Friday, November 4, 2011

Ongoing Language Deterioration

From the Stoa this night I once again shake my head. I've said it before and I'll say it again. Words mean things.

It irritates me that one political party or the other feels the need to mould and shape a word and it's meaning to mould and shape an electorate. No, that is being generous. They demean our language to dupe a public who, for some silly reason, thinks that a word and its meaning does not change in one's lifetime.

Two items have my attention tonight. The word "black" in relation to race, and the word "starvation".

Centuries ago, the indigenous peoples of Africa, well, most of them, were called "Negros", a derivation of the Greek word for black. There was no seemingly negative connotation to that phrase, and I would assume that it is still appropriate to use today. People did create a negatively connotated word, but it was not Negro. Later, during the civil rights movement, they demanded to be known as "Afro-Americans" or "African-Americans". Funny, I never wanted to be known as a "Slovak-American" or a "German-American", though negative words do exist for each of those populations of people, despite their "Whiteness".

Bill Clinton in the 90's was given the title, "black" for his policies. That, somehow, despite is affluent white upbringing, he "understood" the black condition. Forget for a moment the powerful black leaders who needed him to keep the race enslaved to welfare and big government.

Then, along comes Barak Obama, a man who is the product of a white woman from Kansas and a Kenyan from Africa. Technically, half white and half "black". However, the media trumpets his blackness at the expense of his whiteness. No matter that he grew up in affluent Hawaii. We should all be so lucky. Somehow, he passes the litmus test for being "Black". Though the word "blackness" should be used, I believe.

Herman Cain appears on the stage and the media and the black leaders proclaim that he is not really "black". How about that? The word has completely morphed in a few short years from "black-race" to "black-beliefs". This is wrong on so many levels. How can someone who was born of a black man and a black woman not be considered "black"?

Black now has nothing to do with color or race, it is now a code word for someone who believes in a certain political mind-set. A belief in victimhood on a planetary scale.

I believe that this is reason enough for me to shake my head. White Red-Neck from Arkansas is black. A spoiled rich boy raised in Indonesia and Hawaii, half rich white and half rich African is an authentic American Black man. A self-made black man who does not prescribe to victimhood is NOT black.

On to the next word. Starvation. I saw a sickening commercial on Hulu yesterday that said that starvation is not about food, it was about power. Power that affects woman and children the most. "Woman and children hardest hit!", is all I can hear in my head.

This ad went on about how food is being used to control and demean women around the world. Hogwash. Bunk. Manure. Why are there more women on a diet then there are women in the world? Does hunger exist? You bet. Are men to blame? I can definitely agree to that. Though it is not done as tool directed AT women. It is a side effect of corruption, rebellion, and outright war. When men are fighting and killing for a cause they are not planting a field. When men come upon a village that is not their own, they WILL act up. Food is not a tool of oppression.

Starvation is the absence of food. Hunger. If you wish to be honest, just tell women that you want them to sign up for your organization so that you can get more of whatever you want at the expense of those weaker than you or your group? In the name of "social justice" for your "group" you will seize those same rights from others who have done nothing to wrong you, despite what you are told.

Ignorance, idiocy, lack of self-worth. These are all things that plague us in our modern day. If you are so worried about the oppression of women, then perhaps you need to address your Islamic compatriots. As a religion they are mandated to oppress woman. Allah ordered it through is pedophile prophet.

Why not look at that last sentence and take it for face value. Are more woman oppressed by men holding back a slice of pizza or are they being forced to wear a bag over their heads and obey the men of the household. Which is it?

I retire on this fine, wonderful night.

Live well.


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