Saturday, August 20, 2011

The Omnipotent Federal Government

From this Stoa this day, I wish to discuss how the government "knows" things and how the government disseminates information within itself.

Contrary to popular belief, the government does not know everything about everyone at any given moment. Sure, they CAN find out everything about YOU if they have a desire to. Take Joe "the Plummer" for instance.

No, the government is huge, bloated, fractured and does not communicate well with any given segment of itself. However, there are certain things that certain administrations take a special interest in. Any liberal Democrat administration loves to focus on domestic terrorism, guns, the restriction of civil liberties in the interest of granting civil liberties, etc.

So, given this intense interest in guns and the people who may use them, think white, male, religious, Tea Party; I have heard the most asinine thing in a long time. And I hear a lot of asinine things.

Eric Holder, heir of RFK and J. Edgar Hoover, states that they were unaware of the "Fast and Furious" program that ran guns down to the Mexican drug lords currently working to overthrow any semblance of civilization in Mexico. Man, that one is a whopper. Police agencies, FBI agencies and the like have been detecting these weapons and throwing up flares that US made assault weapons are ending up at crime scenes. This was ignored by those in the government that were running the program, and this means you, Mr. Holder and Mr. Obama.

These weapons were ferried over the border, knowingly by the Obama administration, for whatever reasons they wish to profess.

How do I know that the government must know? Have you ever seen a reality TV show where someone buys a regular old gun? Sometimes it takes weeks to actually get your hands on it. Paperwork and all that. The government demands to know who you are and what you are doing with that gun. How about automatic or assault style weapons? Now we are talking many weeks to months to obtain.

So how does someone, even in the government, make an "unofficial" transfer of thousands of assault rifles, many seized from gangs and drug lords here in the States by Federal authorities to illegal elements within Mexico?

You mean to tell me that Mr. Holder does not know anything about that? You are joking, right?

This is bigger than Watergate. This is bigger than any old birth certificate. Why is the MSM giving Obama a pass on this? Tens of thousands of people have died in Mexico as a result of these weapons and everyone just yawns?

A hurricane hits New Orleans and the MSM speculates, or gives airtime to those who do, that the hurricane was manufactured by a secret government program and that President Bush was able to steer it to New Orleans because of it being predominately black and Democrat. Media swoons and begins to dog Bush relentlessly.

An oil well pumps millions of barrels of oil into the Gulf of Mexico and Obama gets a pass. Thousands of guns turn up in Mexico that should be in Federal storage lockers and Obama gets a pass. Holder gets a pass.

Palestinians kill dozens of Israelis over night and the PA gets a pass. Assad cleans out a Palestinian 'camp', tens of thousands of people go missing and scatter and Assad gets a pass. Israel responds by bombing a legitimate military target to kill a PA militant and they get dogged by the anti-semites of the world.

The world may be a cold and miserable place, but at least that world makes sense to me. One where reality is manufactured, sterilized, and packaged by the Federal Government, with the aid and assistance of the MSM then it is a reality that only George Orwell truly understands.

You have much to answer for, Mr. Holder, Mr. Obama. I'm not your judge, but the voters are. The legal system will not always be under your control and influence. Even Roman Consuls were subject to legal reviews when their terms were ended. Yours will end and the legal system will eventually catch up to you.

Live well.


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