Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Cultural Stuff

From the Stoa tonight we will discuss some individuals responsible for making up the elements of our current youth culture. My star pupil (alpha) feels that there is too many intellectual items being explored from the base of the Stoa and has requested an exploration of some of the important people of her time.

Similar to the "Dirtbag" series that is still ongoing, this will outline individuals who are either "Symptoms" of a declining culture or a simple "Putz" that is oblivious to the decline.

Ok, first up, a suggestion from Alpha:

Justin Bieber. In my opinion, he is just a dork. In my day, the bullies at school would have fought each other to the death for the honor of beating him up. But that was the 80's and as I understand it things are more enlightened in this day and age. He is a symptom of declining standards of stardom. He borrows a dorky haircut from the early sixties that was resurrected in the seventies and then abandoned for good reason for the next twenty years. I just can not take anyone seriously who looks so ridiculous while trying to act so macho. His music is unmemorable. I'm sure he has talent, but I have not seen it. When Emperor Constantine came to power in the 330's a.d. he had his bust sculpted. It looked like a cartoon. It looked like like it had been done by a rank amateur. The decline in Roman culture was already well underway even though it held on for 150 years more before it just gave up.

Lady Gaga. Her music, that is the musical notes that she puts on paper is outstanding. If you can listen to her music and not have your heart pump and your legs jump then you are simply not alive. The words, however, leave much to be desired. That her music is not attacked by concerned parents, as rap music was attacked in the 1990's, speaks of a decline in morals. Women in their twenties have "Tramp Stamp" tattoos above there butts and men continue to wear their pants with their butts hanging out. It is hard to promote someone into a leadership position with a plug in their earlobe or a bar inserted through the bridge of their nose. Every generation has had this element in their culture, but never has it been so celebrated. Never has the "underground" been so mainstream. The Romans had this as well. Vomitorea were a fashionable addition to wealthy homes so that you could purge yourself so as to keep the fun times rolling is a good example. We have people too thin because they puke all the time and the morbidly obese who can not stop eating. Each have accommodations made for them in an accepting society via tolerance or disability legislation. Lady Gaga shows up to a function dressed in meat and people applaud her for her creativity. 'nuff said.

Charlie Sheen. Clear and unadulterated dirtbag. He is also a symptom of the decline and a major league putz. Yes he is rich. Yes he is famous, and yes he has had a long career. However, when you dissipate that wealth on crack, whores, and crack-whores; AND then run around like you are somehow a transcendent being then you have no real grip on reality. He has been enabled by dirtbag producers in Hollywood who made money on his mania and has, until recently, never had anyone tell him that he was acting like a dirtbag. Only Charlie can be all three. Dirtbag, Symptom, and Putz all rolled into one.

Ke$ha. Ok, that I just had to use a dollar sign in place of an "S" does not bode well for Ms. Kesha. Alpha told me that I had to use the dollar sign because the kids will catch its omission. Every time I have had the misfortune of seeing one of her videos I always come away with the impression that she needs a bath. Badly. She borrows dreads from urban blacks, ratty jeans from the hip middle class, pain ball garb from the well to do and has a distinctly 'stripper' look to both her style and dance. She borrows music from Korea and covers existing songs, so I have to wonder about her base talent. She is a Symptom of the declining talent base in this country.

Miley Cyrus. We all had such high hopes for Ms. Cyrus, but she seems to be a budding Lindsay Lohan or Pre-medicated Brittany Spears. As a teen she is wealthy and off her parent's leash. She is a Symptom of the decline as our society both accelerates childhood while at the same time prolonging childhood. Disney teen stars try to pedal purity and then go bananas when the collar slips and they realize that fame comes with bad behavior and a lack of clothing. No one can control her and no one seems to want to try. According to politicians in D.C., a "kid" can be 26 years old and live at home. I'm sure the insurance companies love that law.

More on this culture thing later. It is time for Alpha to get some sleep and for the instructor to move on to other things for the time being.

Live well.


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