Monday, May 30, 2011

The Walmart Stigma

On this Memorial Day atop the Stoa, grill smoke wafting and motor boats ripping along Lake Michigan, I ponder the Walmart phenomena. I recently viewed a hilarious video put together by Jessica Frech, a university student from Memphis (and a budding singing star called, "The People of Walmart".

It really is funny. I do not stand on station and think of this as crass or classy, they just are. And this is really, really funny. Jessica is incredibly talented and I look forward to her continuing to put out songs on the Internet.

Now, on to Walmart. I have told my associates at work and those that mosey on up to the Stoa, that I think of myself as the ultimate Free Market Capitalist. I will spend my dollar more efficiently than anyone else and I will seek out that retail outlet that will allow me to get as much for that dollar as possible with either quantity or quality.

Due to the very nature of Walmart and its ability to hammer down prices up and down the supply and distribution chain, they offer just about anything I want or need at a price far lower than just about any other place I have seen. Of course, this attracts others who are doing the same thing. Others who may not have as much money to spend, those who have been unemployed, those on a small fixed income, and the like. If you are pinching pennies on food, then you may not have much more to spend on clothes, soap, or dental hygiene.

The video is resplendent with these individuals. Lets just say that I doubt that any of them went to finishing school. They wore what they wanted and felt free to do so without feeling uneasy with the eyes of society upon them. Most people would call them trash. The wealthy and the snobs among us would not want to get too close for fear that they will somehow afflict them with their social status.

Walmart sees them as loyal customers. I agree with them. Their money is just as green as anyones. Keeping prices low and quality high is an American commandment. Is it made by slave labor in China? Most likely, but that is for others to correct. In the mean time, I am going to shop where I like.

A million people spending $100 per week is worth more to Walmart then 100 people spending $1,000 per week. Anyhow, that is immaterial. Walmart will sell to anyone with money or credit.

As part of a Free Market purist, I also do not have any sympathy for the "Mom and Pop" shops that Walmart puts out of business. I see that as Capitalist natural selection. Walmart will not always be at the top, no more so than IBM or Microsoft were unchallenged in their supremacy. Walmart will employ more people all around than any mom and pop shop could ever hope to employ. Walmart and Meijers and other regional powers in the country started out small and grew because their business model was superior to the others in their market. Simple.

Unions and Walmart? The unions can spin for all I care. As long as Walmart pays a decent wage and provides incentives, then people will continue to work with them. Honda USA is a great example.

So do I shop at Walmart? Why not? Just don't get too close to some of the patrons and they won't bite.

Enjoy your bratwurst and burgers, your beer and your whiskey, remember our Fallen brave and shop wherever you feel like.

Live well.


Sunday, May 29, 2011

The Memorial Day

From the Stoa this day I have been scrubbing off the teen graffiti from the pillar of my Doric Column, what with all the cultural teen pieces I have written lately, and thinking. Thinking about Memorial Day. It is not just our Memorial Day. This day needs to be thought of by other countries and not just our own.

No other nation in the history of the world has offered up more of its sons and daughters then has the United States. There was not a nation nor shore in the Ancient world that did not have a Roman grave, but that was in the interests of conquest and imperial service. The US has liberated a third of the world and much of its population at one time or another. Some examples:

Canada: sorry, we did try to pick you off in the War of 1812 and the Revolutionary War, but each time you crotched us and made us back off. BUT, we have guaranteed your freedom since. Simply by sharing a border with us we will keep you safe.

Maritime Trade: From 1804 we crushed the pirates in the Atlantic and The Med that the major powers of the day were simply paying off. How many nations benefited from our intervention economically? To this day we keep the sea lanes safe (well, safer) for the world. Great Britain is a ravaged shadow of its former naval glory.

Mexico: In 1847 you were a conquered nation, your capital occupied and your future in our hands. That we took the American Southwest and then paid for more land speaks well for us. We had 100% of Mexico and decided that it was not in our best interests, nor that of the Mexican people, to fall under the US flag forever. There are movements in Mexico today that lack all reality in thinking that they have some claim on that land. Your nation exists only because we did not want it. Hurts your pride?

Cuba: The US acquired Cuba in 1899 and then proceeded to turn it into the jewel of the Caribbean. That it fell to Communism in 1959 was a tragedy. Under any treaty the US had ever signed with The Soviet Union, we could have invaded that island and restored its government. We had a claim on that land through conquest, much as the Soviet Union stole islands of the Japanese that they had occupied in their 14 day war with them. The Russians are still there, on Japanese soil, after all these years. Today Cuba is a pool of dreary, desperate people who long for the freedom just over the horizon.

Philippines: Acquired at the same time as Cuba, the United States let them go when they wished it. We supported them, nurtured them, and raised them from what the Spanish had left them for. Yet we let them go. We honored their wishes, just as we allow Puerto Rico to enjoy citizenship and Federal aid without forcing them to become a State. We don't conquer (American Indians excluded, sorry for all that).

South Korea: I just watched a documentary that was shot a few years ago and is a good example of what I'm describing. Veterans of the war were flown back and bused around to the various battle fields of 1950-53. What overwhelmed the soldiers was how advanced and completely modern South Korea is today. When they were there the houses were tin and thatch and the roads were packed dirt. Today it is cleaner and more modern than most cities in America. Their blood and sacrifice are wholly responsible for this today that they live within. Their future could have been that of a United Korea under the North. A peninsula of misery. The ROK soldiers were brave and spilled far more blood for their homeland then most Americans know, but it was the muscle and sinew of the American soldier that allows them to honor their dead.

France, Britain, Italy, heck Western Europe: If not for us in WWI and WWII there would be no modern Europe. It would either be speaking German or Russian. Granted, we entered WWI when most everyone was bled dry, but Germany had bested Russia and was about to crush France once and for all. Our sacrifice allowed a Europe to become the Socialist deadbeat that it has become today. Now they can barely bomb a backward Libya for lack of airplanes and bombs. The law of un-intended consequences again, I'm afraid.

This weekend we need to honor those Americans who have fallen or returned home to a future of disability and pain. They have given everything of themselves so that we can grill our burgers and take a day off of work. They have bled not just for us, but for the concept of freedom around the world for two centuries. Despite the Presidents of the day or the agendas that spew from Congress, our military has been there for us year after year. The best and the brightest among us, all for their own personal reasons, risk all of their days so that we can have the right to gripe about the price of hamburger (that is another blog).

Please take a few moments to thank those spirits. It is a small price for us to pay in relation to the price they paid.

Live well.


Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Cultural Stuff Pt. II

It is a proven fact that upon the Stoa a good nights' sleep improves memory and cognitive skills. During the first meal of the day, other items were discussed for inclusion within the Arena of Ideas. So, here they are in no particular order.

Twilight: Book, movie, memorabilia...take your pick. Any book that tries to turn a blood drinking, soul sucking, unholy undead creature into a romantic lead is twisted. Why don't you make a book or a movie about Mao Zedong and call it, "Driving Chairman Mao". Give him cute lines to say and a paternal eye-wink while you are at it. Vampires and Werewolves are not romantic. They are the stuff of nightmares, carried as cultural icons of evil from cultures around the world. They were the boogieman, the things that went bump in the night and came after children and young adults who acted foolish and irresponsible. These are creatures who must feed upon the innocent to maintain their existence. The blood of the living to fuel the hunger of the undead. As for Werewolves, they are the eternal predator, the anger unleashed of an uncontrolled psyche. They, like Vampires, spread their affliction like a virus, passing on their curse to the innocent with a simple bite. The average Joe heading out at night to work to pay the bills and feed his family has an unfortunate run-in with a Werewolf. He is cursed (if he was not eaten) and his family is now either left to fend for themselves or are now at risk to his increasingly evil and unstable behavior. Major symptom in the decline of culture when the evil are brought out and accepted as heroes. A culture that can not recognize EVIL in its literature certainly can not recognize evil in the real know, the place where we all live.

