Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Egghead Idiocy

Atop the Stoa this bright morning, I am telling myself that starting the day irritated is no way to start a day, especially since I have no direct ability at this time to affect change. There, feeling better already.

I state this as the fawning media, in this case, some writers at the WSJ are included, who can not say enough good things about Mr. Obama's choice for his chief advisor for economic affairs and business development. They will go on and on about how he has worked in the Treasury, taught at Harvard (this alone disqualifies him in my book), how he has his Ph.D in Economics and on and on and on. The man began teaching right out of University. The man has never earned an actual paycheck in his life. He is in charge of an economy he has never had to participate in?

I have known many people who were educated beyond their intelligence. Smart people, yes, but perfectly ill-suited to run anything other than a lemonade stand under the watchful supervision of the local 8 year old girl. I have a brilliant cousin that holds two Ph.Ds, yet lives a casual, ego-centric life. No entanglements with women or children, though he has both. Little interaction with the larger family and a rather flippant attitude towards most things not involving him. This is a man, who as a kid made a commercially available, child-safe chemistry set explode, setting his house on fire and blowing out a wall. He did it only to show that he could. He did not think about the results of his labor, he simply did it as a personal challenge.

We have Ben Bernanke, who wrote his thesis on the causes of the Great Depression, who is now staggering his way down the identical path towards financial ruin. Is he not smart enough to notice this? We have union bosses who are now working in government-owned entities. How messed up is that? Unions have a direct correlation between lack of productivity and lack of profits. Unions will suck a host dry until it goes out of business, and now we have union bosses holding large stakes in GM and Chrysler. Who's bright idea was that? Oh, yeah, it was the intellectual egg-heads in Washington that made that unholy alliance.

Gee, it looks so nice and Socialist on paper. Why is it not working? Since neither Mr. Obama, Mr. Geitner, Mr. Kruger, Mr. Krugman (I include him because he might as well work for Obama) have never really been involved in the private sector except to extort, regulate, and otherwise stifle it. More people under Obama are educated intellectuals and not business veterans than any president before him and it shows.

We need Trump as Treasury Secretary. We need someone from Microsoft or Apple as the Commerce Secretary. We need an Ex-military officer as the Secretary of Defense. The trend I'm citing here is experience over the sector they will be responsible for advising the President upon. No ivory tower weenie-tots. Experience. It was done before to great results and it can be done again.

Amateur hour is over, kids. Time to let the grown-ups back into the driver's seat. I don't necessarily mean you, either, Mr. GOP man. You go back to theorizing in make-believe university land where your actions will not destroy the country. Actually, stop doing that as well since you are turning out copies of yourselves like a virus. Go somewhere else and play your games, stop mucking up my back yard.

Live well,


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