Monday, May 9, 2011

GOP Obstinance

From to Stoa today, I can see many things. One of the things I see, with some exasperation, is that the GOP is failing to learn on so many levels.

Let me list some examples:
1. CONSERVATIVE VALUES won the GOP a landslide in November, 2010. The GOP is still associated with conservatism, much like the DNC is still associated with the "little man". Neither has been true since at least 1989, but I digress. The GOP has failed to recognize the power of the "bulge" in this country. This is a 'center-right' nation, a conservative nation. The Hispanic inflow has not swamped the politics YET in this country. Then again, Hispanics are not a solid voting bloc like the Blacks, so perhaps we should not be that afraid...again, I digress. Conservatism succeeds every time it is tried. Look at Scott Brown. He wore the cloak for a few months and it got him a seat in Massachusetts. He has now shed that device and is running things like the RINO he is.

2. POLITICS IS NOT ABOUT GETTING ALONG. The GOP is failing to realize that this is not a playground game they are working at. This is D.C. politics and there is no member of the Left that is your friend. The DNC understands this. They will always do what it takes to WIN. This has been demonstrated every time they say that the GOP is going to starve grandma and the children in school. They don't roll over, they don't give up. They scorch the land behind them on everything from Taxes to Dog collars. The GOP consistently fails to understand that they are playing by a fundamental set of rules that are different than those of the Left.

Don't worry, I'll pontificate more on how not to be a failure.

3. YOU DO NOT DEFEAT YOUR OPPONENT BY BECOMING THEM. If your opponent has a fundamental belief system that is different then yours, then you can not beat them by watering down your message. You are either FOR a big government AND the taxes and intrusions that allow for BIG government or you are NOT. Sounds pretty simple. Either you are for the 10th Amendment, or you are not. Our Founding Fathers intentionally wrote the Constitution for the "every man" so that even a career politician could not misinterpret it. If you water down your message, you will lose your historical base and the ever-vacillating "Independents". You will become nothing more than a pale version of that which you once opposed. We call those "RINOS" in conservative circles. If I'm going to eat a bacon double cheese burger, it is going to be all-beef with gobs of cheese and grease. It WILL NOT be a turkey burger with soy-cheese and all-grain buns. In the end, you will always wish for the real deal. Why vote for a Democrat-lite, when you can just go for it and vote for the Democrat.

4. The GOP has failed to recognize both its friends and its enemies. This may sound a little redundant, but I'm looking at it from a different angle. Conservative talk radio is a "natural ally" of the GOP, much like 99% of the MSM is for the Democrats. Do not alienate them, I'm looking in your direction Gov. Mitch Daniels, by telling them that the GOP will not win if they rely on the members of the talk radio scene. The GOP looks at that crowd as "extreme" and unable to win over the majority in the "Independents". Gov. Daniels and the other power brokers in the GOP want to reach out to the NASCAR and red-neck vote. What he fails to realize is that this IS the new GOP in the making and it does not include them. The TEA PARTY movement will continue to dismantle the GOP if it is not co-opted and destroyed from within, though I will hope that because the movement is decentralized by nature that new buds will grow to replace those that are corrupted. The TEA PARTY got them the landslide in November 2010 and now they are trying to distance themselves from the movement. Huge mistake.

I said this last year and I feel I must say it again. The GOP is going through the same changes that the DNC went through in the 1960's. The party of JFK is dead and buried. It has been supplanted by a host of alphabet Marxist infiltrators. JFK would be an "Extreme Radical" in today's DNC and be booted. Think I'm wrong? If a hugely Liberal Joe Lieberman, recent VP candidate on the DNC ticket can be kicked out of the party for being too CONSERVATIVE (really!) then JFK would would be booted in a nanosecond. The GOP has been drifting at least since Gerald Ford. Guilt over Watergate and the unelected Presidency of Ford caused the party to jerk towards the middle to look for inclusiveness...making the tent larger. A complete fraud like Carter beats him and yanks the country hard to the left, creating the Departments of Energy and Education in a single term.

