Monday, November 9, 2009

Taxes, Taxes, and yet more Taxes

The Pelosi Health Care Bill creates over a hundred new organs of government and will cost over $2.5 Trillion. All that has to come from three places. Taxes (the Dems know all about those), borrowing, and printing. All of those methods are fraught with problems. Some short term and others devastatingly long-term.

I recently saw an article that showed something like 30 or 40% of the House of Representatives were millionaires. I suspect a much higher portion of the Senate to be millionairs. I've also read that their health care costs are $506 per year for unlimited service at the Capitol Clinic. Sweet gig.

I'm not envious of wealthy people. I suspect that they have problems of their own. Money brings complications all its own to those who have it. No, what I'm thinking about right now is all about taxes. There are so many types of taxes out there. Capital gains, income, deffered, VAT...the ever popular "Windfall" tax, the AIG tax, AMT, Progressive, Regressive, Stealth, incremental, get the idea. There is one type of tax that the collective Congress seems to not want to talk about, or if they do talk about it, they don't like to. That is the "Wealth Tax".

I've wondered why the people in Congress, who make less than the President, don't seem to care about all the "Income Taxes" that they have to pay out. Their "Income" is not relative to their "Wealth" is why. Many, like Pelosi (wine, tuna, and restaurants) and Reid (real estate deals...that's another blog) are worth many millions of dollars. What do they care if they have to give back 50% of their paycheck every month? Some are married into money (like Ms. Pelosi), others 'obtained' it (like Mr. Reid). The invested portions continue to generate revenue and are subject to the capital gains tax. However, if they invested wisely, the principal remains and grows. Their wealth has increased, regardless of the amount of income taxation.

If Congress is serious about "paying" for all this nanny-state garbage then lets start tapping into the real wealth of its citizens. Lets go after the Tom Cruises and the Tom Hanks. They have millions upon millions of dollars to give (is it loaning, investing, or giving--how about extorting?) to the State. How about Speilburg and Lucas? I know they have Billions. That will cover a clinic or two in downtown Bronx, won't it? Hey, how about Bill Gates, he's loaded!

Just because they 'earned' the money does not necessarily mean that they deserve it. Does Michael Moore deserve the money from his (and I say this loosely) documentaries? Capitalism = Evil, therefore, the money he earned needs to either be rejected or sent to Cuba to continue funding their spectacular advances in medicine.

So why don't we tax wealth in this country? How much does one need to live on in a year, or even subsist on in a year? I'm sure some Czar will be along to tell me any day now, though I doubt Reid or Pelosi will be in any great hurry to participate since they can not even participate in their own health care billls.

There, I feel better already.


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