Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Whiners of the World UNITE!

Around my Stoa this day I see the palls of smoke wafting over from London and its burbs. Smoke seems heavy in the air these days as many cities across Europe, North Africa, and the Near East burn almost regularly.

Somehow these people seem to think if you burn down a building that employs people then they will give YOU a job. Somehow these people seem to think if you burn down a government office then they will give you more welfare.
Somehow these people seem to think if you blockade a government office then they will give you goodies.


Quit whining, get a haircut, get an education, and be a PRODUCTIVE member of society. We can't all be on the dole. Someone has to pay those crushing taxes and I don't plan on being the last one that has pay out the last dollar (dollar? whats a dollar anymore?).

In Athens, they are rioting because the government is being forced to cut its over-budget spending, read debt driven prosperity. The Greek people have become used to not having to work. They have become used to an ever increasing dole from the government. Gravy times are over and now they are pouting...with gasoline bombs. So, they riot in the town squares and burn businesses down, tear up government offices and then demand more goodies. Goodies that forced the government to cut spending in the first place...what am I missing here? You do get it, don't you? Those days are gone. Cut your hair and take a bath.

In London they are rioting because they say a policeman shot someone, even while they tear up London, shoot people on their own, and shove the police all over the place because the police have no orders to use RUBBER bullets...am I missing something here?

In London, they are burning down the place because they are afraid for their jobs and way of life. Some of that life has been subsidized by the public budget. Sorry, folks. Those days are gone. Put down the pint, brush your teeth, comb your hair and improve your life.

In Israel the people protest over the government not building enough subsidized housing for their immigrants. Why are you providing homes to immigrants again? Let them worry about where they are going to live...oh, you WANT them to live on the front lines of the Arab protests. Where is my free house, where is my subsidized housing...oh yeah, I actually have a sense of SELF WORTH! Wash the yamika, field strip your rifle, and get back to life.

Every time you demand something from the government, you are demanding that something be TAKEN from one person and given to another, be it money, time, or goods. Do you people understand that? If the government has to increase spending, it borrows (which YOU pay back) or it taxes (which YOU pay now). Housing? Education? Healthcare? Yep, all of it has to be taken from someone else.

What if a person just started pulling up your flowers and rolling a car out of your garage? You would call the cops, right? However, if a faceless person in government demands you pay increased taxes so that someone who is not willing to work for their car can have one, then you might as well cut out the middle man and just let the guy TAKE your car.

If a government cuts its welfare subsidies because they are BROKE, then causing millions of dollars in damage is not going to magically create money for you to spend. Forget for a moment that you just torched the store you were going to spend that money in. Dumb ass.

Socialism, in even its most well intentioned forms (and doses), is ultimately fatal to the patient. It breeds sloth, envy, greed, gluttony...heck, I'm really starting to work my way through the deadly sins here, aren't I? It stands, though.

To be blunt, if you give free money away to people who don't work, you will get MORE people who don't work. If you tax (or over-regulate) people who do work, you will get FEWER people willing to work. Common sense, right? Not to difficult to engage a brain cell or two on this and come up with the answers.

Get used to the fact that you will have to work for a living. Get used to the fact that you may have to rely on the family for help, aid, and comfort during your trying times. The government is a massively inefficient way to distribute wealth around a society. That should be done through the free market forces and activities of CHARITIES (thus the word charity). That means that you will have to get a job to participate. Now, shave, shower, and put on a clean outfit. Go to school, quit WHINING and get a life, don't take one.

Live well.


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