Tuesday, November 22, 2011

The Foamy Awards

The Stoa is being hijacked, yet again my by children who feel that their beloved, nasty, foul-mouthed Internet squirrel, Foamy, is not getting enough recognition for pointing out idiocy in all its forms. By the way, the Foamy looks like a rabid squirrel, with huge, judging eyes and a middle finger, sometimes on both hands, raised to the world in contempt.

I will attempt to faithfully reproduce the arguments and discussions that my children have with their brainwashed and hopeless classmates and teachers.

I will list a variety of Foamies in this post and then a few here and there as they are awarded in the future.

The Foamy is awarded to a person, group, or organization that displays an inability to tell the truth, tell fantasy from reality, or knowingly manipulate reality to their own ends.

The first goes to the NEA and the Department of Education: Many of our Founding Fathers attended schools with dirt floors, had tutors, and lacked books of any kind, yet they understood classical literature and founded a Nation. 90% of the money today goes towards pensions, benefits, and pay for the teachers; maintenance on buildings, and political indoctrination. Here you go folks, the first Foamy goes to you.

The next goes to both George W. Bush and Barak Obama. After the 2008 meltdown, W. famously stated, "I had to abandon the free market in order to save the free market system." Brother, that is a steaming pile. In 2006, Obama and his lapdogs in the press railed on Bush and the GOP for running $300 billion deficits. They said that these deficits are ruining the country and running the economy in the ditch. So, the DNC takes over, runs $1.5 Trillion debts and states that everything is working out fine. Better than fine, actually. Riiiiight. You did not just plow it into the ditch, you rocket sledded this car into a solid metal block at 700 mph, Mythbuster style. This one is for you, Obama, two fingers, waaaay up.

RINOs, this next one is for you. How do you know if you are a RINO? If you think that you have a better chance of getting elected by running as a Democrat, you might be a RINO. If you think that nationalized healthcare can be made to work if it is run by the right people, you might be a RINO. If you fantasize about the Press writing a favorable article about you, then you might be a RINO. If the DNC and the Press say that you are the candidate to beat, then YOU ARE A RINO. The press and the DNC looovvve to say who their person to beat is. They play up acting AFRAID of the candidate who they can waltz all over, and save the vitriol for those that they truly dread. I give you Palin, Bachman, and Cain. The ones they act afraid of are the RINOs. I give you McCain, Romney, and Gingrich (the King of RINO). Well, stinking 4th establishment, this Foamy is for you!

The OWS movement, the 99%ers who are really the losers of life's lottery, protest against society while collecting some form of Federal or State aid. Remember, that aid does not come from nowhere. It comes from taxes TAKEN by those who earn it. Many of them protest while living in their parent's basement, or the dorm room that their parents, or taxpayers, are paying for. Ingrates. Don't bite the hand that feeds you, stupid.

So many idiots deserving of a Foamy. More will be handed out in the days to come. Stay tuned.

Live well.


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