Thursday, May 5, 2011

Calling a Spade a Spade

Atop the bright, yet frosty Stoa this morning I would like to extend the comments somewhat from my last posting. I like the phrase, "I calls it like I sees it."

My daughter has been watching all the 9/11 documentaries that have been replayed and re-updated since the demise of Osama (OBL). She watches the documentaries and grows morose and melancholy, however, like the true daughter of Zavost that she is, she then grows resolute and firm in her conviction that the people who did those acts deserve whatever comes their way. Not revenge, for sure, but a deep sense of commitment and a desire to see evil extirpated for the good of the next generation.

Why do the cable channels play these over and over? At first I thought that it was a call to celebrate, a reminder to everyone that the ten year odyssey is over and that an evil man has been removed. Then the cynical part of me begins to whisper into my ear. Obama claimed 99.99% if the credit for the killing of OBL. There were no intelligence assets in the field, no soldiers, until needed, and no indecision on his part. Only competent, lucid genius on his part. The documentaries had been replaying over and over and over again to remind everyone that Obama is great, after all, look what he was able to get done. President Bush simply knocked over entire countries and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims and had over five-thousand American soldiers sacrificed for his ego (and his oil buddies).

So, here is where I call things. I'm sure my daughter will approve.

Osama bin Laden: Dirtbag
Muslim Brotherhood: Collective dirtbags
KSM: Will not assume room temperature soon enough
Palestinian Authority: Murderous dirtbags
United Nations: corrupt Kleptocrats that can't bend over fast enough for the Muslims
EU: similar to the UN only more Kleptocratic/Autocratic then Transnational Progressive
NYC Firemen: Heroes
NYC Police: Heroes
President Bush: he made the entitlement culture worse, but he knew how to get rid of dirtbags
SEC DEF Rumsfeld: Good at Searle, Blew the chance to tamp down Iraq after invasion, knew how to interrogate
Michael Moore: Hypocrite Communist
Obama: puff of evil air, Marxist, dangerous and creepy. Unworthy of the same office that Washington held
McCain: RINO
Scott Brown: RINO
Mitt Romney: Embarrassing RINO
Donald Trump: doing the work the GOP should be doing. Still DO NOT want him as President
The US soldier: collective heroes, worthy of our praise
Water Boarding: works
Rendition: it is a shame that we have to take our dirty laundry to the dry cleaners and not just do it ourselves
Eastern Europe: natural friends and allies of the US that Obama can not defecate on fast enough
Green Bullets: really?
Great Britain: moribund allies that are slipping from relevance
France: good riddance. Let's see how Russia panders to them in the future
Germany: natural allies of the US that we are pushing towards Russia for their energy needs
Islam: primitive religion that denigrates women, murders in the name of Allah, worshiping rocks and the moon.
Depleted Uranium rounds: love them
50 cal. Rifle: sending Muslims to Allah one round at a time
Biden: what a joke, really, he is a joke.

I'm sure I'll add to this list tonight. I'm not afraid to call things what they are. Words mean things. Strung together and you can express a concept. I have no spin and no desire to deceive. I believe in the purifying nature of sunlight and truth. I'm not afraid of the truth. The truth can be painful, often times unbearable, but in the end it truly does set you free.

Live well


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