Sunday, August 14, 2011

Bachmann, Step One: Win Straw Poll in Iowa - Check

Perched atop my wet and humid Stoa this morning I take with a note of pleasure the victory of Michele Bachmann in the Iowa Straw Poll. I generally do not put much into those, however, the candidates do. If they do not do well in this poll then donors drop away and back stronger candidates, the candidates themselves change their approach (or themselves) in order to do better at the next poll.

I listened to many of the candidates yesterday and I still feel that Bachmann is the best. I also like Mr. West, though I don't know if he will be able to hang in the race against a Romney or a Perry. I see Romney and Perry as more of the same cookie cutter pressed GOP candidates since 1991. Romney and Perry look "too much" the presidential image. I don't trust that. Nor do I like the glaring fact that Romney passed universal healthcare as governor and has wrecked his state's healthcare system. The experiment has been a good one and it has shown that it does not work. Not like observing Europe was not proof enough.

I don't like Perry either, as he has to trumpet to the world that he is religious. I prefer the person who lives by their Christian values. One where their positions on issue make clear where their heart and mind stand. Perry has been trying way to hard. I also think that his tenure in Texas has not been what it could be. Yes, Texas is doing better than most states, but I don't put the credit in the Governor's office, I give credit to the average Texan. Perry has severe RINO tendencies that are being masked, just as Romney's were masked in the last election, though he didn't fool me.

I like Rand Paul, though he is not running. I don't know enough about Santorum, though I've heard good things. I don't think he is going to make it in the primaries, so I'm not going to spend too much time studying him. Ron Paul is ideologically pure and I do like that, I just don't think that it is the right way to go now. We've been bingeing on world politics, money, taxes, money, power, power, immigration, etc. for so long that going cold turkey will do more damage than good. People like Ron Paul want to pretend that we are not affected by what happens in the larger arena of the world. Ignoring the rest of the world does not mean that the rest of the world will ignore us. We need a Bachmann who will give us a swift hard jolt of reality, but not break our grip on day to day life. That will simply doom her in the same way as Obama jolted the average American with his uber tax and spend philosophy. Rand Paul would then be a great follow up to Bachmann. He would continue what she started. Perhaps a VP post for Mr. Paul and then the big chair himself in 2020?

One can only dream. Gosh it is beautiful for miles around the Stoa. There are plenty of students of all colors and races, willing to listen, if not agree. Listening is all I ask. Agreement is irrelevant. It is what one does with the information and how one filters it through their reality bubble that is relevant.

Live well and enjoy the day.


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