Sunday, April 10, 2011

Where is our Churchill?

From the Stoa tonight I reminisce about the lucky turns of fate that the United States has been blessed with. It seems like no matter how bad things were getting or how bad things could get, we always seemed to produce the right person to see us through the darkness and back into the light.

Looking out from the Stoa I see a populace that has never, by and large, been forced to grow up. Too many feel that the Federal Government (FG) is our provider and savior for any ill that may befall us. Women in Detroit crowding lines for some money from "Obama's stash" while others are waiting for Obama to pay their mortgages and utilities... Life was harder 60 years ago, but you were allowed to grow into your potential. Today, children look for government vouchers to get into Chartered schools because the public schools are so awful. In the past, the rich would offer grants or scholarships (they are still around today, but twisted out of reason). When one graduates from college today they are practically demanding job placement services, guaranteed. Before, you had to beat the pavement in the hopes that an employer would find a use for your skills or talent, with the intention of producing a good or providing a service at a profit.

America has rotted from the inside out and have grown too used to the soft, provided-for life. It has now gone on long enough that our leaders have begun to emerge from this soft-soil. In the time of the American Revolution, the Founding Fathers emerged as the greatest group of Philosopher-Kings ever. During the War of 1812 we had Andrew Jackson and First Lady Monroe. In the Civil War we had Lincoln, Grant, and Sherman. On the Legal side, there were men of equal stature that protected the Constitution and ensured that neither the Legislature nor the Executive could trample the liberties of the American people.

Even as Progressivism began to freeze people in adolescence (I say this because one grows from one's mistakes, dealing with the consequences of your actions grows character and wisdom--Progressivism seeks to make life a painless slide into the grave) we had Presidents Harding and Coolidge to right the Ship of State. FDR was even blocked by the Judicial and some members of the Legislative branch when he tried to stack the Supreme Court. After the long dark procession of pseudo-Republicans (modern RINOs) that include Nixon and Ford, we had our Ronaldus Magnus to show us the way back to our core beliefs.

Since him, however, we have fallen back into the clutches of "taking the easy way out" of everything. George HW Bush was no Regan and Clinton accelerated the policies of Carter that lead to the mortgage meltdown. George W Bush added more to the debt than Clinton with his Prescription bribe to the elderly. Throwing money at problems is not always the answer.

Today we spin to the abyss as a major power. Our economy is ruined. Our military is fighting in wars in ways it was not designed to fight. Our people demand the fruits of a major economy without the work that goes into sustaining that economy.

Where is our Reagan today. Where is our Churchill. Where is our George Washington? The recent budget battle over a budget that should have been passed LAST YEAR indicates to me that Speaker Boehner is NOT the leader I had hoped him to be. Not as bad as Senator Brown in Massachusetts, but not the Tea Party darling the media made him out to be. He did get some promises from Senator Reid, but I put no substance to what Mr. Reid promises. Speaker Boehner said he would settle for nothing less than 100 billion in spending cuts (itself a joke since 100 billion out of a 1.5 TRILLION deficit a pin prick on the hide of a dragon), he ended up grateful for the 38 billion that Reid and the ever absent Obama allowed him to have. An opportunity wasted, Mr. Boehner. You had all the cards, the mandate of the voters, the energy of the Tea Party, and you threw it away. No sir, you are not Reagan or Churchill. As Patton would have said, "Your name is Willie". The history geeks will get the reference.

Where is the leader that step into the breach, a breach that is filled and flowing with the rats bearing the Progressive plague? Where are those leaders willing to fight back at the rude and childish Left? Donald Trump can never be President. I do not ever want him to be President. He is, however, showing the rest of the Republicans how you do it. When they challenge you, fight back. When they say you want to starve grandma and kill pregnant women, don't cave, challenge them to PROVE it. Where is the leader that does not care if they are liked or will get re-elected for another term? The truth must be allowed to seen and heard. Americans need to feel pride again in their hearts.

There are plenty of loud, obnoxious, libelers and charlatans on the Left that are aided by the MSM who do not know the meaning of the word "Truth". Can someone on the Right bring some common sense back to the people and spell it out to them that we will be no better than Mexico in 20 years if something is not done now.

It has been a long day on the Stoa and I must collect myself for a busy Monday. Time to hang up the stick and the robe for another night.

Live well.


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