Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To pull back the curtains

At the base of my Stoa, I teach my volunteer students and I take happiness from this. That they choose to take time from their day to listen to wisdom, hard-gained and yet freely given. Their questions display an intense curiosity and willingness to listen. To question with boldness, and to challenge the conventional wisdom. This is what makes my trips to the Stoa worthwhile.

On the Stoa tonight, I grow weary of politics, diplomacy, and the Main Stream Media. I am tired of agendas and personal axes.

I desire a world where one man can speak openly to another. Where one country can speak openly with another country. I understand that China does not want to speak openly of its plans with Saudi Arabia and Iran, yet I feel that there are just some nations, the US included, that should just pull back the curtain and speak reality as they see it. I know it is incredibly simple and naive of me to believe that it could be anything other than it is today.

I think of Israel, being picked apart by diplomacy. The non-peaceful, non-diplomatic way in which the world is sealing the doom of that nation. The US, under Barak Obama, aids and abets this horrid crime against humanity.

We tap dance around Pakistan. They do not love this nation, though they do love the foreign aid that we give them, or is it a payoff to stay loyal? We need to really think about the distinction. They should be told to tell us where they stand and risk being lumped in with our enemies.

Yes, my view is simplistic, but it will sharply define who our friends are. Great Britain, humiliated and treated like scum by our current president, does not deserve to be treated the way Obama has treated them. France and Germany seek a closer alliance with Russia. I believe this is because a), Russia is closer and b), Russia is predictable. The shark you can see while swimming is better than the shark that may bite you without warning (I'm looking at you Mr. Obama).

We have abandoned our traditional allies, since historically, according to the Progressives, we and our allies have been the root of all the evils in the world. However, unknown to Mr. Obama, there are nations in this world that hate our very existence and abandoning our traditional allies is not going to change their feelings. I don't believe that at the end of the day my views are the simplest.

Russia and China hope to forge a new axis with a new set of satellite nations. Many of the Western European nations are now too weak to be seen as a huge power bloc and appear to be capable of falling into that orbit, as the US seems so ambivalent right now. The Saudis plan to be a major supplier of energy to those nations, and will charge the US more for the same amount of oil since our status is diminishing in the world.

The world is rapidly changing and the wrong man is in the White House. The next President will have to stand against the hypocrisy that seems to rule the world today. We must play to our strengths, bring the production know-how for our technology back onto friendly soil. Break up the unions so that we can resist the entropy that is swallowing our nation. Americans need to be less reliant on the government and more reliant on our friends and family. We must maintain our boundless energy and ability to innovate. We must humbly accept our role as superpower and lead the world with an example of frugality and quiet power.

I must not listen to "Adagio for Strings" while I'm working on a Stoa article. It seems to make me melancholy.

Live well.


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