Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Wealth does not a leader make

Sitting upon the Stoa, I read and observe much. One item I constantly see is the one to one connection between reality and whatever a copy editor decides to print. Political leanings are easy to see. Fairness is easy to see as well. Protestations aside, I can tell very quickly where a publication stands.

One article talked at length about Vice President Joe Biden's visit to China and how China is 'revealing' its leadership credentials. It spoke about several high level Chinese leaders who are "poking their heads out on the international scene". The article went on and on about how China holds so much of our debt and that we deserve to have someone watching over us who appears to be more responsible about managing money than we are.

Crap, crapola,craptascular (hat tip to Klavan), is what I call that last paragraph. China stopped purchasing our debt in any serious amounts years ago, thus QE1, QE2, and upcoming QE3...monetizing in the absence of "loans" from China. China has serious issues internally with infrastructure loans to government-owned corporations and other entities. So many that I would need another posting to cover them all.

China is doubling its military spending every other year for "defensive" purposes only. Right. If the US has chosen not destroyed China by now, it is not going to. India is not a threat nor is Russia. They have proven already that they can crush internal rebellion. So just who are they "defending" themselves from.

Likely, they are creating a world-class military (with all that American money we gave them in return for rubber dog poo since 1980) to protect its economic interests in the near future. They have been buying up oil rights around the world, making trade deals in Africa and South America...all that needs to be protected in the future.

The Chinese are not a benevolent people. They do not have our history of restraint. I can hear the various arguments taking shape around me, but I'm right on this. China will bully and bend other countries to the point that they are nothing but vassal states, not just dependents. Just because they hold a lot of wealth now does not mean that they are not the people who conquered Tibet in our modern times. It does not mean that they are not the people of Tiananmen Square fame. Has anyone heard from the guy who stood in front of the tank? Anyone? Didn't think so.

They listen only to their own council and will pursue only their own goals. All nations act out of their own self-interest. That is a fact.

The United States is a Judeo-Christian nation that is more interested in peaceful trade and co-existence. The Chinese invaded Vietnam in 1979 just to test out a new ranking system in their military. We value life, as a people. Mao willingly starved tens of millions in pursuit of a theory that was abandoned in 1980.

These papers and sites I read with their writers panting about the rise of China best study a few points of history before they go gaga for China. How about they try to get an exclusive interview with the guy who squared off with the tank. Bet he is still unavailable.

Live well.


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