Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave

Atop the Stoa, words have meanings. There is nothing ambiguous as long as you understand the context in which the word is being used. Sounds simple, so lets keep this in mind as I ramble on tonight.

I used the phrase from the National Anthem as I feel that it embodies the core spirit of our nation. Those Europeans that came to the shores of North America did not come seeking adventure. They came here seeking freedom from old establishments in Europe. The early colonists frequently experimented with new social theories and societal organizations. All of the experiments eventually failed, but the habit of expression and experimentation became solidly woven into the American character.

Eventually the major colonies broke away from England on the grounds that London was over-centralizing their freedoms. They did not feel that a king in London could understand the needs of a people clear across the Atlantic, let alone the interior of the continent. It was intrinsically understood that the best solutions come from proximities closest to the problem.

200 years later and the Federal government fallen into the ways of centralization, control, and power brokerage. It is no wonder that the Tea Party has only grown stronger. Freedom is deeply woven into our fabric. On a basic level, the overwhelming majority of the American people resent being told, by the Feds in Washington D.C., what they can eat, what they can drink, who they can talk to, what doctor they an see, what car they must drive, how much they must pay a dry waller, and on and on and on.

Americans must have the freedom to spend their money and their lives however which way they wish. This is what has made this nation the greatest and most prosperous nation that humanity has ever known. Free to experiment with new technologies, and free to risk their fortunes in an attempt get rich. Ultimately, they are free to fail, or to succeed. You must be brave to risk everything on a new business venture. You must be brave to take your family into a hostile interior, far from the US military or even US civilization.

The nanny state is anathema to the American spirit. We must be allowed to stand or fall based on our talent and our sweat equity. We resent the government taking half of what we earn AND then telling us what we can build on our land or drive on our roads.

We don't need to be "managed" by the brains in D.C., the czars who just want to "nudge" us to where they believe we need to be. I will eat what I want, when I want, where I want, while driving what I want and living where I want. I don't need the manipulators in government feeling the need to re-engineer my beliefs and economic appetites.

Leave us alone.

Ignore the Tea Party and the common American patriot at your own political risk.

I depart the Stoa this night.

Live well.


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