Sunday, November 20, 2011

Known by their Deeds

From the Stoa this morning, I want to think about those parasites, the OWS "movement" and its proper placement within history.

Yesterday, former President Bill Clinton voiced his approval of the OWS movement as it drew much needed attention to the plight of the poor and the vast, growing gulf between the rich and poor in this nation. As if no one has ever, ever, talked about this about that.

Care to give up some of your book royalties? How about decreasing the cost of your speaking fees, Mr. Ex-President?

Current President Obama has also tipped his hat to the movement, encouraging Unions and other like minded groups to work together...

I have to ask, Mr. together against whom? The rich? The powerful? The "man"?

You do realize that you are all of those? Hmmmmm?

Sure you do. You and your ilk try to channel and direct this odd blob of malcontents to accomplish your ends. Your ends are the punishing and bullying of your political opponents. Occasionally, the movement causes liberal collateral damage, but all of that is acceptable to their kind. Then again, they have yet to visit Mr. Jeff Immelt, the CEO of GE...

Squishy GOP like Bloomberg fawn and pamper the mobs and wring their hands about the rights of the protesters. Bank managers, the gainfully employed, and the innocent are accosted by this mob; but only those they are directed agains (most of the time). The crime, disease, drugs, etc that go on in and about the camps can not be ignored. This not a political movement like the Tea Party, this is a person trying to jump start a full blown revolution. Showering sparks on tinder of their own making.

When Bill Clinton swore to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States, did it include fomenting rebellion against the same? When Barak Obama swore his oath, did it have anything to do with the FORCED redistribution of wealth?


You have Anarchists, Socialists, Communists, Fascists, and the useful tearing up the fabric of an already decaying society. The EPA and its "Green" Reds pulling down dams and hydroelectric power stations, causing the death of hundreds of towns and cities that rely on those dams and backed up water for their economic livelihood. They are ravaging the middle of this country. The conservative core of this nation is being picked apart with hundreds of thousands placed on unemployment or government welfare. Conservative dependents on the public dole, powerless because they don't tend to riot like their liberal slaves.

We know you by your deeds, not your name or your title. When one takes an oath to protect and defend the Constitution, you protect what the Constitution stands for. You are not sworn to protect the People. The Constitution protects the People.

Think on that last sentence very, very, carefully. The Constitution was designed to limit the power of government and its ability to strip the citizen of their rights. The role of government is not to protect the people directly. Their role is limited by the Constitution as developed by We the People.

The biggest barrier to full government seizure of citizens' rights is that pesky old document. Liberals feel that it has outlived its usefulness. Not at all. We need it now more than ever.

The forces of authoritarianism and anti-republic sentiment is in full swing. Not since FDR has the American people been so threatened.

I'm all for calling things as they are. We are less free then we were in 1965. Our currency has lost 99% of its value since 1911. We no longer have the ability to launch humans into orbit, instead we have to rely on a political adversary and 1960's Soviet era technology to get there. We are limiting access to health care already due to massive government intervention since 1965.

Only the rich can seem to get elected these days. Only those who scream the loudest are heard any longer. Those that speak of sanity are silenced. Fairness and legal rights are now purchased or granted.

I know people always say that the next election is the most important election, but this one really is. We skid towards anarchy and rebellion. The loudest 5%, yes I said it you Fleabag losers, is causing all of this. Do not be misled by that low number. The Soviet Union was raised up on the backs of less, enslaving the other 98%. It has happened and it can happen.

The question will be: are we the people we want to be or will we be the people we are told to be. Simple enough. Freedom or slavery to the new political Oligarchs.

Live well.


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