Monday, April 18, 2011

Patriotic Millionaires

It is a good thing that I do not have a beard, lest I pull it out. Clean shaven presents its own problems, mostly around skin rash, as I scratch and rub my chin in amusement.

Atop the Stoa tonight, I wish to discuss personal income. I saw a video this morning of a man who called himself a "patriotic millionaire". He called himself this because he proudly wrote checks to the IRS to help pay down the deficit and to pay for programs that require borrowing to fund.

So, class, does this make him patriotic? Is he patriotic because he is free with his money? Is altruism patriotic?

Patriotism is not linked to income or personal wealth, I don't believe. The Founders were mostly rich and had much to lose from a war with England. Many lost everything, including their own lives and the lives of their families. If I give my money away to the poor am I patriotic? No, that is called charity. If I give my money to the guy across the street so that he can help the poor, is that patriotic? No, that is still called charity. If I give my money to the fellow who lives in a mansion while owning hundreds of others, owns hundreds of cars, spends money like a wastrel while making a fuss that he his always running out of money, does that make me patriotic? No, I think the word we are looking for here is, "idiot".

This man is free to do with his money as he sees fit. If he wants to give half of everything he owns to the government on an annual basis (taxes), and then give him half of the remainder (after taxes), then he is free to do so. I do not have the right to tell him otherwise.

I have to wonder, though, why there was an article written about his financial choices. I've heard Mr. Biden say that it is our patriotic duty as citizens to pay taxes. I happen to disagree with this on so many levels. So I have to ponder if this is not some attempt to soften up the public into paying the crushing taxes that are coming our way due to our crushing debt. If a millionaire is willing to part with his money then John Q. Public could not possibly get cross with the concept? Right?


My money is the result of my labor. It is the result of having a skill or talent that someone is willing to pay me to perform in their service. Patriotism is an emotion. Civic duty is my responsibility under a Republic. Taxes are an obligation. Taxes are a necessity in an advanced society. Income taxes were not instituted permanently until Mr. Wilson used WWI as an excuse, despite the fact that the Civil War was paid off without a permanent income tax. Taxes were simply collected differently and were sufficient for the duties of the Federal government as outlined in the Constitution.

Obviously, the government has intruded into everything and has taken on way more then the majority of our Founders ever hoped (or feared) that the Feds would get into.

Money fuels the big government beast and that money comes from taxes. Taxes of all sorts. There is no debate to the argument that the government mishandles our money. There is no question that it is less efficient for the government to be involved in anything "social" then for private entities to develop and provide those same services.

So, if millionaires and billionaires wish to sign over their wealth to enable the government to continue its reckless behavior then they are free to do so. However, you are NOT free to offer up my money in the bargain. It is not yours to offer and it is NOT the government's to take.

Let us think about scale, now. During the budget "brawl" that settled the FY11 budget (5 months before the end of the FY). The 40 billion dollar "cut" was over-shadowed by approximately 60 billion dollars of NEW debt!

How many "Patriotic Millionaires" are required to fund the debt that was accumulated during that single budget discussion? The math is starkly simple to work out. I seriously doubt that there are enough of them to even scratch the grime let alone pay off that debt. No, they will have to come to the middle class since that is where the majority of the money really resides within this country.

Perhaps they are trying to soften us up for the confiscatory taxes that are around the corner. Class warfare has been used to inflame the masses against the rich, now they are trying to have the rich show us the way towards "true patriotism". do not have the right or the power under the Constitution.

Be vigilant, citizen. The federals are coming for your money, overtly and covertly. Vigilance.

I depart the Stoa in preparation for traveling all day tomorrow. This is a wonderful country and I love to see it. The Stoa will be in Virginia tomorrow.

Live well, citizen.


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