Saturday, July 30, 2011

Boehner, the "Al Bundy" of Negotiators

Upon the Stoa this day, the frenetic lunacy about the debt ceiling raging around me, I sit in sad contemplation for the fate of my nation.

As a nation, we have been spending irresponsibly since at least the 1960's, though those seeds were sown in the 1930's. The financial situation has finally caught up with us and the fantasy of riches is no more. The people have been waking up since before Obama's ascension to power. It expressed itself in the Tea Party sweeps of 2010. Many of those newbies are scrambling to maintain their moral compass while the veterans of both parties sling lies and half-truths at each other simply to score points.

Boehner, who I knew was not up to the task, debates and negotiates like Al Bundy trying to get a deal on a Ford Mustang. The Tea Party, represented by Cantor and Bachman, attempt to rally this conservative minority within the current ocean of irresponsible elected officials.

Boehner stands up in the beginning and states we will get 4 Trillion in spending cuts over 10 years; this is only 400 billion per year, even while we are SPENDING 120 billion more EACH MONTH then we take in as tax receipts. That's your plan...Wile E. Coyote can come up with a better plan then this.

Reid smirks, the veteran dirty politician that he is, knowing how he will toast Boehner's bagel. Reid says that, pretty much anything that comes his way is going to die at the door.

Obama, chain smoking, scolds that he will veto anything that will interfere with his re-election campaign (yeah, thats grown up).

Boehner says, "Ok, how about 2.7 trillion?"
Reid, "No."
Boehner, "How about 1.7 trillion?"

And on and on and on we go. Boehner's plans have gotten weaker and less likely to actually mean anything (pushing cuts into the future). Reid puts out plans with imaginary "cuts" and huge tax increases and the only thing keeping that from getting Boehner's approval is Cantor and the Tea Party poking him in the ribs and shaking their heads.

Now Boehner gets a bill passed that Reid kills 120 minutes after is passage. Reid will now send Boehner a bill and point a finger at HIM about how HE is being an obstructionist. The MSM will give Reid all the assistance he requires. A babe in the woods, Mr. Boehner is.

I predict that Obama will get his debt ceiling, Reid will get his tax increases, and Boehner will tell Cantor and company that, "He tried".

I also predict that the economy will be worse in 2012 then right now. Boehner will go down to defeat as will many of the liberal, "get along" Republicans. Liberal Democrats will continue to go down as well until there is only the hard core socialists, communists, and progressives left. They will be counter-balanced by their opposites in the Tea Party, as all the other squishy Republicans have gone down. Very polarized.

We will be in bad shape and it will take a lot of austerity and growth to get us out of this mess. A mess entirely due to our lax oversight on our political leaders, and the self-inflicted cultural decay.

Live well, everyone.


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