Sunday, July 24, 2011

The Default that Wasn't

Upon the Stoa tonight I scratch my chin and marvel that the myth of default continues to echo, loudly, throughout the mainstream media when the issue before us is not default, but the permission to pile on more debt.

Words mean things. Choosing to ignore vital facts in a debate, ON BOTH SIDES, no less, means something else to me. It means that both parties in power are playing their own games. I have to wonder to what ends the GOP is working towards.

Now, what am I really talking about? I will not bore you with numbers and will just have to look those up for yourself. Seeing for yourself means more then just being told.

I'm talking about "default". The United State's current tax receipts easily cover the annual interest on the national debt. Therefore, the US government will only default if it CHOOSES to default. I hear, endlessly, about our "obligations". Those obligations are to programs that have grown out of control since their inception. Just as at home, if you can not meet your cash outlays, then you will have to cut your discretionary spending. If Obama and Geitner decide to play politics and skip a payment on the debt interest, then we will default through choice. Not sure what Obama hopes to get through this. The shocks will travel around the world and into our cities, since most of their debt is municipal bonds. He is playing a very dangerous game. Then again, if his goal has been to wreck and humiliate the evil United States of America, then he will certainly get what he wants.

Now, what does the GOP get by playing this "default" game? I have to admit, I don't really know. Either side could trumpet this little point and score some points. Then again, enough time has now passed that the hypocritical factor has risen.

This is something that I'll have to ponder further.

Live well.


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