Thursday, March 17, 2011

Obama votes PRESENT

I stand upon the Stoa tonight, wondering again why history and fate must swing around and around like carousel. I've had discussions with people who felt that fate, history, and individual choice must follow a straight line through time, but empirical observation simply does not bear this out.

Mankind pirouettes through space and time like a child's Spirograph. The exceptional individuals are those that break out of the cycle of circles and create something new. Just as with a hammer-throw, the hammer will always travel in a straight line once it breaks the circle. George Washington set aside the offers of dictatorship and nobility for the experiment that was America, as did Cincinnatus during Republican Rome. Napoleon took the crown of Emperor from the hands of the Pope and reinforced the cycle of rebellion and despotism in Europe, ensuring that things would not change in anyone's lifetime.

I see these dances playing out, all around my Stoa tonight. Despite the beauty inherent within nature and humanity, I can not help but see the dark blotches that stain our god-given divinity. It stands out like a cancer displayed upon an x-ray.

In Libya, the rebels who came so close to toppling al-Qaddafi are going to be butchered over the next few days. The UN and the rest of the world are only NOW actually prepared to do something about the air superiority of the Libyan air force. It will not come to anything. It is too late. It will require weeks of preparation for the US Navy to interdict Libyan airspace due to the size of the country and the Russian-built air defense network that will need to be taken out prior to any claim of superiority. The rebels corpses will be sinking into the sand by that time. This is just like Hungary in 1956, the Bay of Pigs in 1961, and the Czechoslovak Spring revolution in 1968. The more recent examples would include the failed coup of Saddam in 1991 under George 41. The United States tells the locals to rise up and we will be there to see them through to the other side only to then find something else to do, like wash our hair. Why do they still listen to us?

The Obama administration is taking a flamethrower to the Constitution and our Federal machinery, re-wiring the Cabinet postings with an army of Czars. A scaffolding has been forming around the old machinery and under people like Cass Sunstein, a new government will, and is in many areas, run independent of the old ways. Woodrow Wilson did this during his administration (1913-1921) with the Federal Reserve, the Tax Code, and many, many other little gems. FDR, the next major torch bearer for Progressivism (1933-1945) gave us the alphabet government (many of the agencies being declared unconstitutional in their functions), Social Security and Medicare; the two largest entitlements today that threaten to overwhelm our children's financial future. Cass Sunstein and the rest of the Obama administration are looking to "fundamentally transform" the United States. Round and round we go. How much damage we take this time, nobody knows.

Japan is leveled in a 9.0 earthquake, 33 ft+ tsunami, and nuclear reactors going critical, and the Obama administration pulls our soldiers OUT of harms way. The donations going to Japan are 1/5th of those that went to Haiti at this time after the initial disaster. What is going on with that? Has class warfare begun to affect our charity as well? Japan = Rich and Haiti = Poor? Obama casually mentions that there has been a disaster in Japan and then quickly moves on to more important matter, like his NCAA grid. Oh, yeah, Libya and the rest of the Middle East is burning...and a Jewish family is murdered in their sleep and the Gazans throw a party to celebrate the grisly murders. Never mind those, he is heading off to Brazil for a much needed vacation after his busy work schedule. When he was in the Illinois legislature, he voted "Present" more times then he actually voted "yea" or "nay" on bills. The exceptions were those that allowed children who had been born during an abortion to be subsequently killed post-birth and gun laws that allowed CITIZENS to be prosecuted for defending themselves against murder and rape with a fire arm of their own, even if they were legally allowed to carry it. How's that for a voting record.

The United States has willing stepped out of our role as Leader of the Free World. Without us at the helm things will fall into discord and war before Obama ever leaves office. Nature abhors a vacuum.

There are so many things I see eating away at the traditional fabric of my country. Schools are being told to monitor a students activities AFTER SCHOOL to ensure that there is nothing illegal going on, like bullying, huffing, or passing oregano spices to a friend. Only then, will the parent be informed, though that will take the form of "education" for the parents to recognize this Federally defined mis-behavior. Healthcare laws that will see my care rationed and my end of life choice taken away from me...on and on and on.

The Romans thought their power was eternal, though the depth of history denies this. Marxism and Communism have failed miserably in every century it has been tried in (Marx was never the first to think this way), yet American thinks they can get it right this time. All are insults to the dignity of man.

Rousseau said that, "man is born free and everywhere he is in chains" or words to that effect. We are born free in the eye of god and then promptly enslave our fellow man to do our bidding. Yet I still feel that Man is inherently good, noble and divine. I'm just glad that God did not think "Present" when it came time to think us up.

I bid you good night from the Stoa. I have warm soup waiting for me.

Live well.


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