Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two Class Society

From the Stoa this afternoon I see the usual press of the Progressives who mangle and mis-use the language to meet their needs. I'll sit on the snowy step today and get a few things off my walking stick.

A Democrat tried to explain that the health care mandated "Penalty" was actually an incentive and not a punishment and hoped that people could see her theoretical distinction between the two. Look lady, the Greeks, and many other languages have precise words for precise meanings. The difficult part, apparently for you is knowing which lines up with which. If your pals in the think tanks, you know, the ones that actually wrote the legislation (and not our legislators, you say?) meant to incentivise the population with a $750 charge for not carrying enough insurance, then perhaps they should have used the word "Incentivise" rather than "Penalty" or "Tax".

Classes. Everything is about class warfare with the Left. There will never be a classless society because there will ALWAYS be someone, somewhere, with more "stuff" and more "influence" then someone else. You know, the whole "have and have-not" crew. In a socialist utopia (full communism) there are two distinct classes in those societies. There are those that have the better stuff, and those that have the basic stuff. Just look at Zimbabwe, North Korea, and China.

What I see in Wisconsin this week, and by extension, all the unionized labor in this country (public or private) is a creation of the eventual Ruling Class. These will be the people with the better paying jobs (if you are in the, Union, I mean), upper tier health care, you know, the ones that the Unions and Teachers' Unions currently get with no co-pay or deductibles. It's ok, the peons will pay the difference.

When the States all go broke, and the US government goes broke (even with a printing press) the only people that will be solvent will be the Federal government (I know how it sounds, just think about it). It will, by default, be the only entity that can direct resources, both financial and personnel. The States will owe the Feds just as much as the Feds owe China. The States will be forced to do the bidding of the central government lest their funds get cut off. Control. It is always about control and the ability to force reality to bend to someone's will.

The point is that reality bends for no man or woman. The world will go broke and the only people that will have power and influence will be those that have locked up the resources, either through the courts or though military projection. The unions scream that they have contracts. The States must come up with the money. Reality be damned. If the States' governors bend and bow then they will have finished the long walk towards handing the last shred of state's power to the central government. Forget for the moment that collective bargaining against the taxpayer takes the power of taxation away from those that must pay those taxes. I do believe that if this is not unconstitutional it should at least be against the law.

I am always shaking my head at the Drive-by media and the fairy dust they blow into everyones eyes and ears every night. They expect to be part of the ruling class when everything caves in. Play the game or get crushed by the gears, is what is going through their minds right now. I prefer to live with my integrity intact, thank you very much.

I trust my students have been paying attention and realize that a government "For the People, by the People" means, "Hey, mister President, mister Speaker, and you, yes you spoiled school teacher...I AM YOUR BOSS!"

From the Stoa this afternoon, I bid you good day, until the next.


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