Millennial Hippies. These are the kids of boomers and uninvolved Gen X-ers. They wear the peace sign clothes, wear Bieber hair and otherwise try to live their parent's lifestyle of the 1970's. It was lame then and it is lame now. Hippies and that whole "Earth First" crowd have a romanticized version of the hippie, just as many in the world have an unrealistic image of the modern Gypsy (that is another posting). The counter-culture people of the 1960's come in three general flavors. The vast rural areas of America and its heartland only noted the Hippie as they traveled from one coast to the other, hitch hiking, moter-biking, or busing themselves from one drug induced party to another drug induced party. They had real work to do and kept at it. They grew up to be the honest taxpayer that now supports their drug-addled, welfare bum-like generational siblings. The second flavor are the ones that think that the 1960's and its degenerated 1970's decades never came to a close. They appear to be as high now as they were in 1977. Think the hippie character on, "That 70's Show". Most live in San Francisco or in other isolated pockets where the free spirit is still appreciated. Read: where others willingly bear the cost of support for these drug using alcoholics. The third flavor are those that died for their art. The ones that made the promise that if they were going to do something, they would do it all the way. These are the ones that drank themselves to death (and killed others while killing themselves), drugged themselves to death and were responsible for the violent crimes idolized in Hollywood films throughout the 1970's and 1980's in order to fuel their habits. Most of them are dead or reformed by now, though their legacy lives on in shattered families and missing parents. The Hippies also ruined "free love" for the following generation (mine) with the explosion of STDs, AIDS, and abortion. The kids today do not have CLUE what it is they celebrating when they wear that clothing. It is almost as if the kids today are all in a giant Renaissance Fair where they get to play dress up without the starvation, war, plague, and horror of the Middle Ages to mess up their fun. They are just Putzes and a clear Symptom of decline. Use the INTERNET and read about your fashions people. Please, don't become a mental LANDFILL for your idiotic elders. Use your own brain for a change.

And now onto "Foamy the Squirrel". Alpha turned me on to this fellow. He is the raw flip side to the Stoa. Where I like to use reason, logic, and friendly discussion to educate and persuade, Foamy is raw meat pie shoved into your face while waking up in the morning. Raw, unadulterated truth, 100 Proof. I cringe at the way he gets the message out. It is definitely not suitable for my daughter, though she regulates herself if he gets inappropriate. Responsibility is doing the right thing when no one is watching. I recommend Foamy for those who can see past the vulgarity and glean the truth the he speaks every time he unleashes his Squirrelly Wrath. He is neither a Dirtbag, Putz, or Symptom, but one of the beacons that we need to hold onto throughout this current culture war. Like Beck, Bachman, Wirecutter, and Zavost: Foamy is one we need to watch and listen to. Again, he has a high cringe factor, but if you don't actually watch the clip, but listen to it, you will learn everything you need to know about what is wrong in this current culture. More importantly, he does not just gripe. Anyone can gripe. But he shows you the way out of your largely self-inflicted issues. Listen to Foamy, or face his Squirrelly Wrath!

Back to reading my dusty old books and thumbing through all the articles of modern life.

Live well, all.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

More Cultural Stuff

From the Stoa tonight we will discuss some individuals responsible for making up the elements of our current youth culture. My star pupil (alpha) feels that there is too many intellectual items being explored from the base of the Stoa and has requested an exploration of some of the important people of her time.

Similar to the "Dirtbag" series that is still ongoing, this will outline individuals who are either "Symptoms" of a declining culture or a simple "Putz" that is oblivious to the decline.

Ok, first up, a suggestion from Alpha:

Justin Bieber. In my opinion, he is just a dork. In my day, the bullies at school would have fought each other to the death for the honor of beating him up. But that was the 80's and as I understand it things are more enlightened in this day and age. He is a symptom of declining standards of stardom. He borrows a dorky haircut from the early sixties that was resurrected in the seventies and then abandoned for good reason for the next twenty years. I just can not take anyone seriously who looks so ridiculous while trying to act so macho. His music is unmemorable. I'm sure he has talent, but I have not seen it. When Emperor Constantine came to power in the 330's a.d. he had his bust sculpted. It looked like a cartoon. It looked like like it had been done by a rank amateur. The decline in Roman culture was already well underway even though it held on for 150 years more before it just gave up.

Lady Gaga. Her music, that is the musical notes that she puts on paper is outstanding. If you can listen to her music and not have your heart pump and your legs jump then you are simply not alive. The words, however, leave much to be desired. That her music is not attacked by concerned parents, as rap music was attacked in the 1990's, speaks of a decline in morals. Women in their twenties have "Tramp Stamp" tattoos above there butts and men continue to wear their pants with their butts hanging out. It is hard to promote someone into a leadership position with a plug in their earlobe or a bar inserted through the bridge of their nose. Every generation has had this element in their culture, but never has it been so celebrated. Never has the "underground" been so mainstream. The Romans had this as well. Vomitorea were a fashionable addition to wealthy homes so that you could purge yourself so as to keep the fun times rolling is a good example. We have people too thin because they puke all the time and the morbidly obese who can not stop eating. Each have accommodations made for them in an accepting society via tolerance or disability legislation. Lady Gaga shows up to a function dressed in meat and people applaud her for her creativity. 'nuff said.

Charlie Sheen. Clear and unadulterated dirtbag. He is also a symptom of the decline and a major league putz. Yes he is rich. Yes he is famous, and yes he has had a long career. However, when you dissipate that wealth on crack, whores, and crack-whores; AND then run around like you are somehow a transcendent being then you have no real grip on reality. He has been enabled by dirtbag producers in Hollywood who made money on his mania and has, until recently, never had anyone tell him that he was acting like a dirtbag. Only Charlie can be all three. Dirtbag, Symptom, and Putz all rolled into one.

Ke$ha. Ok, that I just had to use a dollar sign in place of an "S" does not bode well for Ms. Kesha. Alpha told me that I had to use the dollar sign because the kids will catch its omission. Every time I have had the misfortune of seeing one of her videos I always come away with the impression that she needs a bath. Badly. She borrows dreads from urban blacks, ratty jeans from the hip middle class, pain ball garb from the well to do and has a distinctly 'stripper' look to both her style and dance. She borrows music from Korea and covers existing songs, so I have to wonder about her base talent. She is a Symptom of the declining talent base in this country.

Miley Cyrus. We all had such high hopes for Ms. Cyrus, but she seems to be a budding Lindsay Lohan or Pre-medicated Brittany Spears. As a teen she is wealthy and off her parent's leash. She is a Symptom of the decline as our society both accelerates childhood while at the same time prolonging childhood. Disney teen stars try to pedal purity and then go bananas when the collar slips and they realize that fame comes with bad behavior and a lack of clothing. No one can control her and no one seems to want to try. According to politicians in D.C., a "kid" can be 26 years old and live at home. I'm sure the insurance companies love that law.

More on this culture thing later. It is time for Alpha to get some sleep and for the instructor to move on to other things for the time being.

Live well.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Evolution of Children

On this wonderfully warm Sunday atop the Stoa I can not help but comment in retrospect upon what I see. People watching is fascinating and entertaining. Listening the the waves of humanity as they pass my steps is like channel surfing on a satellite HDTV.

Since the time of my youth, there was a joke floating around about men and their toys. Middle-aged men and their crisis-toys. I have found that common sayings of wisdom generally have kernels of truth embedded within. Let me expound on that for a moment.

In my time in healthcare, I have found that those with the most education and the most power and influence also tend to act the most child-like. Physicians especially. If they do not have something set up or running to their satisfaction they will, literally and physically, throw a tantrum (not all, of course, but enough for me, as an individual, to notice). Now, you would think that these highly educated and driven individuals would have the biggest brains in the room and thus, respond to stimuli in a rational, intelligent way. (buzzer sounds) NO. I believe that their position of power and authority makes them feel insulated from societies' restraints and expectations on behavior. In other words, they are reverting to their default mode to get what they want.

