Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Plans within Plans

Atop the Stoa tonight, I'll answer some questions that have been asked so that everyone in the group can hear the discussions. Perhaps nagging questions will be answered that some are not asking.

One question was, "Why did Obama think what Bush did in 2002 was "dumb", but what he is doing in Libya today is "smart"?

Another question was, "How stupid can Obama be, burning up the middle east while saying that we need to be less dependent on oil, WHILE he is forcing most of our domestic oil production to be idle"?

Most of the other questions were variations on that theme.

So, here is my best assessment of the current situation.

Candidate Obama drafted within the MSM's wake in portraying our involvement in Iraq negatively. He shored up his base and pulled undecideds into his camp. President Obama has his own agenda that I feel is rooted in his un-American upbringing. His father was anti-colonial and a Muslim. His mother was a Communist agitator/dumb-ass young lady out to piss off her parents. Sorry for the un-professional assessment, but I calls it as I sees it. His mother taught him that America was evil, his father taught him that America was Imperial. All of the world's issues and problems are directly or indirectly caused by America and its policies.

American power and dominance are the causes of the world's problems. Therefore, America must be diminished. I believe that his drive towards debt, not Stimulus, is a drive to destroy our long-term economic viability. At its essence this is a truth. Not politics or re-election.

His oil policies are all part of his goal of bringing down our economy. He will rather pay Brazil to explore their oil reserves then allow our own market to develop our reserves. Developing our reserves brings in revenue to the government. We will not only give money to Brazil to drill oil (via the American taxpayer) but then be forced to pay higher prices at the pump to buy gas distilled from Brazilian oil. Yet more drain on the American economy.

When Iran had a revolutionary movement last year, Obama yawned. For weeks he yawned. Egypt begins to smolder and he is all over it. Ditto Libya.

I believe that the reasons for that is that Iran is a Theocracy (Islamofascist) and more in line with his father's value system. Communists love Islam because Islam is culturally opposed to the West. No other reason. Obama loves Iran because it is leading the charge against American leadership of freedom. Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen are all countries that have an "understanding" with the West. I will not even get into the Administration's activities with Egypt, the Muslim Brotherhood, and many of the Soros' organizations prior the "spontaneous" uprisings in Egypt.

He wants Theocratic governments in the Middle East. He wants counter-weights to US power in the world. He wants a new Caliphate to balance the Old World Europe, the United States, China, and India. His upbringing is one of revolution and communism, but his heart lies with Black Liberation Theology. He sympathizes with Islam because they have been such victims, and they serve as useful idiots for his movements' ultimate plans.

Is Obama this smart? No, not by a long shot. I've always said that he is an empty screen, displaying whatever his masters wish to display. He has assembled a vast number of czars and advisors to bypass the constitutional processes. They are working with international sympathizers to make all of this happen. We are brining material and intelligence to the rebels in Libya. those rebels have formed the backbone of Jihadist movements around the world. We are literally giving aid and comfort to our enemies. In a few months, our soldiers in other parts of the world will be faced with changing tactics of our enemies since we are now teaching them our tricks. Wonderful.

It is time for the Stoa to shut down for the night. I hope I have offered some thoughtful discussion material. I await your thoughts and comments.

Live well.


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