Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Truth

From atop the base of the Stoa, I wish to discuss something that should be basic to us all. Truth. There are no "versions" of the truth, nor are there "gray" areas of the truth either.

The first editor for the Wall Street Journal once said, "There are not two sides to every story. There is only one side to the truth." Or something to that effect. Wise man.

The modern Liberal, as exemplified by Biden, Obama, Ayers, Pelosi, Reed, etc. treats the truth as a tool to fool the people who expect to hear the truth from those officials who have been elected into positions of authority. The truth is an amorphous concept that can be "true" depending on your personal point of view. Aristotle (of whom I am NO fan) famously stated as he laid down the concept of logic, "a=a". Truth can be expressed in much the same fashion. For example:
Did Hitler run extermination camps in Central and Eastern Europe during World War II? Yes or No. What do we have to support the claim? Millions of survivors and millions of unburied, burned, and buried corpses. We have thousands of US soldiers who witnessed the camps operating even as they liberated them. We have diplomatic cables during the war discussing the issue at the highest levels of the English and American governments. We have captured Nazi documents (boy, they sure were good at keeping records) that record the concept genesis all the way towards "Final Solution".

Sounds like it happened and we can safely place, "Truth" behind it. However, today you have liberal Jew-haters who simply make a statement about it not happening and now you have ideological followers believing the lie. A nut job in Iran makes the claim and people today would prefer to believe him rather than the millions who survived the genocide. The truth still exists, like pristine wood that has been painted over a dozen times. If you peel away the lies, the truth will still be there. An incredible inconvenience to the Liberal. Must be difficult knowing your entire way of life must be lied about for the majority of Americans to believe you. Then again, I doubt that many Liberals are very introspective.

Did the Japanese "rape Nanking"? Oh, yes, the documentation is there. Volumes of data is available. The Japanese say there were not that many civilian casualties, the Chinese inflate the number. The truth, in this case, is somewhere in the middle. It happened, that is truth. To what degree the Japanese Imperial Army slaughtered the civilians is in question. The Japanese people carry shame like no other culture on Earth. At the time, their culture saw non-Japanese as a lower level of life and their people did not necessarily feel guilt like a Westerner would. Only after WWII and their integration, truly, into the modern world, did they realize the depths of their evil. Americans, for the most part, do not feel guilty about slavery or the extermination of the Native Americans. We feel bad that it happened, but we do not feel personally responsible. To most of us, it is history. Life moves on. To the Japanese, they will carry this shame for many generations. It is understandable that they will wish to downplay the atrocity. It does not remove the guilt, but it allows them to live with the actions of their ancestors. The Chinese have political cards to play and use them to slap the Japanese at every turn. The truth just is. Others use it for good or evil.

Obama claims that we are only in an Intelligence and Support role in Libya. Then why have we launched over 200 bombing missions since that announcement? Did he lie? Well, we did not hear the truth, that is for sure. Does he think he is telling the truth? He may, if he drinks his own philosophical kool-aid. I believe that he is aware of the lie and uses it to fool those of us that ACTUALLY expect to hear the truth from the President of the United States.

Does Bill Ayers feel guilty about bombing and killing people during the 60's and 70's? No. He accepts the truth of his involvement and he accepts the truth that he is a bomb-throwing radical of which the left claims comes only from the Right. To him, the truth is subjective and can be manipulated to fit the template they wish to preach at the time.

Are Republicans trying to starve children and grandma? They voted down a bill that would have increased funding by 15%, therefore, yes, they voted to starve them. Is this truth? Most don't know but these programs have escalators built into them so that they will go up indexed to inflation every year even without a vote. Without the vote, funding was going to go up by 10% anyhow. The truth is 1. funding increased over demand, 2. the Right felt that 15% was excessive, 3. money is left over and wasted every year.

The truth there is that the Left was playing politics. It does not take much effort to uncover these games. You just have to make AN effort.

I can have sympathy for the truly stupid among us. Not the mentally deficient, but those whose light bulb will never be that bright. They try to learn and they are eager, but the concepts must be kept simple. These people are especially susceptible to the truth stretching of the Left. Those that I loath are the ignorant. They have the intelligence to figure things out for themselves, but instead rely on a compromised MSM to spoon-feed them pre-packaged drivel and flavored truth. I encounter them in my travels frequently. Some are innocently ignorant and are open to discussions with me that ultimately help them to learn and question for themselves. Most are blinkered, bubbled individuals that hope that if they hold to a certain world-view that they can make that world-view reality. They are the ones that believe that the Republicans gather to come up with new ways to pollute the planet and to kill off children (despite the Lefts love of abortion) each and every day.

I loath those people. They are the useful idiots that Lenin relied on. Since WWII, ignorance has been our greatest harvest. Forget corn or wheat.

The rain upon the steps means that I will have few students today. Time to get some cooked goat meat and some onions.

Live well.


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