The support staff, the administrators, clerks, nurses, and technologists respond in restrained, sometimes polite ways to address the needs of these physicians because they ARE bound by societal requirements. The default mode is held in abeyance.

Likewise, the common adult, whether they be male or female have this default mode. Age does not automatically impart wisdom. Making mistakes, owning up to them, and learning from them is what grants one wisdom. Adults that refuse to allow these lessons to become part of their character, will more often then not, revert to their default mode when faced with situations for which they do not have to tools to address. This does not always take the form of the above mentioned tantrum, most of us do not have that level of esteemed protection. Adults are smarter, if not more educated and will act out in ways more clever than the average child. Passive aggressive, driven, back stabbing, etc. are ways that adults are described when they acting out. In fact, to be "driven" is thought by many to be plus, though I have never felt this. I see a little boy or girl trying to prove phantoms of their past wrong for calling them lazy or stupid. Overcompensation, I believe, is what psychologists call it. Teenagers are especially attuned to this. Usually, the adult will hear the word, "Hypocrite" issue forth from their teen when that teen sees illogical (yes, I can apply the word logic to a teen) rationalizations for their parent's past or present behavior. Be aware of this, mom and dad. They do notice.

Family issues at Thanksgiving and the holidays are examples of older children playing out old grievances without even really being aware. Some are acting out on feelings of jealousy or pride when dealing with siblings at the table. This really plays out at the reading of wills. The eldest always feel entitled to an estate despite the fact that their birth order is really a cosmic crap game. The eldest typically feels empowered by the fact that they are a year or two older than their sibling, even though the sibling may be a pillar of their society while the eldest leans on that pillar all year. This is childish behavior being displayed by adults.

The desire to have the biggest house or the most expensive car. Status symbols meant to show others how great you are. A reminder to others that they are somehow inferior. In modern parlance, I believe this is called, "Keeping up with the Joneses".

This trait is particularly bad when this person rises to national power and the State simply becomes and extension of their property. Dictators like Amin, Quadaffi, Assad, and Hitler come to mind. The state simply becomes a means to THEIR ends, tools to give and grant as they see fit. Ego and power, marching hand in hand in an immature individual. Never mistake Education for Intelligence.

I have seen many, many people who are "Educated beyond their Intelligence". Some people are very good with book smarts and getting good grades in training programs, only to fail miserably when they have to apply theory to reality. Those people tend to become University Professors. They force their view of something because they read it in a book without making allowances for the situation on the ground. Everything in life must be adapted, there is no "plug and play" version in life. An intelligent person recognizes this and takes the time and has the patience to see things through to a successful conclusion.

There are adults out there, and sometimes they rise to positions of importance. However, it also happens frequently that their childish counterparts smash them and their careers to pieces because they do not have the restraints on behavior that the adult has built in. They don't go to the boss with trumped up charges to get their rivals fired, however a rival may not have such restraint and the next thing the adult knows, they are out of work.

In the movie "Spaceballs", there is a line a love, "Evil will always win because good is dumb". Indeed. I think that a true, enlightened individual would recognize the "game" they are in even if they choose not participate. When the rival goes to the boss to complain, the enlightened individual will have proof of their innocence ready to go and will in reality see their rival go down in flames. Think on it.

Atop the stairs of the Stoa, I hear the trivial and the mundane. The personal fears, hopes and dreams of the Common Man. Who likes who and gee my boss is dumb. What is for dinner today and can you believe the ear rings she is wearing with that dress? Arguments over politics, thoughts of converting a friend to their way of thinking, forgetting all the while that their friend is attempting the same thing.

There is an evolution of children, though that evolution tends to be toward bigger versions of themselves. Over spending, over-thinking, mental neuroses, all rampant.

I enjoy my Sunday afternoons upon the Stoa. A quiet time to listen to humanity as it moves by me. An occasion to meet the rare friend with whom I can converse with, one adult to another.

Enjoy this Sunday, friend.

Live well.


Saturday, May 21, 2011

Crony Capitalism is not Capitalism

From the Stoa tonight I wish to discuss the difference between Capitalism and Crony Capitalism. As the warmth of spring continues to sink into the cold lands of Western Michigan, I hear the overlapping drone of one term and phrase after another, constantly misused and intentionally misunderstood.

First, capitalism is not a political theory. It is an economic theory that is the close cousin of the Free Market system. Socialism IS both an economic theory and a political theory. Ditto Marxism. Islamic Sharia is an economic theory, political theory, and cultural belief system all rolled into one. As you can see, we are building up a lexicon of meaning here.

The United States was founded as a Republic that utilized a system of free markets with low taxes and tariffs. The new nation had a handful of millions of souls, squeezed between an unfriendly Europe, an angry Canada, and a host of mixed native American tribes. A hundred years later, the United States was vastly expanded and rapidly eclipsing the Old World in terms of economics and military power. By the end of Theodore Roosevelt's presidency, the United States already had the (arguably) largest and most capable navy in the world. By the end of WWII, the United States was the world's mightiest nation in terms of population, economics, and military power. Technologically, we were innovating and inventing nearly every major item in the world.

That has been the power of the American Republic, the American spirit of risk-taking, and the potential of the Free Market. In that time, the Federal Governments involvement has grown in direct proportion to the decline of the Republics' potential.

In a free market republic, the government does not interfere with the Free Market. Now, can anyone in the class identify a model where the government interferes with the market place? If you said Marxism and Communism then you would be correct. What do you call it when the government allows the company to run its own affairs as long as it produces what the government requests? If you said, "Fascist" then you would be correct. In this case, you have many of the established blue chip international conglomerates sucking up to the Federal Government in general and Obama specifically.

You will find parallels in Germany from 1933 to 1945. Just ask Siemens, Krupp, and many, many other German companies how they aided Herr Hitler.

In Germany's case, as in the ongoing American disaster, you have a company willing to sell its freedoms for guaranteed slice of the REGULATED economy.GE, GM, AMA, and AARP are just a few of the companies that are sucking up, just as Siemens did in 1933.

Is GE going to make medical products that are needed in the market (i.e. compete) or are they going to create junk that the Feds will regulate less than a Philips product? Is GM going to demand taxpayer subsidies to push the Chevy Volt onto the American public? Oh, wait, they already HAVE.

Crony Capitalism has nothing to do with Capitalism. In reality it is a type of willing Fascism on the part of a willing corporate body currying favor with a Marxist that will crush those that do not do as they are told. Little do they know that this willingness will not save them from scorn and attack if it suits the Obama Administration. Just ask Goldman Sachs.

This was not as detailed as I intended, though I may expand on this if the mood strikes me. I feel that I have provided enough material for a spirited debate and thoughtful discussion.

It is time for me to depart to my humble abode, as it is late upon the Stoa this night.

Live well.


Sunday, May 15, 2011

The Mathematical Future vs. the Threads of History

I have frequently stated that I can see the threads of history weave and create the future from the past and the present. Atop the Stoa tonight, I have been reading of a fellow in the U.S. State Department that has had a rather nimble algorithm that has been reliably predicting events and outcomes for many years. He has even used it to apply to past events to test the validity of his program.

One thing I took away from it was that it seemed to always go with the path of least resistance to solve an international issue "peacefully". One example was Kim Il Sung in N. Korea. It states that we should let him have his nukes, since he needs these to shore up his evil regime. Once we back off, he will be less likely to use them and he can then negotiate with us from a position of safety and security. That events will eventually lead to some kind of normalization on the Korean peninsula.

That example is pure crap. I can not abide the slavery of millions of people. If it is within our nations' power to pull millions from slavery then we are honor bound to do so. None of this mushy multicultural crap.

The program also says that we should just let the Middle East be and let them organize their affairs the way they wish to. If this means the destruction of Israel, the genocide of Jews and the enslavement of millions of women who currently drive and are educated then I have a problem with this.

The program also says that much of the instability in the world is the fault of the US being so strong militarily, culturally, economically, technologically, and morally.

