Sunday, April 24, 2011

Gay is not a choice

Atop the Stoa this Easter morning I wish to discuss to the class the "choices" of either being a Homosexual or a Heterosexual. It seems pretty cut and dry to me, however, lets put emotion aside and get behind the issues and think about them rationally.

For someone to be gay is no more a choice then I had to be straight. Sounds pretty simple. No matter how many perks the gay community gets from our society, if I wished to partake of those perks I would be living a lie. Society and religion force unfortunate individuals into agreeing that they are somehow aberrant. Being gay is no more aberrant then being straight. A world full of gays will not mean planetary extinction. I gay man can still father children and a gay woman can still bear them. So why the fuss?

The first people in line to have a conniption would be the religious folks. Somehow being gay is a sin in God's eyes. Guess what, we are a manifestation of His will. Parse that however which way you want it. Do you know better than Him what His intentions for an individual are to be? Arrogance. Do you imply that He somehow expressed Himself incorrectly? Blasphemy. Who are we to question the barriers and trials that God places before us to overcome and grow?

I don't much care for Aristotle but he did get logic down pretty tight. A = A. It can only be thus. Period. If you are a man that is more attracted to other men, then you are gay. You can not change this no matter how many church services you go to. Even if a Psychiatrist claims that they have "cured" you. Even if you have been brainwashed into believing that you are now straight, guess what? You are still gay, you just feel all warm and fuzzy about being accepted by what your culture demands is the "proper" way to live.

The second people in line will be your "activists" that somehow feel that it is morally acceptable to cure one evil by committing another. That would be Affirmative Action, perks, or special treatment of any kind with the intent of righting some wrong. You deny another their liberty and rights if you give it to someone else without merit, regardless of their sexual orientation.

It is our culture and religion that remain opposed to this lifestyle. If the Left is so inclusive, then why do they exclude and deny the rights of an individual because they are straight. A does not equal B. Christianity does a disservice if they exclude or otherwise denigrate an individual because they are gay. Jesus accepted everyone and to teach otherwise would be a sin of omission.

Can't we all just get along? Can't we just hit the "reset" button and get on with our lives? Are there not other things that demand our attention these days?

I return to my domicile to enjoy a wonderful Easter breakfast.

Live well,


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