Thursday, November 3, 2011

The theater of the absurd

From atop the Stoa this night I sit upon a step, chin in hand. Europe, oh Europe, what have you done?

The EU draws up a new "bailout" that is actually a transnational power grab and then wonders why the Greeks don't meekly accept their fates. Their Socialist Premier decides to put the issue to the people to see if this was ok with them. How about that; the SOCIALIST was more democratic than the EU.

The Germans and the French throw an absolute conniption and make some threats behind the curtain and the Premier buckles. Authoritarian practices sweep the field.

The only country that has figured out the only way to survive this situation is denied a lifeboat...pulled back on deck to go under with the rest of them.

You can not undo a BASE jump once jumped. The markets are collapsing faster than any government can react, not that this could have been avoided even if they had reversed course in 2005.

I will continue to watch from my Stoa and take care of my friends and family.

Live well.


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