Monday, August 1, 2011

The Apolitical Truth

I chuckle upon the Stoa this day. Not out of anything particularly mirthful, but because I just keep hearing things that would make me cry, otherwise.

I read something blatantly ignorant in the WSJ this morning. A writer had a line to this effect, "Dissent with the tea party raises questions about its future in the GOP". I had to go back and re-read the entire article prior to that to make sure that I had it in context. Because the Tea Party stuck to its mandated purpose for being elected (well, most of them) they may not have a place within the GOP? Really?

I believe that this writer either displays complete ignorance about what the Tea Party is about, or he is trying to shape the message and carry water for the liberal wing of the GOP (read Democrat-lite).

I also believe that he has it exactly ass-backwards. Does the GOP have a future with the Tea Party.

There are three possibilities with the GOP and the Tea Party movement as I see it. First, the GOP is dismantled in the next election and becomes the home of the Tea Party; second, the GOP marginalizes the Tea Party and they break away to form their own real Tea Party, in which case the GOP becomes the Whig party of the 1850's; thirdly, the Tea Party loses steam and momentum from a populous that is sick and tired of the politics and just gives up. In which case, we all lose.

Every election where the conservatives are strong, the liberal Hollywood crowd crows that they will leave the country and renounce their citizenship. To date, only Terry Gilliam of Monty Python fame has done that. Everyone else is a bunch of wusses. They can say that where a conservative can not. Much of the world is a Socialist Hellhole and they will find a new home quite among those who share their elitist ideals as long as they get to keep their goodies. This is the last stand for Conservatives on Earth. There is no where else to run, nor should we.

The Kabuki theater in Washington may be played out and the only thing left is national Seppuku (hari kari). There is talk of "triggers" and committees and 10 year timelines. Front ended spending increases with back ended cuts. The only cuts that will happen will be to the military and to baseline spending. This means that spending continues on all the pet projects while our military is reduced to fighting with equipment from the military surplus stores. I'd like to remind everyone that we are still engaged in up to 4 wars, depending on what the definition of a "war" really is.

The debt issue still exists. It will grow larger and larger, since none of the "draconian" cuts are larger over 10 years than the increases in the debt ceiling. Heck, if the cuts were real, would we need to raise the debt ceiling in the future? The Prosecution rests, your honor, and remand this case to the jury.

But of course there will be debt limit increases despite all this budgetary sorcery. Obama got most of what he wanted. Reid will get what he wants, since he can just line out the stuff he will not touch, plus he got to rub Boehner's face in the political mud. Boehner got more then he wanted, since he was willing to agree to an even worse package a few days earlier. The biggest losers here are the Tea Party, We the People, and our children.

The Tea Party was unable to exert the influence we needed to get the job done right. The can has been kicked. Either more Tea Party backed conservatives will gain office in 2012 or they will not. If not, then the can has been kicked all the way to Greece, because that is where it will stop.

We the People lose, too, since it will be our pockets that will be turned inside out to continue to pay for this tax and spend addiction that Washington D.C. has.

Our grandchildren will have LESS access to state of the art healthcare, LESS access to education, LESS access to higher education, LESS access to our heritage (at least the real heritage), and LESS of an optimistic future. This will fundamentally change the American culture. We have always been a people on top, not on the bottom. It will be bitter, mud-filled water that we will have to drink around the watering hole.

Thank you Obama. Thank you Reid. And thank you Boehner. You have failed us all.

However, WE the People ARE to blame for this. We elected them. We allowed ourselves to be statistically analyzed, tested, packaged and studied so that the politicians could lie more effectively to us. WE allowed them to do what they did. I am responsible. You, over there, you are responsible as well. Yes, even you, trying to hide behind the MSM, you are responsible as well. I am responsible because I was not active enough in the grass roots. You were responsible because you donated money to a politician who voted to bail out the banks. And Yes, you, I can still see you hiding back there....You are responsible because of your IGNORANCE AND/OR LAZINESS. If you ignore and neglect the foundations of the Republic, the Republic will crumble about you.

Because You, Yes, I can still see you over there....because you were more interested in watching The Bachelor and in watching Dancing with the Stars, your Republic is crumbling. The easy life that you live now, parked in front of the widescreen HDTV, with your wide-loaded rear end denting a wide-cushioned couch will come to an end soon. Just you wait. The truth is like reality. It knows no just is. Only a fool closes their eyes, plugs their ears, and shouts until reality bends to meet their will. Because it doesn't, and it won't.

You can ignore reality all you want, but it is still there. Once the Potemkin village walls have melted away into financial ruin you will see the wasted landscape that once was the place you worked, loved, and lived; reduced to poverty.

Thanks again, everyone.

Live well.


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