Strike three for the algorithm.

An algorithm is simply a complex equation to quantify and solve for variables. The starting variables and numbers are what the creator of the program determines. Plus, I would like to know how you quantify the emotional state of a dictator? How do you quantify the religious zeal of a nation and benchmark that against the cultural desire for independence, i.e. the Islamic cultural conquest of the United States? How do you quantify the human element?

Humans, as a mass, are relatively predictable, but the individual has been known to buck the trend line from time to time. George Washington vs. Napoleon for example. Joan of Arc as a French resistance leader as another.

The future can be predicted and it does not take a computer program to do so. It needs only a person or people who can critically evaluate history in its totality and neutrality. If it has been documented in history that Egypt underwent currency inflation and the god-like rulers then took the measures to fix the prices for goods and services then you can trace forward to see what happened. It failed miserably and the Greeks kicked in the rotten door and conquered them. If Diocletian devalued the Roman currency and then solved the problem with fixing the prices for goods and services then just scroll forward a bit. Yep, failure. The barbarians then kicked in the rotten doors and the Empire fell. Weimar Germany tried to print its way out of debt and inflated the currency. The resulting hyperinflation made life so miserable that the German people begged someone strong like Hitler to save them. They willingly gave away their freedoms by a vote in the Reichstag. He pulled them from an economic nightmare though he delivered them to a very real hell on Earth. Zimbabwe drives of the white farmers that fed the country and placed black farmers on the land who did not know how to farm as well. Now the country imports its food and has had to print its way out of debt. Hundreds of trillions of Z-notes to buy bread. Needless to say the currency has been discontinued.

The United States has embarked upon a policy of inflating its currency to lift it out of debt. The State is seizing personal property and private lands for its own political and economic gain in direct contravention of the Constitution (despite what the black robes say). We murder millions of future taxpayers and innovators in the name of "choice". We rewrite the language to suit a need rather than to reflect the current cultural use of that word for political means. It limits free speech more and more and has embarked on regulation of the Internet with "kill switches" and the power to eliminate web sites that IT deems offensive or subversive.

So, class, how is this going to go for the nation that calls itself the United States of America? If history is any indicator, then it will not end well for the American Republic.

Isaac Asimov, in one of his SF stories, had created the science of studying the future by mathematically quantifying the past. Its peoples, it cultures, its history all in an attempt to predict its future. Even with centuries of development, the mathematics failed because of human free will. Someone always came along and turned their equations to hash. His cabal of scientists ended up having to do what all tyrants throughout history have always sought to do. Remove the individual's free will. A second group was founded secretly to literally control the minds of those who pivot history so that they could MAKE a pre-determined future come to pass.

The Egyptians dominated through religion. The Romans dominated first with the State and then an Emperor (since those pesky Senators and elected Tribunes were not doing it right). The Kings and Queens of feudal Europe ruled through divine right. The Nation State was born by the end of the Renaissance. It ruled the masses by bureaucracy and compartmentalization. The Russian Czar was overthrown by Marxists who then turned its people into the cogs of the Nation State. Even Great Briton had to "share" power with the people via a Parliament.

Only the United States started out with "We the People" having more power than any individual or department in the government. A government that derived both its power and AUTHORITY TO EXIST from the people. Power flowed UP into the State, not DOWN to the masses. The Constitution guaranteed that we could speak our minds and mind our property.

It is only through the IGNORANCE and comfortable laziness instilled by over two centuries of prosperity that has allowed the evil of Progressivism and Marxism to rot our Republic from within. Now the power has been flipped. People can not build a tool shed in their back yard if it interferes with "Nature". Individuals can not speak their minds lest they offend someone. A church can not voice its opinion lest the people of Dearborn go on an animalistic rampage to murder and pile skulls.

Our Founders knew this would be a likely future for our Republic. WHY, you ask? Because our Founders studied history as if it were prologue. They saw many, many ways that Republics had failed throughout history and crafted the Constitution to be self-correcting. They knew that the fires that birthed the new nation would cool and laziness would set in. They understood human nature. They knew that the day would come when a group of Americans would decide that they new better than the Common Man and attempt to FORCE their view of everything on everyone. Lightbulbs, cars, speech, pets, the color of your mailbox, you name it. Just look at the evening news or todays newspaper (they still print those?).

It will take, however, a people who are awake and aware of how we were born to be able to restore our Republic. Much in our culture has been corrupted. It is always easier to take a hand out then to work for yourself. This will be difficult to overcome as there are so many individuals, municipalities, and entire States that are supported only through the Federal dole (i.e. the national taxpayers).

I have faith, though in our Republic. I do believe that the leaders that this nation needs will become visible as the crisis comes to a head.

Faith is all I have since the threads of history are not on our side. You can keep "hope". Hope is lazy.

Live well.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Modern Latifundia

From atop the Stoa stairs there are many trends converging and their outcomes becoming almost unavoidable. There have been several recent reports on developments that I saw coming many years ago and are only now being reported in the media.

Editors note: do not take anything in this article as support or advocacy for Marxism or redistributionist philosophy. Don't, or you will simply miss an opportunity to think up creative solutions. You have been warned.

I'll start off with some details that form the connections within my thoughts.

Back in the 1990's there was the dot com rush, where Internet companies were flashing in and out of existence faster than quarks in a nuclear implosion. Most were gobbled up by others, many simply fizzled as they were a name and a shingle with no real product or service to market. There were two major problems with the dot comms. One, the Internet was still in its relative infancy and the number of users were very limited. Two, most of the dot comms did not have a product or service that was not already being done more efficiently than the traditional brick and mortar companies in the day. There was a speculation frenzy that drove up private shares simply by putting a ".com" after any meaningless jumble of letters or numbers. Damn the product or service. As you well know, that bubble did not last and by the time it popped there were at least 200 IPOs per year hitting Wall Street. Millions of investors lost everything and a few became millionaires and billionaires. A few made it out of the carnage like Facebook, Amazon, and eBay.

Out of the pile of newly minted rich, there were those that simply frittered away the wealth or lost it through additional start-ups that could not get funding. A handful of individuals, who were better at evaluating other start ups, rather than actually running a start-up, began to use there networks to broker deals in the venture capital arena.

Due to recurring bubbles and instability in technology and commodities trading (think ENRON and WorldCom) the government had to involve itself deeper into the process and "protect the little guy". It became much harder for a privately held company to do two things: 1, meet the conditions required to launch an IPO bid, and 2, remain a publicly traded company due to the onerous demands of continuing regulation and regulatory over-sight. It simply became easier to remain a privately traded company then to go public.

This had at least two big effects on the venture capital market going forward. 1, The big companies stabilized their market shares and their values climbed at the same rate, in general, as the housing market due to the greater liquidity that individuals were pulling from real estate to gamble in the markets, thus making individual shares of "stable" companies too expensive for the common day trader. The big clearing houses had the cash and the reserves to continue to trade, even in the new regulatory market. 2, Fewer IPOs meant fewer outlets for venture capital, or at least the "big scores" that were had just a decade earlier. Capital flowed further into real estate and other climbing commodities, which, you guessed it, CREATED MORE BUBBLES.

THEN, when the housing market collapsed in 2008 and commercial properties by 2010, credit became tighter to get. Banks virtually stopped lending and still lend very little to this day in 2011. Now, people who have the money and a legitimate credit score to purchase a home, are being denied the privilege to buy that home. How is this?

Let me sketch out a few more points.

Those few individuals who started in the dot com trenches and managed to hang onto their wealth were ambitious risk takers. Smart, risk takers since the dumb ones had already dissipated their wealth. They saw that the conventional lines of credit in the country were frozen. They saw that hundreds of established companies were failing and that there were virtually no new IPOs. They had liquidity, but no outlet.

