Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Not all change is good change...

From the Stoa this night I wish to muse aloud about all the change that has been going on lately.

The mis-named "Arab Spring" continues to grind along. Egypt's President is in prison. Tunisia'a President is cast out. Libya's strongman is dead at the hands of the rebels. Assad is clinging to power in Damascus. Saudi Arabia is angry at Iran. Iran wants to nuke everyone, despite being downwind from everyone.

Putin is the virtual Czar of Russia today, for good or ill. China flexes is muscle even as it falls apart from within. Vietnam seeks closer military ties to us to warn off the resurgent China. Change abounds.

Obama has the worst Presidential ratings since they were recorded at the 11th quarter of service point. This despite the fact that he has the MSM covering for him. Think about that. George W. Bush had a rating more than 10 points higher than Obama at the same point despite having 99% of the media feed on his every cough.

Change for change sake is not good. This is unplanned change at best, intentionally destructive or self-serving change at worst. You would hope that someone with the power of the Presidency would use this as a change agent for good. Instead we have a President who viscerally hates this country and everything it has ever done. Funny that, for if we had not "grown" as a nation, a half-white, half-Kenyan would NEVER have become mayor, let alone President. Funny if you really think about it.

His change is purposeful and personal. Regardless of our historical track record of success (our acts speak for themselves) he wishes to remake us into nothing more than another moribund Europe or a hapless third world nation. His "change" was never our "change". It really was his.

Is it a good change to see Ghadafi dead? Well, yes, he was a very bad man. However, the absolutes of philosophy fail us when discussing the real world. Ghadafi was indeed a very bad man. He ordered the deaths of thousands outside of Libya, and thousands more within. He sponsored terror and developed chemical weapons. He was also tamed over time. After Reagan bombed him the 80's, wounding him and killing one of his children he realized that he was in a game that was over his head. All the defenses he purchased from the Soviet Union were dissolved as if they were wet tissue. He was on the path towards normalization and acceptance into the society of nations. He even renounced his nuclear weapon project after seeing how quickly we disposed of Iraq and Afghanistan. American strength was once again to be feared.

Now, as part of the "Arab Spring" the time is ripe for a radical islamic to take power, as will happen in Egypt shortly. Just as Jimmy Carter created the weeping sore that is Iran, Obama will out-do him and turn the entire Middle East into one.

This "Occupy Wall Street" is neither new nor youth driven. It is just another Communist rally, no different than one you might have seen in St. Petersburg in 1918, Berlin in 1922 and 1933. You are seeing it in Greece today. They are the disaffected, the incompetent, and the lazy. Some are in it for the easy women and cheap drugs, but most are simply unwilling to risk personal failure in an attempt to be successful in life. They call themselves the 99%'ers, but they are unwitting pawns in a game that Lenin and Goebbels would have found comfortably familiar. No joke. These will be the mis-guided muscle that will focus the attention away from the real group of people attempting to seize power. The rabble can be dispensed with once they have the power, since they don't care about restraint in the way that most governments care.

Change needs to thought out. You must have a goal fixed in mind and direct the change to minimize the "un-intended consequences" of that change. Unfortunately, the folks sponsoring the OWS movement know exactly where they want this change to end up and they have plenty of unthinking, lazy, fools to help them get there.

It is time to retire for this day. There will always be a tomorrow, even if I am not around to enjoy it.

Live well,


Sent from my iPad

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