Monday, August 15, 2011

A Nation of Immigration Laws

Atop the Stoa this fine morning I find myself slightly shaking my head in disgust and sympathy.

Having just read an article in today's WSJ, I felt I needed to unburden myself before I can start a productive day. Sometimes, ignorance really is bliss.

We are a nation of Laws. They have not always been fair laws, nor just laws, but laws nonetheless. This is why our Framers gave us the ability to petition to have laws changed, so that behavior that was once illegal can be made legal. Such as taking a bath in the winter in Montana. May have been illegal before there was hot water or reliable housing there. Heck, probably before there was running water.

Our immigration laws were passed due to the dominant beliefs/values of the constituents of those law makers (I sure hope so). Since the 1960's, the hippy generation began to dream of a world without borders and began to "selectively decide which laws they were morally obligated to ignore". They chose immigration, bathing, shaving, and hair-cutting.

The country was flooded with illegal immigrants from the early 1960's to recently. Reagan gave amnesty in the hopes that this would stem the flow. Proof that even the Great Reagan was no God was the fact the signed this worthless document into law.

The laws have been on the books, sometimes made even tougher when a politician wanted to be seen as taking a tough stand on immigration. However, those laws, like the earlier ones were simply not enforced.

Every time there are deportations, the liberals and the MSM (did I just repeat myself?) bring up sob-stories about families being torn apart, children staying in the country while one or both parents are deported....and on and on.

The illegal immigrants ARE NOT the victims here. The true victims are the children of those illegals that are born here (though that law needs to change as well, but that is another blog entry), and those legal immigrants and natural born Americans who are unable to find work.

The government is not responsible for the trauma and dislocation that a deportation can cause. Think on this. The blame lays with the illegal immigrant that came here unlawfully and then had children here. They are responsible for this, not the children or the government.

Businesses say that illegal immigrants do the jobs that Americans will not do. That is a myth. It is true that Americans may not do the work for the illegal wages that are paid to aliens, but that is no proof that they will not work for the legal wages. After the ICE raids of companies from 2009-2011, those companies had to shed thousands of illegal immigrants. The companies then announced that they were able to replace all of the open positions. This tells me that Americans did indeed wish to perform that work.

With millions of Americans out of work, this is the right thing to do. Punish the employers and deport the aliens (though this current Administration refuses to deport them). Sorry, but it is the law. Laws that are less onerous than the immigration laws of Mexico, Germany, or Turkey.

If this seems cruel, then we must decide, AS AN ELECTORATE what to do. Strike down the laws and erase our southern border? Then do so. Build a wall so high and deep that rain has trouble getting over it? Then do so. Either way, as long as it is the will of the people and elected officials do WHAT THEY WERE ELECTED TO DO.

Sounds simple.

I do feel for these people, but it is our law. My wife immigrated here legally. So did many others I have met in my life. If you want to live here, there is a LEGAL way to do. Just do it.

I am sorry that your homeland, of which you are so proud of, is a corrupted sh*t hole where decent life is impossible. Change that. I am sorry that your elected officials simply rob the electorate. Change that. I am sorry the drug cartels are ripping apart your country, fighting the government for the right to fleece your people. Change that.

Don't come here and put an American out of work because you are a willing slave. All those people that the article talked about, those that lived here for ten years and more; they bought homes, sent their kids to school and used the healthcare of this country. They also paid taxes (I hope so), but all of that was wrong. This was their fault and the fault of liberals who chose not enforce our own laws. They were wrong to come here illegally in the beginning, and they were wrong to have children and lay down roots in a place where THEY KNEW they were there illegally.

It is time for me to improve the American life this day. I depart.

Live well.


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