Saturday, November 28, 2009

Global Warming and Stuff

As I all sit here, recovering from the Thanksgiving Day hangover, and the insanity of Black Friday, I can't help but think about the newsworthy items of the last few days. In no particular order:
  • Main Stream Media (MSM), with the exception of Fox are generally ignoring the most important Global Warming story in DECADES. The hoax that has caused hundreds of billions of dollars and caused the deaths of untold millions...
  • The Palestinians are STILL not happy (yeah, like that is actually news)
  • AG Holder feels that it is perfectly fine for the taxpayer to support ACORN (riiiight, explain how my dollars have to fund that bunch of criminals)
  • 3 of our Navy SEALS are being Court Marshaled giving the terrorist who hung 4 Americans from a bridge, killed thousands in the coming battle for the city of Fallujah, a fat lip while capturing him alive. Should have put a bullet in him and raised a class of beer in celebration.

This is about the global warming scandal. The other items will bubble out of me, I'm sure, as the bile rises.

Never, ever, have I thought that humans have been causing global warming. The Earth has been far, far warmer in its past, long before we ever came along. Dinosaurs and Sabertooths roamed the countryside in SUV's? The world has, likewise, been far, far colder than it is today. Heck, mankind only rose to a technological society after the last ice age finally broke...hey, perhaps Mr. Gore needs to think on that. The last ice age broke as humanity rose into a sophisticated, technological state, which only really became technological in the last 200 years...perhaps the warming trend (there is hardly a real warming trend either) is still on an upswing, perhaps the process that started the retreat of the last ice age (and our rise) is still going on? Humans live on such short geological scales. We simply do not perceive the macro changes that occur to our planet. The temperature will rise and fall with our without our "help".

As a child I used to see documentaries about volcanoes and all the junk that got blasted high in the atmosphere. I saw pictures taken from orbit that showed those explosions. Almost always it talked about how the Earth was going to cool down because of all the dust and chemicals discharged. When Mt. St. Helen's blew in 1980, the news people talked about a world wide drop in temperatures of over 1 degree! It passed of course.

When I was growing up in the 70's and 80's, the big thing was Global Cooling. Where did that ever go? I know that some of the geniuses that brought us that have been working on the Global Warming scam as well.

I also remember watching a documentary about gold mines in South Africa. About how they are the deepest mines in the world and among the deepest places that man has dug. After working to impress the viewer with that accomplishment, a graphic began to pull back to place that achievement into perspective. The image pulled back to include just the crust of the Earth that was solid. You could no longer see the shaft that was mining the gold. It pulled back further to show the mantel and the core. The crust looked no thicker than a line of pencil lead on a piece of paper. Our big achievement was reduced to less than nothing. Looking at the Earth from orbit, one can see just how pretty it is, despite the rampaging Sapients gnawing at it ceaselessly. Yet it endures. Hurricanes and tsunamis continue to sweep us aside as if we are ants. We can not control the weather or the orbit of our world. Nor can be control the temperature of the seas or the sunspots on the Sun. We have less control over our destiny than the bug that pondered your windshield for the microsecond it took for it to splatter directly in your line of site.

The arrogance of some to think that we can either create or destroy the planet is staggering. Hubris. The Earth was here for 4.5 billion years before us and will be here for over 4 billion years after us. Unless we move off world and colonize the rest of the solar system, and other systems, the universe will neither note our existence nor care that we were ever here.

Al Gore, Ed, and all you other nuts, please put down the hemp and the protest signs and please get a real job. A productive job.


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