Saturday, April 16, 2011

Words, just words.

Atop the Stoa this day I again hear Obama talking to hear himself talk. He knows what he is supposed to say, then he steps off the podium and ignores himself. Words, Mr. President, just words.

Cutting a Trillion dollars from next years budget? How? Well, he is not going to pay for the surge in Iraq any longer, despite the fact that the surge ended BEFORE he became president. Thats one. Then he is going to reduce "wasteful" spending in the Defense budget. Thats two. Then he is going to tweak the tax code so that rich folks will stop taking advantage of us poor folk. Thats three. I'll just stop there even though the rest of his words ran along this similar thought process.

One rule in business is that simply NOT SPENDING money you had planned for in the budget is NOT a reduction in spending. You did not actually SAVE money, you simply did not spend any. There is a difference. There are also not enough rich people in the US to save a Trillion dollars. Actually, soaking the rich does not SAVE you money, it simply brings in more tax receipts, or "revenue" as you weenie tots keep calling it. That does not reduce spending at all, it simply drives off your taxpayers.

The budget battle recently ended up "SAVING" only 300 million dollars. That is it out of about 40 billion in "cuts". Not filling positions or purchasing equipment does not actually save money, as the CBO demonstrated. The 300 million in REAL cuts comes from money that had been handed out for spending and then pulled back into the general budget. In fact, during the time it took to debate these "cuts", the Treasure borrowed more money than the cuts! Hello, anyone older than 12 out there in government land?

Mr. Boehner, you will have to work harder at this whole spending thing.


One other phrase that I heard that irritates me, "The GOP will balance the budget on the backs of the elderly..." Their usual mantra. In reality, we are codling the elderly, in their golden years, at the expense of the entire taxpaying lives of their children and grand children. Do you think that is fair, Mr. Reid? Hmmmmmm. I'll bet if the elderly really understood what was at stake they may sacrifice a bit more for their grandchildren. Maybe I'm being simple with that last statement, but I can hope.

Live well.


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