Sunday, December 12, 2010

No where is safe

From the Stoa tonight I can see the ongoing collapse of the concept of multiculturalism. A sad shake of my head is all I can muster.

For years I have watched and read how entire cities have fallen to Sharia and Muslim control throughout Sweden. For years the Swedes thought things were great, even as their ambulances and police were chased from their own cities. Honor killings and madrases. New generations of Muslims who happened to live in Sweden; becoming elected within the legal government and mainstream, rotting and undermining the West from within. A disaffected and irritated Muslim is one that eyes monuments and crowds in a different way than the rest of us.

My point being is that there are no peaceful Muslims. Not if they are true to their religion. If you are not a true believer then you will submit to conversion, submit to taxation and slavery, or you will submit to death and destruction.

Try to tell me I'm wrong.

Germany, France, and the Netherlands have burned for years and folks still have not quite, just quite, figured it out yet.

Live well.


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