Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Just Perhaps...

From the Stoa this night, I look out upon the Shipyards of the Republic with some guarded optimism.

This morning I came across a video showing an ex-Representative that connected the Communist dots from his college days to his time as a Representative. In college he went to a Communist rally simply to cover it as a minor undercover journalist. What he heard made him shake his head at the lunacy of what they were going to do to undermine the Republic and put it out of his thoughts.

Fast forward 25 years and he recalls the rally, looks about him and realizes just how much of that agenda they did accomplish. He writes an article while in office and then has to put up buckets to catch the hail storm of fury directed at him. Someone sends him a book from 1958 detailing how a similar Communist rally was going to undermine the Republic and then he truly sweats.

Only then, after reading that old book, did he realize just how deep the roots of Communism sank into our Republic. He saw, spread out before him their blue print that would carry them to 1992, the year of his rally. Then he sees how far that 1992 rally has gone.

Society had been so rotted from within that in 1992 he didn't think the Communists had done all that much in the intervening decades. He thought that Communism was something of his generation to fight. How wrong he realized he was.

The light turned on for him, and he has been trying to turn on the lights of all those around him, as I do every day. Arguing against Communism and Socialism is self-defeating. You CAN NOT reason a person out of a position that they did not reason themselves INTO. You must teach them how to think. Don't think for them, that is what has gotten them into this mess.

Help them think for themselves. They will come to their own conclusions, if they have a good heart and spirit. No one willing wants to take what is not theirs, not deep down. Guilt is at variance with our normal state of being. To deny that guilt is to lie to themselves, which to me is the only kind of lying that is truly inexcusable.

Just perhaps enough people are waking up. Just perhaps the Tea Party has solidified it roots. Just perhaps the common American citizen can comprehend what they have given up. Just perhaps they will take responsibility for the mess their collective ignorance has inflicted upon this great nation.

Yes, it is your fault, just as it is mine. However, we must not dwell overly much on how we got here, but on how to get "there". We must get back to our solid, common sense roots. We must rekindle our religious roots and our solid distrust of big government. We must re-value the family while we revalue our dollar. We must educate our children, on mud floors or at the base of a Stoa, it does not take a lot of money. Two people talking is all it takes to educate.

Just perhaps it is not too late. We will come from the crash that is coming, the massive crash that was only delayed by the 2008/9 financial bailouts. The time of reckoning approaches, for it has only been delayed at the cost of trillions. From the ruins we will have an opportunity to shed all the fat and sloth and be reborn as the America we once were. In other words, those willing to work hard to put everything back together again will be in the positions of power. Hopefully, those will be the right people.

Good night from the Stoa. It has been a pleasant night and I trust that you will ponder what has been discussed this night.

Live well.


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