Saturday, November 7, 2009


I was introduced to blogs several years ago by my mother. I had to ask her several times just what the heck a 'blog' was. Over time I have read them and used them to gain perspective that is generally lacking in the MSM. Even more, I love the extremely wide variety of opinions and viewpoints, up until the name 'Hitler' is mentioned, then I just move on.

A bit about me and why I'm even doing this. I'm calling this the Zavost Stoa after the Greek columns that Zeno the Stoic conducted his classes in ancient Athens. This blog is going to be a place where I can post my thoughts and opinions on just about anything. I live away from the family that I grew up with, and my wife and children can only take my prattling for so long before they beg me to stow it. Politics (especially that), history (of just about any type), Science Fiction (I may post a few stories or provide links to read them if anyone is ever interested). I admire the ancients in many ways, especially the Stoics. I like to think that I can recognize the truth, when I see it; common sense when I hear it, and be mature enough to accept it in my world view, even if I don't like it.

As long as people remain grown up and don't fall back on childish name calling or unnecessary bad language then I'll have a discussion with just about anyone on just about anything.

Life is about growing, learning, and teaching. Every interaction we have with another leaves a little bit of ourselves with them. Likewise, you will always go away learning something from those you encounter on the journey.

I have no idea if anyone will ever read my posts or care a whit even if they do. This is just an outlet for me to be creative.

I will do my best not to talk about my job, since I hold the kind of job that precludes me from generally making my thoughts and feelings public. So many people can't just take things for what they are. I will never be offended by anything anyone ever says to me. No one has the power to offend me unless I allow it. I wish sometimes that others shared in that belief.

Now, on to blogging.


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