Ronald Reagan managed to stem the Liberal slide of the GOP and remind us who we were as a nation and a people. We were not a nation of nannies, nor were we the nation of the free hand out. We were a nation of doers and thinkers that helped through charity, not compulsory taxation. Then George HW Bush turned his back on his great mentor and began to wash down the message, to make us less "extreme".

The conservative base rose up against both his message and his practices and looked at people in the GOP that were more conservative than GHW Bush. Due to the nature of party politics, Bush won renomination. This forced conservative candidates like Perot and Forbes into 3rd party status. All this has done in the past, just as with Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose Party" was to split the conservative ticked and allow an uber Liberal to take office by the name of William J. Clinton. If Perot and Bush had added their numbers they would have easily beaten Clinton. The GOP slipped further to the left, even as the base of the party elected waves of GOP into office in the 1994 elections. We all remember how quickly the defended into DNC-lite status under Gingrich. Remember that when Gingrich runs for office in 2012.

Seeing a pattern here, folks? WE the PEOPLE see what is going on in D.C. and the major parties and are working to correct this. Pay ATTENTION GOP. The Tea Party is simply a manifestation of the majority of this country. Do not ignore or belittle it.

So then we get George W. Bush who says that he is pushing "Passionate Conservatism". What exactly does that mean? That Conservatism is by nature "harsh". Life is harsh. Accept it and grow from it. W. Bush expands the Federal government and Federal debt more than President Carter. He creates a drug entitlement that is nearly a Trillion dollars in new future debt. Not conservative at all, W.

So then the MSM machine and the entrenched Marxist elements spit on Hillary Clinton, thinking that a woman tainted by Bill's past could not win against a weak and feeble McCain, they decide to pull from deeper in the minority guilt playbook and Obama is born. A fictitious character from front to back and inside-out. A fabrication of Hope and Change that will right all the wrongs of both America and the Planet. First, I didn't think that America needed all that ephemeris "change", nor did we need much "hope" short of maintaining our American culture in the face of Marxism and RINO-slide.

Obama is the single most defeatable candidate since Jimmy Carter. This man has wrecked everything he has touched around the world. Our traditional allies now distrust or outright hate us. Our marginal allies are jumping ship and seeking new partners elsewhere (Saudi Arabia for example). He has also derailed decades of work to push his Muslim-centric policies such as actively destroying Egypt and Libya while propping up Iran.

The MSM has already been up to their old tricks of holding out weak GOP candidates and telling us how afraid Obama is of them. Just like they chose McCain, they are trying to choose their GOP opponent by spinning up yarns and smoke screens. Or as Bill McNeil from "Newsradio" once said, "Don't confuse the issues with half-truths and gorilla dust." They will continue to vilify Palin and Bachman, attempting to make them radioactive so that they can not win, while treating with deference and respect the very weak RINOs that will be elevated beyond their importance so that a weakened DNC and Obama can score another victory, as in 2006 and 2008.

GOP, I will say this again and again. Look to the Tea Party, they ARE the mainstream of the American REPUBLIC. Vote the way the people want you to, not the way the Beltway power brokers tell you to vote. Vote with the conscience of your constituency and you will NOT be voted out of office.

We want people of STRONG moral conviction. I don't care about their religion, only their convictions. Often time, those with strong conviction are religious, though not always. I want someone who has the strength of their convictions, strong morals and character. Someone who will not compromise just to "get things done". You can no longer compromise with the Left. Their policies are anathema to the American way of life and our historical founding. Anyone who has not been blinded by the Public School System should be able to see this for themselves.

So, come on GOP, get the gorilla dust out of your eyes and take note of who won their elections in 2010, who lost their elections in 2010, and what bills they supported or opposed. Any competent campaign manager should be able to compile that list for you. You check up on your facts and you will see that either you are with the Tea Party or you are very likely to become unemployed. We must be strong in our conviction if we are to DEFEAT the Marxists in this nation. The time for half-measures and vacillation just for election-sakes is long over. Dwell on this for a long, long moment.

Live well, everyone.


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