Thursday, May 5, 2011

Calling it as I see it Part 2

From the Stoa, my daughter, ever at the head of the class, wants me to expound on who is a dirtbag and who is not. Interestingly enough, it is a very easy list to stay off. You just have to be a decent human being to stay off of it.

What constitutes dirtbag status worthiness? Let us explore this together:

Sneaking into a home at night and murdering a family in their sleep qualifies. Doubly so if some of those family members were infants. Oh, let's see, celebrating the murders the next morning with sweets and parties in the streets is indicative of "dirtbaginess". Sawing off a person's head while recording it for the internet...Thus, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, any of the garden variety terrorists who murder in the name of God and "peace". You guessed it, dirtbags.

Obama just took credit for the locating, planning, and termination of Osama bin Laden. He is as man who will take credit for the sun rising in the morning. He was elected without proving where he was born, why he does not have a valid, Hawaii-sequenced Social Security number, nor what he was listening to for 20 years while attending a Black Supremacist church. Someone with so little character that he takes credit for things he did not do and blames others for things that rightfully hang about his own neck. You guessed it--Dirtbag.

Glenn Beck is a recovering Dirtbag. In the 90's he was way off the path of decency. He finally realized that he had but two choices, die, or re-join humanity. His path was the Mormon faith and it seems like it was exactly what he needed. He will be known in the future as the man that re-Founded the American Republic. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this man. Not currently a dirtbag.

The Green Movement is a collective pyramid of dirtbags. Al Gore is the anointed prophet of climate change. Governments are banning incandescent lightbulbs. We have terrorists cutting off our citizen's heads, and they are worried about a light bulb that has been around for more than 100 years. Nice. Oh, and these new and improved light bulbs are dimmer, irritating, and contain Mercury. I wonder how much of that stuff was spilled into the environment over in Japan with the recent earthquake and tsunami. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin that is difficult and expensive to clean up. How much was swept out to sea to settle into the fish that they eat so much of? They are trying to make us drive cars that are made of tin foil and recycled card board. People are dying because you can carry these green cars under your arm when you get home. Yep, you guessed it--Dirtbags.

The Nanny State of Chicago, not to be confused with the Nanny State in general. Here I'm talking about the Chicago School system. A school has made it against their policy to allow students to bring their lunch from home. Nor can they go out to lunch off campus. They say this is due to Michelle Obama's health children initiative. I have a feeling the the Crony Capitalism that has infected the White House and Washington D. C. has been caught in a big way in Chicago. I have a feeling that the only people benefiting from this deal is the food service provider for the school. Yep, Dirtbags.

Kenny, AKA Wirecutter has a blog that is a must read for any patriot. Knuckledraggin (my life away). Read it regularly. This is the kind of man we need more of in this country. Loads his own ammo, hunts, and understands completely that the space next to the mashed potatoes is reserved for any number of God's tasty creatures. Beer is not an option, it is a requirement for a good meal. On a side note, those who have watched 80's zombie movies will note that is is the Okies that survive and dominate in the Zombie Apocalypse. The coffee drinking hippies perished while the self-reliant among us kick ass. NOT a dirtbag. Repeat after me--PATRIOT.

Europe: now, this needs to be split up. In general, Europe is not filled with dirtbags. The EU is over flowing with them, lets also call them "unelected Statists". Britain-good. France-Dirtbags. Germany...I have a lot of respect for them, but they are getting cozy with Russia, and that can only end poorly for them. Eastern Europe is good, Western Europe is mixed. I'll just call Western Europe, "Cheese eating surrender monkeys". Yes, that fits them very well.

Multi-culturalism: Complete dirtbag concept. In fact, I have contempt for anyone who feels that this intellectually and morally bankrupt philosophy. MC is simply not compatible with the Constitution and the American way of life. Pretty self-evident.

There may be a part 3 to this, depending on whether my daughter feels that I have been sufficiently inclusive in my dirtbag list.

I have said before, though I feel it needs to be said again. The truth is self-evident. Ask me a question and you will get an answer. Anyone who needs help differentiating between the Dirtbag class and the non-dirtbag class needs more help then I am able to provide in a single posting. However, if you get stumped, feel free to ask and I will help you with the call.

Live well.


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