Sunday, April 17, 2011

Forget it, Mitt

I chuckle from atop the Stoa this morning. Mitt Romney is forming a Presidential Exploration Committee to see if he can make a successful run at the White House. He is going to campaign on lower taxes, less spending, stronger foreign policy, and the demise of ObamaCare.

Care to evaluate your past record as Governor of Massachusetts? The run-away taxes, the increasing spending, and RomneyCare? You, sir, are damaged goods. Even if you had an epiphany and renounced your past RINO activities, you can not be trusted with the presidency. You would be a Bush III and that would be disastrous, i.e. a Stealth Socialist.

I'm looking at Bachman, Palin, Allen West (please, lose Mr. Trump, you are better than that), Mike Pence, and a few other lesser known individuals.

Mitt, the best you can do is advise and to help raise funds for those that better reflect the needs and hopes of our nation. Suborn your ambitions for the needs of the nation.

Live well.


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