Sunday, December 19, 2010

The Tea Party Movement is here to stay

I was standing, unbelieving, atop the Stoa when I read all the earmarks that had been tagged onto the budget extension legislation. Billions in earmarks from GOP.

You think they would have a clue. What did they think propelled the massive DNC losses on November 2? I hear a variety of items but they are just froth on the waves. The energy was that of the Tea Party and those Nimrods in the GOP had better figure that out very quick.

The GOP leadership in the Senate flipped their support of the bill when they got an earful from their constituents. This activity should not thought of as action by the Tea Party, but that of the American people. This is how it should work. They are elected by a majority of the population within their district, they should, on a majority of the issues, vote as the voice of their constituents.

Where is their free will? I'm sure there is room for them to vote their own conscience, but not on these culture-shaking bills. Not these 2,000 page bills. Heck, Snow and Brown understand this concept, even if only in a vague sense of self-preservation. They come from very blue districts and vote very erratically from a GOP platform perspective. They understand that if they vote with the majority will of the GOP then they will not last. They like the chair and the perks and wish to keep them.

The GOP that kept their seats, and the GOP that won their seats had better understand that the American people are awake and angry. They defy the conservative middle-American majority at their peril.

I am troubled that they so casually cast off the election and returned to business as usual. Things are not the same as last year, nor will they return to that state any time soon. We are sick of Statists, Socialists, and Progressives and will not permit this activity any longer. They do not have the right to destroy the futures of our children with irresponsible spending and social engineering. Plain and simple.

They had best remember that they serve the will of the American people and if they are incapable of doing the job then we, their employers, will find someone else who will.

Live well.


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