Tuesday, August 16, 2011

I'll bet Syria is acting on Israel's orders

From atop the Stoa this evening, the bile rises. As the hypocrisy of the Obama administration increases, so does the concentration of acid in my stomach.

Assad, the familial ruler of Syria, has been shooting the crap out of his country, butchering anyone who sneezes in his direction, and generally getting a pass for it from his good friends, Obama and Co.

Today, tanks rolled in, and over, a Palestinian "refugee" camp in Syria. I guess some of them were caught saying some negative things about Assad butchering fellow Arabs. Therefore, "send in the tanks!"

This act has been caught on camera, cell phone, telephone, and eye witness. However, the PA denies that anything untoward is happening in the city, despite the fact that everyone in authority is unreachable by phone, internet, or personal visitor. Guess the visitors are too busy trying to not get shot by their buddy in Damascus.

The Israelis know it is going on and are staying out of it. Wise move. Hamas, who has its headquarters in Damascus, was also saying that there was nothing to see, move along, move along. If they said anything other then that, I think they too would drop off the airwaves in short order...if they have not already.

If the Israelis build a house or apartment building, ON THEIR OWN LAND then they are assaulted by everyone on the planet, including liberal Jews here in America. Assad rolls tanks over Palestinians and Obama yawns. Ghadaffi gives up his nukes, disavows terrorism and Obama launches a war against Libya. Not saying I'm a big fan of Libya, but at least they were no longer exporting terrorism.

Obama and his administration treats the Tea Party and anyone who vaguely disagrees with him as terrorists, yet when Assad begins blasting thousands of his own people, Obama can't find a negative thing to say about him.

The PA nut cases and Jew-haters in the Middle East went so far as to say that last summer the Israelis had trained sharks to attack Arabs in the Red Sea. I'm not making it up people. Those nuts actually said this with a straight face. Somehow, these sharks were able to tell the difference between Jew and Arab and everyone else. Eeeeahhhhh, sigh.

Obama has a moral compass. He does act according to his nature. The MSM and the other slavering sycophants can't paint over the piles of corpses that Obama ignores. Period. Think hard about where that compass points. Who are you going to believe? Him or your lying eyes?

Live well people.


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