Groups of these individuals began to see the foreclosure spikes and saw a golden opportunity starting in late 2009 into early 2010. They knew that eventually the market would regain most of its loses (so the reasoning went) and snapping up properties at 1-50% of their previous sale amounts would lead to fantastic future profits. They even became white knights to many as they would take over a mortgage and then allow the previous homeowner to pay rent on the property and a previously agreed upon amount, to be adjusted if the prior owner ever moved out.

Others saw this and decided to cut out the middle man and white knight stuff. They began buying everything in sight, entire developments that had failed were now being purchased, completed and then rented out to the hundreds of thousands who had been foreclosed upon. Individuals trying to purchase a home now have to compete with venture capitalists who are willing to pay cash on the barrel. Banks and funds that are holding these toxic foreclosures will always take the money now rather than taking on yet another "risky" 15 or 30 year mortgage.

So now the little guy, who has done everything right, kept their credit clean and even has 20 or 25% to put down on a new home are being squeezed out of homeownership. Many must continue to rent rather than own.

This market is hot right now for the land lord. Millions are being displaced through foreclosure and home values continue to decline. The bottom may not really be reached for as many as 5 more years from now (yeah, I said it).

Now, back to the smart investors who are looking for the bigger scores. There are some of the dot com survivors, namely the ex-founder of the now defunct Netscape browser, who are doing something about the lack of IPOs hitting the market.

Traditionally, privately held companies, who now really, really, want to stay that way, offer shares when they are trying to raise funds. These are not publicly traded and are not regulated. You must be "invited" to purchase these shares if they are issued, or swapped among the private owners. This is an exclusive club that has had its own rules for a very long time. Enter the Gen X'ers into this equation. Like the caddies leaping into the exclusive pool in the movie "Caddyshack", these people are using their influence and networking skills assembled and put together during all the bubbles since the dot comms. They are spending extravagant amounts of personal cash and partner cash to purchase wedges of stocks in privately held firms. Sometimes spending 10 to 20 times the normal amounts of "access". Like Rodney Dangerfield in that movie, they are detested by the establishment, but kept on because they have the hard, hard cash and the guts to invest it.

What comment am I making from all this financial and cultural data?

Wealth, both cash and gold (soft and hard currency) is being collected into fewer and fewer hands. One group is turning us into a nation of lease holders (rent) and another group is slamming the door on the minting of new millionaires. America has traditionally had a very, very fluid class dynamic. Many poor can become rich and visa versa. Closing that door locks out the middle class, the same middle class that is currently being picked apart by the government, inflation, and progressive taxation.

I marvel at the continuing similarities between the decline of the Roman Republic and the decline of the American Republic. The Romans devalued their currency, just as we are. The Romans made laws that were selectively enforced...I'm looking at you Eric Holder and Mr. Obama. The Romans became embroiled on too many battlefronts at the same time, draining an already strained treasury. I'm think of Libya and other places where America has troops deployed. The Romans used Slave Labor on into the 2nd Century A.D. while the Americans have our own version of slave labor, called "Undocumented Immigrants". The Roman government began to hand out the Consulship to wealthy senators instead of capable Senators (Caesar being a frightening example of wealth and skill), these Senators had wealth that the Republic needed to tap to equip its ever growing Empire. America has the crony Capitalists such as GE, GM, and any number of other large Megacorps. The Romans distracted their people from the growing inflation and taxation by holding ever elaborate games in the coliseum with the blood of the Gladiator being supreme. In America we have reality TV demonstrating to everyone that some one else out there has life tougher than you, so get over it. We have professional athletes in Basketball, Football, Baseball, Hockey, and Soccer that take the place of the hallowed Gladiator. Distractions aplenty for a sleeping American population.

The parallels are really there, I'm not just seeing historical convergences by coincidence. If nothing is done to bolster the Republic, then it most certainly will fail.

By the time Octavian had killed the last rebel off the coast of Greece and welded Egypt into the Empire, the Republic was already truly dead, though the population was completely unaware of this fact. Octavian knew that the people would kill him just as fast as they had killed his adoptive father; if he tried to rule openly. Instead, he was simply known as the First Consul in the Senate. Speaker of the Senate, you could say. He could initiate legislation and he could veto it, but the people still had the ILLUSION of participation. His rule was so long and prosperous, that by the time his successor came to the purple, the illusion was no longer needed.

Where is America on that path now? IS our Republic even still alive? Pelosi and Reid have each stated that the Constitution is meaningless in today's political landscape. Others in Congress have openly stated that there are three branches to government: The House, The Senate, and the Supreme Court. They already feel the bindings of the Constitutional strictures too loose to hold them any longer and they are slipping free of "WE THE PEOPLE".

Serfdom came about in Europe because by the late Roman Empire, all the property that had been in individuals' hands gravitated into the Latifundia. Vast agricultural or population zones owned by a few rich and powerful individuals. The people lost the ownership of the land and rented their homes and plots from the land lord since the individual had been taxed and regulated out of ownership. This lead to the European aristocracy that was not toppled until a growing mercantile trade rose to re-create a middle class and sweep away the indebted and moribund upper class during the Renaissance.

This collection of property and corporate power is tracking with what happened to the Roman Republic and transformed it into the Roman Empire. Where are we? What are we and where are we going?

Think on this. Ponder it. If it does not make you shake a little then you don't understand. There are creative solutions that we can take NOW. It does not require a collapse and an intervening millennia to rebuild what once was.

Live well.


Monday, May 9, 2011

GOP Obstinance

From to Stoa today, I can see many things. One of the things I see, with some exasperation, is that the GOP is failing to learn on so many levels.

Let me list some examples:
1. CONSERVATIVE VALUES won the GOP a landslide in November, 2010. The GOP is still associated with conservatism, much like the DNC is still associated with the "little man". Neither has been true since at least 1989, but I digress. The GOP has failed to recognize the power of the "bulge" in this country. This is a 'center-right' nation, a conservative nation. The Hispanic inflow has not swamped the politics YET in this country. Then again, Hispanics are not a solid voting bloc like the Blacks, so perhaps we should not be that afraid...again, I digress. Conservatism succeeds every time it is tried. Look at Scott Brown. He wore the cloak for a few months and it got him a seat in Massachusetts. He has now shed that device and is running things like the RINO he is.

2. POLITICS IS NOT ABOUT GETTING ALONG. The GOP is failing to realize that this is not a playground game they are working at. This is D.C. politics and there is no member of the Left that is your friend. The DNC understands this. They will always do what it takes to WIN. This has been demonstrated every time they say that the GOP is going to starve grandma and the children in school. They don't roll over, they don't give up. They scorch the land behind them on everything from Taxes to Dog collars. The GOP consistently fails to understand that they are playing by a fundamental set of rules that are different than those of the Left.

Don't worry, I'll pontificate more on how not to be a failure.

3. YOU DO NOT DEFEAT YOUR OPPONENT BY BECOMING THEM. If your opponent has a fundamental belief system that is different then yours, then you can not beat them by watering down your message. You are either FOR a big government AND the taxes and intrusions that allow for BIG government or you are NOT. Sounds pretty simple. Either you are for the 10th Amendment, or you are not. Our Founding Fathers intentionally wrote the Constitution for the "every man" so that even a career politician could not misinterpret it. If you water down your message, you will lose your historical base and the ever-vacillating "Independents". You will become nothing more than a pale version of that which you once opposed. We call those "RINOS" in conservative circles. If I'm going to eat a bacon double cheese burger, it is going to be all-beef with gobs of cheese and grease. It WILL NOT be a turkey burger with soy-cheese and all-grain buns. In the end, you will always wish for the real deal. Why vote for a Democrat-lite, when you can just go for it and vote for the Democrat.

