Friday, April 29, 2011

Birth and Upbringing

Atop the Stoa tonight, I am again thinking that people may be missing the point about Obama's birth certificate. It is not so much was he born here as was he raised here.

The letter of the Constitution makes perfect sense. It only discusses in passing how many years they need to live here prior to running for President, however, I think there should be some consideration as to how many of their formative years were spent here adopting the culture of the United States, which I believe was the intent of the Framers.

I personally feel that he was born outside of the United States. There is simply too much evidence against him. The timelines of his mother's movements at the time of his birth, her enrollment in school, the eyewitness reports within his African family that claim they were present at his birth in Kenya, the incorrectly sequenced serial numbers in the official records, etc.

However, I'm speaking of the formative years that he spent overseas, being raised in a Muslim country by a Muslim step-father, in a Muslim school, with Muslim friends. He even stated that he was a citizen of Indonesia on a school document so that he could qualify as a foreign student to get better admission tuition. He even gave up the Obama name for many years.

When he finally came to Hawaii to live, after again being abandoned by his mother, he sought out family members who felt quite natural to him, despite their "radical" label by American cultural standards. He felt right at home with people who were Communists, anti-estabishement, black radicals. He was born into the Transnational Progressive movement. It is who he is. Pure and simple.

His grades in his Hawaii High School, we've heard, were awful since he was a slacker and pot head. Yet somehow he lands a spot in a mainland university, and Harvard? Friends, and photos, of the time show that he was still a slacking pothead who partied and drank more than he studied (if ever). What kind of grades did he get? We don't know, he will not unseal his records. Any papers as head of the Harvard Law Review? None that anyone can find.

He takes advantage of white guilt, affirmative action, and connections within the progressive movement in America to slide under all the barriers to advancement that most Americans have to get over, usually through Merit.

Most Americans I know, moralistic Americans, would never take advantage of the inherent weaknesses in our free society. Yet he did. Not one twinge of guilt. Open corruption is common overseas. It is the way of doing business, the way you live your life. Those who play that game the best, get ahead. The United States has a simplistic and unrealistic view of how the larger world operates. Obama grew up in that larger world. He is not subject to the moralities and guilts inherent within the American culture.

It makes sense to me that he would end up in Chicago. One of the few places that is so openly corrupt as the places Obama grew up in. It was an environment that he thrived in. Most residents of Chicago have to "learn the ropes" as they grow up in that system. Network connections and all that. Chicago was like breathing in the air of his homeland.

You can piece the rest of it together. I don't so much care where he was born, as where he was raised. The years where he grew up were his formative years. The future adult is formed and fixed before they are 12. Some say by the time you are 6 years old.

Please think about this and keep in mind as you watch the news.

There is a reason why so many Americans do not believe that he is a Christian. There is a reason why so many Americans do not think he was born here. The common people sense it in his actions and his demeanor. Those who have immigrated here, away from such scum, point in sick recognition at him has being part of the problem that they fled. Like a coyote in a herd of cows, we know he is not like us.

He uses the color of his skin to take advantage of white guilt and black anger. Does he care about the blacks in the U.S.? His actions would say loudly, "NO". Has he done anything to, "bring America together, heal this nation, and lower the ocean levels"? NO.

He has, however, brought the ills of Europe, Africa, and Asia straight into the nerve center of the United States, and we are rejecting him like the foreign contaminant that we perceive him to be.

Think on that as well. Don't pull the race card here, it simply does not apply and is a tired old vehicle for those who simply will not face the truth.

Live well, my friends.


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