Saturday, November 7, 2009

Health Care

It's a shame that my first post has to be about the ongoing health care debate. I'm not so much going to discuss the pros and cons of nationalized health care (for the love of god, leave my health care alone) as it is the laws that are being written about it.

It makes me want to get out the duct tape and wrap my head when I see Pelosi hoisting a crane in and dropping down her 2,000+ page monster of a bill on the table. 2,000 pages? Really? The Republican version is, give or take 280 pages. Mostly, their bill is one where it is getting the government less involved with the process. Anything that gets the government out of my way is a good thing.

We have to keep in mind that laws are just framework, guidelines for the bureaucracy to carry out the law. This means that there is a massive inflation of machinery and people to ensure that the law is being carried out. I've heard various numbers about how many new bureaucracies will be created in the Pelosi bill, but I figure if I have to quibble between 108 and 111, then my point has already been made. What a monster.

To keep this in perspective, the U.S. Government was created by the Constitution. That document has only 6 pages to it. The first four describe how the government is to be constituted, the fifth page is a transmittal page, and the entire sixth page is dedicated the first ten amendments. Those 6 pages created the ENTIRE modern US Government. What will Pelosi's bill give birth to?

Congress has already been giving away its powers (Czars, pay, spending, etc.) unconstitutionally. What will evolve from this Pelosi bill? Congresses come and go. Presidents come and go, but the bureaucracy always remains. When was one ever killed off?

The tea party is great, but no one in government is listening.

When will the parents come home and take the checkbook away from the Boomers who have taken over the steering wheel of my country.

Much more to come.


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