4. The GOP has failed to recognize both its friends and its enemies. This may sound a little redundant, but I'm looking at it from a different angle. Conservative talk radio is a "natural ally" of the GOP, much like 99% of the MSM is for the Democrats. Do not alienate them, I'm looking in your direction Gov. Mitch Daniels, by telling them that the GOP will not win if they rely on the members of the talk radio scene. The GOP looks at that crowd as "extreme" and unable to win over the majority in the "Independents". Gov. Daniels and the other power brokers in the GOP want to reach out to the NASCAR and red-neck vote. What he fails to realize is that this IS the new GOP in the making and it does not include them. The TEA PARTY movement will continue to dismantle the GOP if it is not co-opted and destroyed from within, though I will hope that because the movement is decentralized by nature that new buds will grow to replace those that are corrupted. The TEA PARTY got them the landslide in November 2010 and now they are trying to distance themselves from the movement. Huge mistake.

I said this last year and I feel I must say it again. The GOP is going through the same changes that the DNC went through in the 1960's. The party of JFK is dead and buried. It has been supplanted by a host of alphabet Marxist infiltrators. JFK would be an "Extreme Radical" in today's DNC and be booted. Think I'm wrong? If a hugely Liberal Joe Lieberman, recent VP candidate on the DNC ticket can be kicked out of the party for being too CONSERVATIVE (really!) then JFK would would be booted in a nanosecond. The GOP has been drifting at least since Gerald Ford. Guilt over Watergate and the unelected Presidency of Ford caused the party to jerk towards the middle to look for inclusiveness...making the tent larger. A complete fraud like Carter beats him and yanks the country hard to the left, creating the Departments of Energy and Education in a single term.

Ronald Reagan managed to stem the Liberal slide of the GOP and remind us who we were as a nation and a people. We were not a nation of nannies, nor were we the nation of the free hand out. We were a nation of doers and thinkers that helped through charity, not compulsory taxation. Then George HW Bush turned his back on his great mentor and began to wash down the message, to make us less "extreme".

The conservative base rose up against both his message and his practices and looked at people in the GOP that were more conservative than GHW Bush. Due to the nature of party politics, Bush won renomination. This forced conservative candidates like Perot and Forbes into 3rd party status. All this has done in the past, just as with Teddy Roosevelt's "Bull Moose Party" was to split the conservative ticked and allow an uber Liberal to take office by the name of William J. Clinton. If Perot and Bush had added their numbers they would have easily beaten Clinton. The GOP slipped further to the left, even as the base of the party elected waves of GOP into office in the 1994 elections. We all remember how quickly the defended into DNC-lite status under Gingrich. Remember that when Gingrich runs for office in 2012.

Seeing a pattern here, folks? WE the PEOPLE see what is going on in D.C. and the major parties and are working to correct this. Pay ATTENTION GOP. The Tea Party is simply a manifestation of the majority of this country. Do not ignore or belittle it.

So then we get George W. Bush who says that he is pushing "Passionate Conservatism". What exactly does that mean? That Conservatism is by nature "harsh". Life is harsh. Accept it and grow from it. W. Bush expands the Federal government and Federal debt more than President Carter. He creates a drug entitlement that is nearly a Trillion dollars in new future debt. Not conservative at all, W.

So then the MSM machine and the entrenched Marxist elements spit on Hillary Clinton, thinking that a woman tainted by Bill's past could not win against a weak and feeble McCain, they decide to pull from deeper in the minority guilt playbook and Obama is born. A fictitious character from front to back and inside-out. A fabrication of Hope and Change that will right all the wrongs of both America and the Planet. First, I didn't think that America needed all that ephemeris "change", nor did we need much "hope" short of maintaining our American culture in the face of Marxism and RINO-slide.

Obama is the single most defeatable candidate since Jimmy Carter. This man has wrecked everything he has touched around the world. Our traditional allies now distrust or outright hate us. Our marginal allies are jumping ship and seeking new partners elsewhere (Saudi Arabia for example). He has also derailed decades of work to push his Muslim-centric policies such as actively destroying Egypt and Libya while propping up Iran.

The MSM has already been up to their old tricks of holding out weak GOP candidates and telling us how afraid Obama is of them. Just like they chose McCain, they are trying to choose their GOP opponent by spinning up yarns and smoke screens. Or as Bill McNeil from "Newsradio" once said, "Don't confuse the issues with half-truths and gorilla dust." They will continue to vilify Palin and Bachman, attempting to make them radioactive so that they can not win, while treating with deference and respect the very weak RINOs that will be elevated beyond their importance so that a weakened DNC and Obama can score another victory, as in 2006 and 2008.

GOP, I will say this again and again. Look to the Tea Party, they ARE the mainstream of the American REPUBLIC. Vote the way the people want you to, not the way the Beltway power brokers tell you to vote. Vote with the conscience of your constituency and you will NOT be voted out of office.

We want people of STRONG moral conviction. I don't care about their religion, only their convictions. Often time, those with strong conviction are religious, though not always. I want someone who has the strength of their convictions, strong morals and character. Someone who will not compromise just to "get things done". You can no longer compromise with the Left. Their policies are anathema to the American way of life and our historical founding. Anyone who has not been blinded by the Public School System should be able to see this for themselves.

So, come on GOP, get the gorilla dust out of your eyes and take note of who won their elections in 2010, who lost their elections in 2010, and what bills they supported or opposed. Any competent campaign manager should be able to compile that list for you. You check up on your facts and you will see that either you are with the Tea Party or you are very likely to become unemployed. We must be strong in our conviction if we are to DEFEAT the Marxists in this nation. The time for half-measures and vacillation just for election-sakes is long over. Dwell on this for a long, long moment.

Live well, everyone.


Friday, May 6, 2011

Kids Today

The Stoa has been a busy place to be this day.

Several articles hit the Internet today about education, teachers, unions, culture, and general popular culture. After scratching my head for a bit, I consulted with one of my students; the ever front and center daughter of mine. I watched a round table symposium, with my daughter about teachers' unions, political activism, and, last of all, the quality of student education.

By a fair majority, the teachers felt that they had no voice in the curriculum, nor did they have any voice in making lasting improvements. Several felt that there was massive waste in the system, such as redoing the curriculum every other year when some other bozo comes up with a new idea in indoctrination.

What caught my attention was a teacher that said that the students are not coming ready to learn, frequently they are deficient in what they should already know at that grade level, and the parents are very uninvolved. Much of what I heard struck several chords with me. Connections were made and cross-checked with my children and I am confident that I can speak with some authority on the youth culture of today.

I've spoke about education in previous generations before, so I'll skip over some of that and only reference it if it becomes relevant.

Kids today appear to be coddled, smothered (helicopter children), entitled, and cheered even when they fail. Listing to my son play online with other kids his age, I hear a torrent of swearing and foul behavior, barely better than an animal. Worse yet, when I hear a parent tell their kid to get off the XBOX or PC, the child howls with indignation, swears, and tries to dominate the conversation. What causes this? How does this behavior come about?

Children are not allowed to fail. Schools pass on kids that can not read, get medals and trophies for just showing up. Parents, because of the Reagan economic expansion, really did not remember or know what it meant to live through tough times, bought anything and everything their children asked for. Easy credit and an expanding economy created the illusion that life would always be good.

My generation (the X'ers) have been creating, in unknown proportions, both Heroes and Brats. Those children raised by X'ers who had to be self reliant have taught their children that same skill. My daughter knows how to work hard for what she has. She is inquisitive and persistent. My son can be a slacker, oh, yes, but I'm confident that he will grow into a fine young man. It is just at age 11 he acting like a typical 11 year old boy. Shocker. There are many among this generation (the Millennial generation) that have risen to the challenge of the war on terror. They embody the best qualities of this nation.

Those being raised by the well off and pampered of my generation have raised a bunch of victims. There will always be a need for ditch diggers and buddy to we have a lot of them with this crop. Well dressed, vacations every year, a car when they are 16 and then...what? What kind of work do they get into? What do they expect from life?

As an Administrator in healthcare, I have seen the first wave of these kids wonder why they can not get the corner office in 6 months, why they can not make 6 figures in the first 6 months, and why they have to work so hard. As business leaders we have tailor new ways of motivating them, and getting the best out of them. What I have noticed most is a lack of critical thinking skills. They follow instructions by rote and manual. In my line of work, a radiation technique or an ultrasonic probe position is as much art and skill as it is theory. When a crisis hits, they stand there with their mouths open and not knowing what to do. There has always been someone there who will "take care" of things when they go bad. Poor initiative and problem solving skills.

