Friday, November 20, 2009

The New Founders

My wife has a rule about talking politics. Well, several rules, and those change and are enforced at her whim...and I'm good with that. Anyhow, one rule is that I don't talk politics with her unless she starts the conversation, and the conversation ends when she wants it to end. Again, I'm good with that. The other week she was questioning me about what exactly a Republic was. I'm sure she already knew, despite growing up in a Communist nation, but probably had a point to make, so I began the description to her with our two kids listening on.

One thing to keep in mind about her is that she will do her best to find the downside in everything, whether it be politics or inheriting a billion dollars. Viewing the conversation through that prism, she very astutely pointed out to me that the legislation coming out of Washington this year was being crammed down our throats against the will of many in the electorate. How, then, could these people possibly think they are going to get re-elected? I'll leave out the discussions about incumbency, the short attention span of voters, 9/12 Project, Tea Parties (all that is another blog) etc. and keep this simple.

She had me really stumped there for a while. The primary instinct of a politician is to remain in office. The acquisition of power is simply a tool to remain in office. First and foremost, they want to be elected, unless they can do away with those pesky and unnecessary elections. My wife made a valid point and it took the hind portion of my brain a few hours to chew on that. I could not escape the fact that these politicians were going to do this; will of the people be damned. Will of their own constituency be damned as well. I shrugged my shoulders and agreed with her assessment that the politicians in America have become the new ruling social class and unless we began learning to bribe, suck up, or otherwise embed ourselves in the coming fabric of power, then we were all screwed.

Only later that day did things seem to spring into focus for me. I'm a big believer in the theory of Occam's Razor. The simplest or most apparent solution is generally the best or actual solution. Of course I'm not some ninny that can be tricked by the obvious. Things must add up after all, logically. So I began walking myself through this.

It is obvious that there are a lot of Democrats in jeopardy of losing their next elections. The people are not going to forget this past year in the next year. Not this time. The Dems know that...yet they persist. Senator Reid is in serious trouble in Nevada. Why would he continue down this suicidal path to professional extinction? It violates the very first rule of power, which is STAY in power. I'm very certain that he is not altruistic enough to sacrifice his personal career for the greater good of the people of this nation. Nope, not that naive. The NY-23 race was a Sentinel Event in the eyes of political handlers and strategists across the country. The 3rd party guy just about won (and may actually have at the time of this writing, we'll just have to see how that turns out). He almost won on strong conservative principals. The RINO actually threw her support behind the DEM (figures). The RNC still does not seem to actually stand for anything. This will hurt them badly in the next election. The thinkers among us see the emptiness in today's RNC.

Anyhow, I digress. It finally came together for me. It does not matter to them if they risk losing the election since their power currently derives from the current structure of government (certainly, by the people, for the people no longer applies). Obama has said again and again that he is going to "fundamentally transform America". Now, the word 'fundamentally' means the essence of a thing, the very composition. If you are going to transform something that is essentially, even at this late hour:
  • A free market economy
  • A place of equal opportunity (NOT EQUAL OUTCOMES)
  • A land of laws that bind the highest and the lowest in our society
  • An engine of innovation in all areas of human culture
  • Capitalist
  • The freedom of the individual is more important than the collective
  • A place where all can worship and speak freely (unless you are a Christian, that is)
  • A land where those who are corrupt will eventually be found out and driven from power

What does that 'transform' into...and WHY would I WANT it transformed???

If something is not fundamentally identified as Conservative, it will, by definition, become Liberal. I'm talking Marxism. To transform a Representative Republic you have to do away will all that. The opposite of a Republic is a Dictatorship. Authoritarian.

Speaker Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Reid don't really care what happens to them in this system because they are creating a NEW one. Obama, Reid, Pelosi; members of the Mainstream Media, Gore, Kerry and the whole bunch will be seen in future history books much the same way a Caesar, Sulla, and the Gracchus brothers were referenced centuries after their time.

In as little as a few years (just think of how quickly the USSR was transformed from a Super Power and into a backward Federation) this country will be twisted and changed into something completely different. We may still be called the United States, but our name will be as hollow as the German Democratic Republic (the Old DDR, or East Germany for the school kids of today). It was neither Democratic nor a Republic.

If the change happens rapidly enough, these folks will not be out of work for long. There is always the hundreds of non-profits (Podesta comes to mind), Ambassadorships, Boards of Directors, Consultancies, etc. for the likes of Reid and Pelosi. They will not be hurting for funds and they will be forever thought of as the Founders of the New Republic.

Imagine the ego boost every night when they go to bed at night. All around them, the right wing pundits yell that they will be voted out of office, those on the left froth at the mouth, yelling at them to hold the line while all the while, they know that they will be the heroes of the new country. It will be THEIR faces on the new money, their faces on the new mountain monuments. They will be the ones remembered for centuries who had brought down the unfair and unjust American Republic that had been created by those white, slave holding wig-wearing old men. So what if they are voted out of office. They will have founded something new (that is the opener for a whole new blog topic to explore).

Caesar was the one who finally broke the back of the Roman Republic. His adopted son, Octavius (Augustus), completed the transformation to an Empire that lasted another 500 years (in the West). We still remember Caesar today; he is still famous. He was the Obama of our time. The director of the NEA even says so. Obama, Reid, and Pelosi may be remembered 2,000 years from now as the pivotal figures that "fundamentally transformed" a republic that had existed for 233 years. What will the Socialist Empire that takes its place look like?

So, ultimately, my wife was, as usual, was spot on correct. The voice of the people is being ignored, and it will continue to be ignored. It may be much too late now to pull the train back from the cliff, short of another bloody civil war far worse then the one we went through earlier (1861-1865).


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