Friday, August 19, 2011

Money Motivates

Upon the Stoa tonight, I again shake my head in disappointment. I have worked in the healthcare industry for almost 20 years and have seen what people can do to each other. I've also seen the industry evolve.

As the years have gone there were times where there were medicine shortages, but they were few and far in between. Over the last 7 years, the frequency has picked up. Today, there are hundreds of drugs that can not be ordered or administered due to production or ingredient issues.

How does this happen? The reality of economics slamming head first with the reality of piss poor governmental policy and regulation. Due to the expense of labor, the expenses of litigation, and the difficulties of regulation; plus a thinner and thinner margin due to overseas competition, American manufacturers of some of the worlds best medicines have stopped producing them.

R&D dollars are spent on blockbusters, not aspirin. The American medical system now must rely on unreliable supplies and manufacturing centers. Centers that are overseas and in plants that may or may not meet our standards. This is intolerable. This is America. ObamaCare has not even kicked in yet. Just wait for that.

So what is the answer to this? Well, Obama feels that, wait for it...More government is the answer. They want to purchase the dry ingredients, store them, and then distribute them when they are needed. Right. Drugs that are in short supply already and they want to stock pile them. What is wrong with that reasoning?

Here is a crazy idea. How about companies are given tax breaks based on the amount of older drugs they produce? This would actually free up cash for the ongoing development of newer drugs. There are more ideas but it is late and I wish to hang up my toga for the night. Sure hope I don't need routine medication any time soon.

Live well.


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