Children show no respect to teachers (which can not help their education) or each other. They are wired and digital (which is a good thing these days), but detached an lacking in interpersonal skills. They lack the empathy that goes along with face to face conversations. They lack the ability to see harm happen to anyone other than themselves. They tend to be politically active, if steered that way by others. Liberals are finding fertile ground with these kids who have no direction and no boundaries. Children need structure and discipline. They need to be taught and they need to learn basic skills.

Schools need to get out of the social activism role and back into teaching Civics and Rhetoric. Nearly half of kids under 20 had to Google "Osama bin Laden" because they had no idea who he was. Likewise, More than half of those kids felt that Global Warming was caused by human activity. Right....

I will do what I can to raise children who can think and act for themselves. Children that are not afraid to question authority and stand out in a group. I'm glad to see that the leadership gene has been passed at least to my daughter. Question without fear and stand up to people who are shoveling propaganda at you. My children will not need to be "organized" like sheep. Community Organizing...yes, it is like herding the sheep that Liberals have spend decades creating. I can do little to help those I do not come in contact with, but I will make sure that my children dominate in any career path they choose.

My desire is that my children will become kernels of logic and sanity in a world gone stupid. They will rise to the top simply because the others are mush. I can live with that. They will lead, teach, and shape those around them. They will touch countless lives during their tenure on Earth and I can only hope that they will rise above the daily irritations and keep focused on bettering themselves and those around them. I wish that they will exceed me in everything that I have done. I wish that they will do more, earn more, and be more than I ever was.

What more can a proud father want?

Live well.


Thursday, May 5, 2011

Calling it as I see it Part 2

From the Stoa, my daughter, ever at the head of the class, wants me to expound on who is a dirtbag and who is not. Interestingly enough, it is a very easy list to stay off. You just have to be a decent human being to stay off of it.

What constitutes dirtbag status worthiness? Let us explore this together:

Sneaking into a home at night and murdering a family in their sleep qualifies. Doubly so if some of those family members were infants. Oh, let's see, celebrating the murders the next morning with sweets and parties in the streets is indicative of "dirtbaginess". Sawing off a person's head while recording it for the internet...Thus, Hamas, the Muslim Brotherhood, any of the garden variety terrorists who murder in the name of God and "peace". You guessed it, dirtbags.

Obama just took credit for the locating, planning, and termination of Osama bin Laden. He is as man who will take credit for the sun rising in the morning. He was elected without proving where he was born, why he does not have a valid, Hawaii-sequenced Social Security number, nor what he was listening to for 20 years while attending a Black Supremacist church. Someone with so little character that he takes credit for things he did not do and blames others for things that rightfully hang about his own neck. You guessed it--Dirtbag.

Glenn Beck is a recovering Dirtbag. In the 90's he was way off the path of decency. He finally realized that he had but two choices, die, or re-join humanity. His path was the Mormon faith and it seems like it was exactly what he needed. He will be known in the future as the man that re-Founded the American Republic. I have a tremendous amount of respect for this man. Not currently a dirtbag.

The Green Movement is a collective pyramid of dirtbags. Al Gore is the anointed prophet of climate change. Governments are banning incandescent lightbulbs. We have terrorists cutting off our citizen's heads, and they are worried about a light bulb that has been around for more than 100 years. Nice. Oh, and these new and improved light bulbs are dimmer, irritating, and contain Mercury. I wonder how much of that stuff was spilled into the environment over in Japan with the recent earthquake and tsunami. Mercury is a deadly neurotoxin that is difficult and expensive to clean up. How much was swept out to sea to settle into the fish that they eat so much of? They are trying to make us drive cars that are made of tin foil and recycled card board. People are dying because you can carry these green cars under your arm when you get home. Yep, you guessed it--Dirtbags.

The Nanny State of Chicago, not to be confused with the Nanny State in general. Here I'm talking about the Chicago School system. A school has made it against their policy to allow students to bring their lunch from home. Nor can they go out to lunch off campus. They say this is due to Michelle Obama's health children initiative. I have a feeling the the Crony Capitalism that has infected the White House and Washington D. C. has been caught in a big way in Chicago. I have a feeling that the only people benefiting from this deal is the food service provider for the school. Yep, Dirtbags.

Kenny, AKA Wirecutter has a blog that is a must read for any patriot. Knuckledraggin (my life away). Read it regularly. This is the kind of man we need more of in this country. Loads his own ammo, hunts, and understands completely that the space next to the mashed potatoes is reserved for any number of God's tasty creatures. Beer is not an option, it is a requirement for a good meal. On a side note, those who have watched 80's zombie movies will note that is is the Okies that survive and dominate in the Zombie Apocalypse. The coffee drinking hippies perished while the self-reliant among us kick ass. NOT a dirtbag. Repeat after me--PATRIOT.

Europe: now, this needs to be split up. In general, Europe is not filled with dirtbags. The EU is over flowing with them, lets also call them "unelected Statists". Britain-good. France-Dirtbags. Germany...I have a lot of respect for them, but they are getting cozy with Russia, and that can only end poorly for them. Eastern Europe is good, Western Europe is mixed. I'll just call Western Europe, "Cheese eating surrender monkeys". Yes, that fits them very well.

Multi-culturalism: Complete dirtbag concept. In fact, I have contempt for anyone who feels that this intellectually and morally bankrupt philosophy. MC is simply not compatible with the Constitution and the American way of life. Pretty self-evident.

There may be a part 3 to this, depending on whether my daughter feels that I have been sufficiently inclusive in my dirtbag list.

I have said before, though I feel it needs to be said again. The truth is self-evident. Ask me a question and you will get an answer. Anyone who needs help differentiating between the Dirtbag class and the non-dirtbag class needs more help then I am able to provide in a single posting. However, if you get stumped, feel free to ask and I will help you with the call.

Live well.


Calling a Spade a Spade

Atop the bright, yet frosty Stoa this morning I would like to extend the comments somewhat from my last posting. I like the phrase, "I calls it like I sees it."

My daughter has been watching all the 9/11 documentaries that have been replayed and re-updated since the demise of Osama (OBL). She watches the documentaries and grows morose and melancholy, however, like the true daughter of Zavost that she is, she then grows resolute and firm in her conviction that the people who did those acts deserve whatever comes their way. Not revenge, for sure, but a deep sense of commitment and a desire to see evil extirpated for the good of the next generation.

Why do the cable channels play these over and over? At first I thought that it was a call to celebrate, a reminder to everyone that the ten year odyssey is over and that an evil man has been removed. Then the cynical part of me begins to whisper into my ear. Obama claimed 99.99% if the credit for the killing of OBL. There were no intelligence assets in the field, no soldiers, until needed, and no indecision on his part. Only competent, lucid genius on his part. The documentaries had been replaying over and over and over again to remind everyone that Obama is great, after all, look what he was able to get done. President Bush simply knocked over entire countries and killed hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims and had over five-thousand American soldiers sacrificed for his ego (and his oil buddies).

So, here is where I call things. I'm sure my daughter will approve.

