Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Union Schmucks

Today upon the Stoa I would like to discuss the auto unions, Ford Motor Co., and Government Motors.

I have read some of the most idiotic prose in a long time, and I read government documents frequently for my employment. Let's see, where to start. Ok, we have the UAW union boss afraid that his rank and file will rebel since they see him getting ready to place a deal in front of the members that maintains many of the agreements that were put in place to keep Fords from going under in 2007 and 2008. They are upset that they are not getting any big raises, nor are they going to go back to the seniority rules, pension rules, and retirement benefits of 2006. However, the Union boss thinks that if he is able to negotiate a $5,000 bonus for every employee then perhaps they will be less angry.

I can not stand idiots. Ignorance is forgivable, but willful idiots make the bile rise.

Being raised in Michigan, in the Detroit suburbs, I know too well what the rank and file UAW workers are like. They are not deep thinkers at all. They just want the good paychecks to keep coming, to keep getting bigger, and pay for all the toys they love to play with. Oh, and to take care of them when all the drinking and partying catch up to them when they are 50.

One would wonder if the rank and file are capable of understanding the events that have brought them to this point, here in 2011. Decades of draining the blood of the big 4 (AMC, GM, Chrysler, and Ford) saw the demise of AMC in the 1980's, due to the insurgence of the Japanese auto companies, lazy quality, and crappy designs. Rather than reserve the strength to fight off the competition, they allowed AMC to vanish. The Japanese gained a foothold and placed more pressure on the American auto companies. Chrysler had to get a government bailout lest it join AMC in oblivion.

The American industry became moribund, existing only to feed the parasites called UAW workers. Market share continued to erode and eventually Chrysler finally succumbed to the free market forces. Like a hot potato, various owners passed it around until it is now owned by a prior bicycle company in Italy. Oh, how they fall.

GM died convulsing under the tender ministrations of the government, carved in such a way that it would never have passed legal muster if done solely in the private sector. The GM of old is truly dead, only debts remain and broken warrantee promises. The new company, also bearing the name General Motors (2.0) struggles to get out from under the grip of a government, now reluctant to give up its direct ability to manipulate an economic sector (gee, who could have seen that coming?)

Only Ford truly remains as the last auto company in the United States. It seems fitting. They were the first to use automation and to bring the automobile to the masses, they should be the last to do the same.

The union rank and file circle the crippled giant, looking for any signs of vitality. Here in 2011, they see a faint pulse, as the company is doing a little better, and immediately cry out for the blood to be drained and distributed again. They have been denied and will be denied no longer.

The UAW boss may have some understanding of both worlds, which is why he is reluctant to put too much strain on Ford. GM and Chrysler, he knows, may not bow to their demands as easily as the Rank and File believe. Now that the UAW partly owns those entities, they will be reluctant to shave off THEIR profit margins for the unwashed dues-payers. They have businesses to run and margins to make, now. The rank and file can not be permitted to damage them they way they wrecked the companies when they were actual corporations. No, they are in for a rude awakening, which is why they focus on Ford.

Now, back to the $5,000 bonus. This may mollify them for the moment, but bribes, and this is what it amounts to, have a habit of getting bigger and bigger. The less-dim among the rank and file may note that the $5,000 is nothing compared to what they would get in their check if they actually got the raise that they demanded. When that happens, look out Mr. UAW man.

I depart the Stoa for the moment.

Live well.


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