Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cultural Stuff Pt. II

It is a proven fact that upon the Stoa a good nights' sleep improves memory and cognitive skills. During the first meal of the day, other items were discussed for inclusion within the Arena of Ideas. So, here they are in no particular order.

Twilight: Book, movie, memorabilia...take your pick. Any book that tries to turn a blood drinking, soul sucking, unholy undead creature into a romantic lead is twisted. Why don't you make a book or a movie about Mao Zedong and call it, "Driving Chairman Mao". Give him cute lines to say and a paternal eye-wink while you are at it. Vampires and Werewolves are not romantic. They are the stuff of nightmares, carried as cultural icons of evil from cultures around the world. They were the boogieman, the things that went bump in the night and came after children and young adults who acted foolish and irresponsible. These are creatures who must feed upon the innocent to maintain their existence. The blood of the living to fuel the hunger of the undead. As for Werewolves, they are the eternal predator, the anger unleashed of an uncontrolled psyche. They, like Vampires, spread their affliction like a virus, passing on their curse to the innocent with a simple bite. The average Joe heading out at night to work to pay the bills and feed his family has an unfortunate run-in with a Werewolf. He is cursed (if he was not eaten) and his family is now either left to fend for themselves or are now at risk to his increasingly evil and unstable behavior. Major symptom in the decline of culture when the evil are brought out and accepted as heroes. A culture that can not recognize EVIL in its literature certainly can not recognize evil in the real know, the place where we all live.

Millennial Hippies. These are the kids of boomers and uninvolved Gen X-ers. They wear the peace sign clothes, wear Bieber hair and otherwise try to live their parent's lifestyle of the 1970's. It was lame then and it is lame now. Hippies and that whole "Earth First" crowd have a romanticized version of the hippie, just as many in the world have an unrealistic image of the modern Gypsy (that is another posting). The counter-culture people of the 1960's come in three general flavors. The vast rural areas of America and its heartland only noted the Hippie as they traveled from one coast to the other, hitch hiking, moter-biking, or busing themselves from one drug induced party to another drug induced party. They had real work to do and kept at it. They grew up to be the honest taxpayer that now supports their drug-addled, welfare bum-like generational siblings. The second flavor are the ones that think that the 1960's and its degenerated 1970's decades never came to a close. They appear to be as high now as they were in 1977. Think the hippie character on, "That 70's Show". Most live in San Francisco or in other isolated pockets where the free spirit is still appreciated. Read: where others willingly bear the cost of support for these drug using alcoholics. The third flavor are those that died for their art. The ones that made the promise that if they were going to do something, they would do it all the way. These are the ones that drank themselves to death (and killed others while killing themselves), drugged themselves to death and were responsible for the violent crimes idolized in Hollywood films throughout the 1970's and 1980's in order to fuel their habits. Most of them are dead or reformed by now, though their legacy lives on in shattered families and missing parents. The Hippies also ruined "free love" for the following generation (mine) with the explosion of STDs, AIDS, and abortion. The kids today do not have CLUE what it is they celebrating when they wear that clothing. It is almost as if the kids today are all in a giant Renaissance Fair where they get to play dress up without the starvation, war, plague, and horror of the Middle Ages to mess up their fun. They are just Putzes and a clear Symptom of decline. Use the INTERNET and read about your fashions people. Please, don't become a mental LANDFILL for your idiotic elders. Use your own brain for a change.

And now onto "Foamy the Squirrel". Alpha turned me on to this fellow. He is the raw flip side to the Stoa. Where I like to use reason, logic, and friendly discussion to educate and persuade, Foamy is raw meat pie shoved into your face while waking up in the morning. Raw, unadulterated truth, 100 Proof. I cringe at the way he gets the message out. It is definitely not suitable for my daughter, though she regulates herself if he gets inappropriate. Responsibility is doing the right thing when no one is watching. I recommend Foamy for those who can see past the vulgarity and glean the truth the he speaks every time he unleashes his Squirrelly Wrath. He is neither a Dirtbag, Putz, or Symptom, but one of the beacons that we need to hold onto throughout this current culture war. Like Beck, Bachman, Wirecutter, and Zavost: Foamy is one we need to watch and listen to. Again, he has a high cringe factor, but if you don't actually watch the clip, but listen to it, you will learn everything you need to know about what is wrong in this current culture. More importantly, he does not just gripe. Anyone can gripe. But he shows you the way out of your largely self-inflicted issues. Listen to Foamy, or face his Squirrelly Wrath!

Back to reading my dusty old books and thumbing through all the articles of modern life.

Live well, all.


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