Osama bin Laden: Dirtbag
Muslim Brotherhood: Collective dirtbags
KSM: Will not assume room temperature soon enough
Palestinian Authority: Murderous dirtbags
United Nations: corrupt Kleptocrats that can't bend over fast enough for the Muslims
EU: similar to the UN only more Kleptocratic/Autocratic then Transnational Progressive
NYC Firemen: Heroes
NYC Police: Heroes
President Bush: he made the entitlement culture worse, but he knew how to get rid of dirtbags
SEC DEF Rumsfeld: Good at Searle, Blew the chance to tamp down Iraq after invasion, knew how to interrogate
Michael Moore: Hypocrite Communist
Obama: puff of evil air, Marxist, dangerous and creepy. Unworthy of the same office that Washington held
McCain: RINO
Scott Brown: RINO
Mitt Romney: Embarrassing RINO
Donald Trump: doing the work the GOP should be doing. Still DO NOT want him as President
The US soldier: collective heroes, worthy of our praise
Water Boarding: works
Rendition: it is a shame that we have to take our dirty laundry to the dry cleaners and not just do it ourselves
Eastern Europe: natural friends and allies of the US that Obama can not defecate on fast enough
Green Bullets: really?
Great Britain: moribund allies that are slipping from relevance
France: good riddance. Let's see how Russia panders to them in the future
Germany: natural allies of the US that we are pushing towards Russia for their energy needs
Islam: primitive religion that denigrates women, murders in the name of Allah, worshiping rocks and the moon.
Depleted Uranium rounds: love them
50 cal. Rifle: sending Muslims to Allah one round at a time
Biden: what a joke, really, he is a joke.

I'm sure I'll add to this list tonight. I'm not afraid to call things what they are. Words mean things. Strung together and you can express a concept. I have no spin and no desire to deceive. I believe in the purifying nature of sunlight and truth. I'm not afraid of the truth. The truth can be painful, often times unbearable, but in the end it truly does set you free.

Live well


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

To pull back the curtains

At the base of my Stoa, I teach my volunteer students and I take happiness from this. That they choose to take time from their day to listen to wisdom, hard-gained and yet freely given. Their questions display an intense curiosity and willingness to listen. To question with boldness, and to challenge the conventional wisdom. This is what makes my trips to the Stoa worthwhile.

On the Stoa tonight, I grow weary of politics, diplomacy, and the Main Stream Media. I am tired of agendas and personal axes.

I desire a world where one man can speak openly to another. Where one country can speak openly with another country. I understand that China does not want to speak openly of its plans with Saudi Arabia and Iran, yet I feel that there are just some nations, the US included, that should just pull back the curtain and speak reality as they see it. I know it is incredibly simple and naive of me to believe that it could be anything other than it is today.

I think of Israel, being picked apart by diplomacy. The non-peaceful, non-diplomatic way in which the world is sealing the doom of that nation. The US, under Barak Obama, aids and abets this horrid crime against humanity.

We tap dance around Pakistan. They do not love this nation, though they do love the foreign aid that we give them, or is it a payoff to stay loyal? We need to really think about the distinction. They should be told to tell us where they stand and risk being lumped in with our enemies.

Yes, my view is simplistic, but it will sharply define who our friends are. Great Britain, humiliated and treated like scum by our current president, does not deserve to be treated the way Obama has treated them. France and Germany seek a closer alliance with Russia. I believe this is because a), Russia is closer and b), Russia is predictable. The shark you can see while swimming is better than the shark that may bite you without warning (I'm looking at you Mr. Obama).

We have abandoned our traditional allies, since historically, according to the Progressives, we and our allies have been the root of all the evils in the world. However, unknown to Mr. Obama, there are nations in this world that hate our very existence and abandoning our traditional allies is not going to change their feelings. I don't believe that at the end of the day my views are the simplest.

Russia and China hope to forge a new axis with a new set of satellite nations. Many of the Western European nations are now too weak to be seen as a huge power bloc and appear to be capable of falling into that orbit, as the US seems so ambivalent right now. The Saudis plan to be a major supplier of energy to those nations, and will charge the US more for the same amount of oil since our status is diminishing in the world.

The world is rapidly changing and the wrong man is in the White House. The next President will have to stand against the hypocrisy that seems to rule the world today. We must play to our strengths, bring the production know-how for our technology back onto friendly soil. Break up the unions so that we can resist the entropy that is swallowing our nation. Americans need to be less reliant on the government and more reliant on our friends and family. We must maintain our boundless energy and ability to innovate. We must humbly accept our role as superpower and lead the world with an example of frugality and quiet power.

I must not listen to "Adagio for Strings" while I'm working on a Stoa article. It seems to make me melancholy.

Live well.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Its the Simple Things in Life

From the base of the Stoa, at the top of the stairs, it is hard to hear myself think over all the celebrating of Osama bin Laden's death. Yes, I am glad he is gone. No, this will not end the War on Terror, that hydra-like cause. No I am not glad that a human life has been snuffed, but do understand the necessity. I'm not conflicted as this makes sense to me. But this is not about him, this is about you.

To thine own self be true. An outstanding saying that states simply, don't lie to yourself. Understand your motivations and you will be less stressed in life.

While the vast majority of the Western world rejoices, large portions of the Muslim world breath a sigh of relief, the rest of the Muslim world burns with the desire for revenge. A revenge that will be so much easier to pursue with a radical Egypt lining up with Hamas, MBH, Iran and Syria. Thank you Obama, you kettle head.

From time to time you must step away from the big issues of the day and, literally, smell the roses. Sit or stroll in quiet contemplation of everything going on in your life. Review the threads and the currents of your life that have brought you to this spot, this place in time and space. I do not believe that much happens by accident, barring an asteroid dropping on your head. You just have to be open to reading the world around around you. The Asian concept of meditation is not over-rated.

Enjoy the little things in life, every day. Plan for the future, of course. Work hard, plan hard, and play hard, but never skimp on the time to re-root your thoughts. Goals and plans may change over time and if you pursue a goal that no longer makes sense only because it is a goal you have set for yourself then you may be pursuing the wrong goal. Re-evaluate your life from time to time. Enjoy the small beauties and soothing sensations that the world offers.

While pumping gas into my thirsty X-Terra, I enjoyed the first warm breeze of the year. It was wonderful. Even while my bill was rocketing towards $70.00, I took the time to enjoy the best breeze in the last 7 months. The sky was clear for a change and the sun was bright and warming to my face. That is what gives you the strength to keep going.

The big wins are fleeting. They can only be such. Individuals will train for 13-20 years for a gold medal in the Olympics. When you win one, you have won one. What now? A million smaller victories got you to that big win, but now what? One may be less crushed by the idea that their moment of glory is both fleeting, and past if they had made other plans for the future. Life must be built on many small decisions, many small plans. This thought is a convergence of the idea that it is not the attainment of excellence, but the journey that is worthwhile. Stop and smell the roses from time to time. You will not be disappointed.

At this moment, I'm admiring the emerald-like coloration on my Maroon Bellied Conure. The complex, fractal-geometry of his wings and how it all folds together. I think of the genius that went into the designing and fabrication of this iPad 2 that I am currently typing upon, though I am also aware of the slave labor that went into its construction. Do I have bigger plans in life other than staring at my bird or evaluating my belly lint? Yes. I have a business trip to Virginia this week in which I'm taking the wife. I'll be speaking with important people at a multi-billion dollar organization in the hopes that I will get more work to support my family. A week after that, I'm off to New Orleans for the same pitch. Heady stuff, but I don't lose sight of why I'm doing it. I do this for my family's needs first, my self-gratification second (for a difficult job well done), and for self-edification last. It is the journey, not the goal that fascinates me.

So go outside and enjoy the weather if you can. It gets cold and cloudy here in Michigan for much of the year, so this is a big deal for me. Stroke your cat between the eyes and see if they like it. Twist around in your recliner until you get comfortable and just ask the world for a few hours of privacy. Sit on the beach and watch the sun play on the waves and water. Lay down in the grass and stare into the cloudless night sky, marvel at the immensity of the Universe. Hold your wife's hand and feel her breath on your face. There are only so many days in our lives where we will be able to enjoy that sensation.

You will find that with a firmer personal foundation in who and what you are you will find it much easier to deal with the big issues of the day. Taxes, Obama's marxist agenda, kid's grades, paying the bills, getting the tires rotated, fixing the vacuum cleaner, cleaning the bird's cages, trying not to burn your fingers while tearing up the New York Times Sunday edition for your bird cage... Hold it, got to go to my happy place for 5 minutes. I'll return to the Stoa later.

Until then, live well.
