Sunday, February 27, 2011


To live in interesting times -- as the saying goes. From the Stoa today I wish to talk about progress and improvement.

The Space Shuttle Discovery is docked to the ISS for the last time it its service life. Obama eliminated the shuttle program and reallocated its funds. He said it will be up to the private sector to waste its time with space. I do agree that the private sector would do it cheaper, safer, and more efficiently then the government, but you can not stop cold turkey like that. He has undone decades of work and research. The resources that were taken away from the shuttle program (and its replacement) will be spent on studying the climate and global warming. Not exactly the original mission for NASA now is it? Regression.

The United States is the only nation to land a man on the moon, and this was done 41 years ago! Once the shuttle program is wound down, then the United States will not have a launch vehicle of its own. We will be grounded, relying on the Russians to get us to orbit on vehicles that first flew in the early 1960's. Regression.

Makers of generic drugs are offering to pay a "user's fee" to the FDA if they would simply do their jobs and either approve or disprove their drugs for clinical use. A "user's fee" to me is simply extortion. However, this seems to be how the Obama administration works in general and the corporations can see this and know what they must do in order to get any business done. This hearkens back to a corrupt Europe and the mafia barons of the 1920's and 30's. Regression.

Dozens of hospitals have requested re-licensing of their anesthesia practices to permit the use of Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) in the delivery of babies. This was a practice that had all but died out over the last 40 years due to the advances in better forms of anesthesia. Only two hospitals in the nation were still using it. Now, as many as 1/10th will by using it by the end of this year and 1/2 by the end of the next year. Why? Expense and litigation. Reimbursement and red tape. Under ObamaCare, they will no longer pay for epidural or c-sections unless a Federal weenie-tot in Washington D.C. approves. Abortions are fully covered, however...Regression.

As a Gen-X'er in his early forties, I am earning less in unadjusted dollars then my father did when he was my age, despite my having a graduate degree. Factor in inflation and I make much less then he did. Inflation has robbed me of my purchasing power, even if I made more actual dollars then he. My son stands to earn even less since we are on the bubble of major inflationary movements. It should always be the dream of a father to see his son to better then they, however, this will not be the case for me or my son. Regression.

Society in America has improved steadily, with a few hiccups, since its founding. What is going on now is a systemic push to regress our nation. We are dis-incentivised to create wealth, technology, or new practices. New medicines will dry up when there is no longer a huge, bloated government willing to pay for them (insurance companies tend to follow the government suit to avoid lawyers). Technologies that are less invasive, safer, and result in better medical outcomes will not be invented because there will no profit in their creation.

We no longer desire to go to the moon or establish colonies in space. Our automobiles must run on electricity (that is not generated by coal). We must create products that are not made from wood or oil products or that harm the environment in their production, use, or disposal. What is a house and its furnishing going to be constructed of? What will we drive? Economic progress is evil, and all the wealth that has ever been created on the planet must be shared equally, or as equally as the "powers that be" declare it to be shared.

Why will my son not have the opportunies that I had? Why did I not have the same opportunities that my father had? Will I get the life-saving surgery when I'm 80, as my grandfather can now get at 89? Will the government evaluate my "usefulness to society" when I need that new joint replacement or will they say that I was too fat for too long and it is my fault, so, "NO". Will I be able to pay for it out of my own pocket? No, will be the answer. Can I today? I can buy anything I want today as long as I have the money, just as it should be.

Think about those questions and decide if you want to go back and live like the Amish, only we'll be forced to treat our animals better, as they will be our legal equals. Oh, and we will not be allowed to be religious like the Amish, you can not serve two masters, you know. Heck, it sounds like being Amish may be better at this point.

Ponder these thoughts and do your part in creating a free society. I depart the Stoa for the afternoon to contemplate our challenging future.

Live well.


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