Saturday, August 13, 2011

Idealists, Realists, and Useful Idiots

I find myself pondering, upon the Stoa this morning, the difference between someone who is an Idealists, a Realist, and a Useful Idiot. In my travels, I have found that many of us are one, the other, or two of them all at the same time.

When politicians are speaking, they cloak themselves in morality and righteousness. Their views are the correct views, their beliefs, reflective of the people voting for them, are the RIGHT beliefs. Does the politician believe what they are saying or do they say what they say just dupe their audience?

I believe that, for the most part, an Idealist believes what they are saying. A realist says what they feel they need to in order to manipulate those around them to act or believe what they feel they must. Neither good, nor bad, at this point. Simply a belief that what they know is best. The Useful Idiot are those who act or think with out really thinking. The one that sees a Democrat ad depicting granny going over the cliff in a wheelchair and then make the assumption that a Republican will make that happen if a Democrat is not elected.

Sometimes, an Idealist can be used, and often is, as a Useful Idiot by a Realist. In fact, I would assume that they are the natural flock of the charismatic realist. However, as I alluded to earlier, there are good realists and bad realists. A good realist is a George W. Bush. A person who feels that they must "abandon the free market to save the free market". Sounds like his idealism was taken advantage of by a well-intentioned realist. A bad realist is someone like a Mayor Emmanuel. He knows exactly what he is about and does not give a whit about who has to be squashed to get where he wants to go. An idiot Obama was perfect fodder for him to use. An Idealist that is too dumb to realize just how dumb he really is.

I worry about this latest crop of Republicans running for office. I worry about the Tea Party, though not in a bad way. I think that many of the Tea Party are Idealists that wish to roll back the clock on the Republic. I fear that the forces of culture and history have been underway for so much time that this movement will take a hundred years to restore the Republic. Even then, you can not step in the same river twice. Everything has changed since the founding of the Republic and it can never truly be restored. The spirit of the Founders can guide us, but we are on our own in creating the next, just, Meritocracy.

I believe that the MSM is full of Idealists who have been weened on Socialistic dogma and are too blind to really understand the implications of that which they seek. They talk to Cubans, yet seem to miss the fact that they are impoverished and desperate people. Why bring this same misery here? You think we will do a better job?

I believe that Bill and Hillary Clinton are Realists of the pure-type. Bill is a criminal that knows how to survive just about anywhere. He says a lot of things that are meaningless to him. He is interested in money, power, influence, and women who are not Hillary (no complaints there, Bill). I can deal with a Bill Clinton because I can understand him. He was smart enough to change course when his party was hammered in 1994. Not so with Obama. So sure that his is the just and right course there is no reasoning with him. He will pull us all down the same empty black hole his heart sits within.

I wonder about this crop running for President. The Governor of Texas holds prayer sessions even while he sells the rights to toll roads in Texas to companies outside of the United States. Bachmann is an idealist who is founded in her self-being and could be manipulated by crafty people within her administration. I like Paul, but the younger one, not the father. All in all, I'd rather have a Bachmann than anyone else, Palin included.

Things are busy upon the Stoa this day. With my thoughts left half formed, I depart. Another day.

Live well.


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