland they are. Only those pinheads would be swift enough to take on the Longshoreman. You know, all the wealth that comes into and out of the country via those ports.

I'll get my popcorn and a beer and sit back and watch the fireworks.

Funny, Obama does not have his roots in Anarchy, his are in the Communist party.

Interesting that this poor black child grew up to be President all on his own...Hold, it. Reality check here. He is mixed race, grew up in a wealthy Leftist family on HAWAII, oh, the horror of growing up in Hawaii, and had tutors from the highest levels of the 60's and 70's Communist leadership in America.

He is going to have to deal with the Anarchists that are infiltrating his Occupy movement. They will feed on each other since I believe that have moved too soon. They should have started to tear up the place 60 days prior to the elections. This way they would be in a frenzy when Obama loses the election and can really wreck up the place.

Then again, even if he wins, this group can be used to CONTINUE to terrorize the opponents of the DNC and Obama. Didn't they wear Brown shirts in the 20's and 30's?

Live well.


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